Starting Over (Draco)
I forgot to mention that this is 1 yrs after the war. Draco left his home and stayed at a muggle apartment until his trail was over.
He was going to start over, but how? How do you just start over?
Draco sat in a little muggle cafe in downtown London pondering on what his next step should be. He took a sip of his Earl Gray tea and his eyes wondered to a wall in the cafe that had a world map covering it.
He took his cup to keep his hands warm and slipped through the maze of tables to get to the wall. His eyes wondered over the map trying to figure out a place to go. Some place that nobody would think to look for him. He thought about America, and he still might. He just didn't know yet.
Draco didn't notice that someone had joined him at the map. Until they said "What cha doin?"
Draco turned to look where the voice was coming from, no one was there.
"Down here Mister!" said the voice again this time tugging at his jacket.
With that Draco looked down and saw a boy maybe 7 years old. The boy was looking right at him with striking green eyes. They held the beauty of a lush green field just after a warm spring rain.
"You ok mister?" the young boy said. Bringing Draco back to reality.
"Yes, yes I am fine." said Draco "Now what was your question?" as he turned back to the wall.
"I was wondering what you was doing?" said the boy. "You was just standin here looking at the map."
Draco turned to the boy and gave him a quick once over. This time taking in all his features. Dark brown hair with hints of strawberry coloring, round face, cute button nose, and those interesting eyes. Looking at this boy you just have to wonder what the hell did his parents look like? Another thing, there is something about the boy that totally reminds him of someone. Someone from his days at Hogwarts.
Coming back to reality Draco turned back to the map and said "I am trying to figure out where I am going."
Looking back at the boy he smerked. He was sanding there with his hand on his hip. With his other hand he was tapping his mouth. Seriously pondering on what Draco had said.
"Africa!" the boy stated matter of factly, "I would go to Africa."
"And why is that?" Draco questioned looking at the boy again.
"Never been", said the boy shugging his shoulders. "seems like a neat place."
"Africa", Draco grunted to himself. Seriously concidering the option.
"Africa it is." Draco finally said smilling at the boy. "Your right it does seem like a neat place."
"Thanks for the idea. By the way what's your name kid?" asked Draco.
"The name is Ryu." Replied the boy.
"Well Ryu, I am off for my new adventure." claimed Draco and he turned to go back to his table.
"Have fun Mister" piped up Ryu as he turned back to where he came from.
Draco grabbed his stuff at his table. Paid for his tea and headed towards the door. Turning once to look back in he saw Ryu at his table with someone who most definitely was his mom. They had the exact same hair dark brown with the strawberry coloring through out. Both so exotic looking.
Ryu looked up and caught Draco looking. He gave him a smile and a wave. With that, Draco gave him a wink and headed outside.
Draco was standing at the London apperation center trying to figure out his way to Africa. First he had to figure on where in Africa he was going. As he was pondering this question his eyes fell apon his favorite magazine Vouge, the magazine for the fashion forward witch and wizard.
Fashion. I could work in fashion. I mean you're not a true Malfoy if you don't have style.
"I wonder what I could do in the fashion world?" Mummbled Draco
"Next!" said the bored clerk at the window.
Draco's head snapped up realizing he was the person she was yelling at.
"Coming." said Draco quickly as he made his way to the window.
tap tap tap
"Where to?" said the lady not looking at Draco. Tapping her extremely long nail on the counter.
tap tap tap
"Africa, I would like to head to Africa." Draco told the lady starting to get annoyed by the constant tapping.
tap tap tap
"Where in Africa?" the lady said rolling her eyes. Her voice annoying Draco like nails against a chalkboard.
tap tap tap
"Ummmm...." Draco said annoyed at himself for not knowing the answer.
tap tap tap
Noticing the silence the lady finally turned to look at Draco.
tap tap tap
"Where too?" looking at Draco with a dull bored look in her eyes.
tap tap tap
"Ummmm..... Uhhhh... Well lets see." stumbled Draco "Johannesburg!" Draco yelled a bit loud. He turns and with his rose colored cheeks and apologizes to the people around him.
"Johannesburg it is." said the dull clerk.
tap tap tap
The annoying sound brought Draco's eyes back to her with a glare. He was seriously thinking of braking her nails if it would stop the noise.
tap tap tap
"Well your first stop will be.." she started to say
"For the love of Merlin! Will you please stop with the tapping. Your nails are driving me insane!" growled Draco. His eyes staring her down. His once steel gray eyes turned a fog gray full of annoyance.
The clerk looked Draco in the eyes and shrugged her shoulders in a whatever fashion.
She said "Sorry" in an irritated way and went back to what she was saying.
"You will make these stops in the givin order." said the clerk she waved her wand and a ticket appeared with four names on it.
Rome, Italy, Europe
Cairo, Egypt, Africa
Kampalla, Uganda, Africa
Johannesburg, Gauteng, Africa
Draco gave the clerk his best smerk and nodded a thanks as he sauntered off to the apperation deck.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have liked it so far. Please comment and vote!!
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