Receiving Master Snape
I appreciate all you lovely readers.
All written letters will be put in italics.
Ryu sent the owl to to his Godfather, the only man he knew who could help him figure out if anything was put into the water.
The letter stated.
Dear Godfather,
I am writing you to ask for your help. I feel that my personal bodyguard has been given some kind of love/compulsion potion. I have noticed that he does not drink the water my company supplys to the models and workers. He only drinks water given to him by a certain person.
Now I refuse to lie to you. The person I am asking for you to help is someone that I know you have learned to speak civil too because of how he helped you. I ask that you keep what he did in your mind when you find out who it is. Also remember that I am your favorite Godson.
Harry Potter is the one who needs help. Please I know I am good at potions only because you have taught me. I am no where near as good as you.
If you do say yes please know that Harry knows me as Ryu. He hasn't figured out who I am and I hope to keep it that way.
I wait for your reply.
Ryu Black
Ryu tied the letter to his quickest owl and went downstairs to try and hurry time along by working.
Time is but a bitch when you want it to move quickly. Nothing Ryu tried made the tick tock of the clock move faster.
He gave up and decided to walk in his gardens. Hoping not have a repeat of what he saw last time he was there.
As he walked through the gardens he saw the models wondering about. He saw them all except for Gambit and that made him think and realise that he hasn't seen Harry for some time.
'Why do I care so much?' Ryu wondered 'It is his life.'
'Yes it is his life, but if he is being forced then it is my job as his boss to take care of it.' Ryu told himself.
With that last thought he looked towards the sky hoping to see an owl coming towards him. No such luck.
Grumbling Ryu heading back towards his home to sit and wait. As he walked back he saw Harry walking towards him.
"Mr. Black." Harry shouted and waved.
Mr. Black waved back and headed towards Harry.
"What can I help you with Harry?" Mr. Black said with a softness that both Harry and himself was shocked to hear.
Harry looked at the man dumbfounded.
"Yes Harry. You needed something?" Mr. Black quickly said schooling his face back to his normal blank face.
"Yes, sorry sir." Harry quickly spit out. "I was going to let you know that there is an owl for you." Harry said as they started heading back to the manor.
"Oh fantastic." Mr. Black said with a quick smile.
Harry looked at his boss and a jolt went through his body. Even though it was there but for a brief moment that smile was beautiful. Harry had never seen a smile reach his bosses eyes before. It took his breath away.
'Am I jealous?' What a strange feeling Harry was going through. There was something at the back of his mind telling him to truly answer the question. Though each time he tried Gambit's face appeared.
"Harry are you coming?" Mr. Black asked worried. He could tell Harry was struggling with something.
"No sir. I think I need to lay down." He said quietly.
"Ok. Do you mind if I check up on you later?" Mr. Black asked. "See if you need anything?"
"That will be fine sir. Thank you." Harry replyed as he turned back to his home.
Ryu watched Harry walk away. Once he disappeared into his home he turned around and tried his hardest not to sprint back to where his owl was.
Ryu sat at the patio table and looked at the letter. Hoping his Godfather will come and help.
How much I dislike that name but for you I will use it.
As to answer your question, you have me interested. It takes someone with much skill to use a love or compulsion potion that won't change the flavor of plain water.
I will be there in two nights time. I would ask that you do not tell Harry I am coming I would like to observe him before he knows. I will come late at night and use a days worth of Polyjuice to watch him. You are the mastermind of random reason so I am sure you will figure out who I am before I get there.
After I am done observing I will then take a look at the bottle you have acquired. Once I figure out if there is something going on we will plan from there.
I will see you soon
Master Snape
Relief flooded Draco's mind and body. He will finally be able to know if anything is going on. Now he just needed to wait for Severus arrival.
-------2 nights later ---------
It was nearing midnight and Ryu was waiting for his Godfather to arrive, he was coming by portkey. Pacing Ryu was anxious and trying to calm his nerves.
"You will wear out your floor if you don't change your path." Came the dark melody of a voice.
"Godfather." Ryu said walking towards him with his hand out.
Severus shook it and looked his Godson over. Relief came through his face and eyes. He looked good. It had been years since he had seen him. Yes they corresponded through many letters but that was it. He will be happy to return to Narcissia to let her know that her son looked healthy and was taking care of himself. There was something else there, Severus would have to wait and see but a new glow was developing around his favorite Godson. It looked good on him and he can only guess who brought that on.
"I need some rest. I will wake early and take the polyjuice." Severus started "What will be my cover story?"
"You are hear to check over the grounds. To the muggles, you will be a writer who has heard about the gardens and wish to write about them. To Harry who knows you are a wizard, you are hear checking for any breaks in the wards and such." Ryu answered back.
"Perfect gives me free run of the grounds. Well done son, I knew you could think of something." Severus said with his well known smirk.
"Good night Frances." Ryu said with a chuckle.
"Frances? Really?" He said with a growl. "Fine. But you will call me Master Frances."
"Yes sir." Ryu said with a smile leading Severus to his room.
"Goodnight Mr. Black." Severus said as he closed his bedroom door.
Taking a look around, Severus was pleased with his room. Proud of how well his Godson was doing.
He was worried when Cissy said he was gone after the trials. Even with the letters he stilled worried about the boy. He was more of a nephew than anything else. Maybe after all this is done he can finally allow the boy to call him Uncle. Draco tried for so many years to do so but he always told him no. Severus did not want anyone to get close. He did not want that pain if they were lost in the war. Or for them to go through the pain if he was gone.
With the war over he needed to find those relationships he denied himself during the war. Now was the time.
As Ryu walked to his room he smiled. It was so good to see his Godfather who in his mind was more of an Uncle than anything. Maybe on day he will be able to call him that. He won't push, but more worm his way.
Severus looked good. Seeing him makes him wonder about his mother. With Lucius in Azkaban and givin the kiss 2 years ago his mom finally let him go. He was now the head of the Malfoy name. He worried that she was lonely, but he still needed time. She understood that and never made him feel guilty about it. He did that enough for himself.
Laying down he decided that after tomorrow and Severus was Severus and not Frances he would ask the man on how his mother was doing. Maybe even play an little bit of a match maker. They both deserved happiness.
Thank you for reading.
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