New York Fashion Week
I love fashion week and I have my favorite designers so I will be using my favorites in this chapter and other chapters that will be talking about fashion. My favorites are from the 1940s on. I am a huge Chanel (more 1940s than now) and McQueen fan in this story Alaxander McQueen will still be alive and well. It was a sad day when we lost such a brilliant talent to suicide. Please if you are feeling that low tell someone.
Thank you everyone who have been reading my story so far. I really appreciate the reads, the comments and the votes.
I would also like to dedicate this chapter to arty_writes. Thank you so much for your votes of confidence and helping me through my writings. If you have a chance please read her works.
Harry thought he knew how popular Mr. Black was. That changed when they landed in New York. His bosses popularity was directly shoved in to his face, by the way of flashes of light and people screaming for Mr. Blacks attention. This was the first time Harry had to use physical force to get them to the entourage of cars waiting for them.
------------4 days later----------
With dark glasses on Harry sat watching people come and go. Mindful of who was around him and Mr. Black. In these situations it was clear that Mr. Black wanted Harry to be next to him at all times. So even though Harry thought nothing of fashion he was sitting in the front watching not only the models but everybody around them.
That was until he saw him. They had just walked from the Chanel runway and now they were seated at a McQueen showing. The first model out had Harry slack jawed and drooling. He was beautiful. Harry's eyes followed the man down the runway, drinking in every detail he could. As the man turned to go back down the runway his head slightly turned towards Harry and gave him a wink, as he disappeared behind the runway wall.
Unknown to Harry, Ryu was watching everything that took place between the two men.
With a growl he elbows Harry and under his breath says "Quit drooling, your suppose to be working, now act like it."
"Yes Sir, sorry Sir." Was all Harry could mumble out as he sat up straighter in his chair. Once again scanning everything and everybody around him and Mr. Black.
The show ended and Mr. Black starts walking towards the backstage to find the designer. He wanted to talk to them about an upcoming spread Mr. Black was featuring in his magazine.
"Alaxander! It is so great to see you again. Such a beautiful collection for Spring. Your talent constently amazes me." Mr. Black states to the eccentric man.
With a huge smile the man excitedly says "Thank you Mr. Black, always a joy to see you at these shows."
Smiling Mr. Black takes the mans arm and they start walking and talking. Harry just a step or two behind them.
They start to slow down when they get to the changing area for the models that were just used for the runway show. Once in the middle of the area all three men stop. Alaxander McQueen steps away from Mr. Black and loudly clears his throat.
"Now that I have your attention I want to thank each and everyone of you for helping me and my team put on an amazing show." Started McQueen, "Now before you change into your street clothes can I please have you line up facing me."
The models step up and put themselves into a line facing all three men.
"Now I am sure you all recognize the gentleman who is here. If not well you really should find a new profession." With a sly smile McQueen continues. "Mr. Black here is putting a fashion spread in his magazine Vogue. He will now be choosing the models that will be in that shoot."
Taking that as his que to step forward, Mr. Black starts walking down the line stopping at each person, and having them turn around and taking notes in his pocket notebook.
Once done he walks over to McQueen and they quietly have a conversation. Every few seconds looking back at the line in silence and then whispering to each other some more.
After about 15 minutes of their private conversation McQueen steps forward and announces who will be in the magazine shoot.
"Again thank you for such a great show. Now if I call your name please stay where you are. They rest of you can get changed and go." He takes a breath and keeps going, "Steve, Alexandria, Shi, Chance, Aria, Grace, Oliver, and Gambit. If you can stay a minute so we can explain what will happen next."
With that the rest leave to change and the 8 who were called step closer together to learn the where, what and when about the upcoming job.
At this point Harry takes a better look at the smaller group and notices that Mr. Beautiful was standing with the group. Now more interested in what will happen next Harry steps closer to the group to actually pay attention to what is being said.
"Okay guys and gals here is the deal. Mr. Black here will be flying you to Johannesburg, South Africa in 2 weeks time. You will be staying there for 3 weeks for the shoot. After that Mr. Black will be sending you home. Now unlike other magazines this trip is completely on Mr. Black and his magazine. So with that being said, you mess up he will send you packing with nothing but a plane ticket home." McQueen said making sure to look each one in their eyes.
"Thank you Alaxander." Mr. Black said, "Now to tell you the rules. You will be staying in one of my homes. There will be no drinking, and no drugs. I will have security there to make sure rules are followed. Everything else will be provided, if you need something all you need to do is ask. I expect everyone at breakfast 9 am sharp. That is when we will be going over what will be going on that day. Most shoots will be done before 2 pm. After that you are free to roam the home and property. Any questions?" Mr. Black asked and waited for any response. After a few moments of silence Mr. Black smiled and said "Great. We will see you when you land."
Mr. Black turned to look at Harry and quickly started to walk away. Startled by the look in his bosses eyes, Harry stopped mid-step. What was that look? He couldn't tell if is was anger or something else. Shaking his head, and taking a quick look at Mr. Beautiful he continued to follow his boss to the next show.
-------6 days later--------
Harry fell into his hotel bed, feeling tired from the last few weeks, but also excited that tomorrow they will be heading home. Slowly closing his eyes Harry welcomes sleep as it takes over his body.
Knock Knock Knock
"What the hell?" Harry groaned.
Knock Knock Knock
"Hold on a minute." Harry yelled.
Reaching for the door and throwing it open, Harry screamed "What?"
What was on the other side of the door shocked him into silence. There he was, Mr. Beautiful, with a smile that made his heart flip.
"Hi, name is Gambit. Thought I would say hi and introduce myself." Gambit said shyly.
"Hel - Hello." Harry stuttered "Harry, name is Harry."
Both stood looking each other over. After a few seconds Harry stepped back and let the man in. Slowly closing his door Harry turned and smiled.
They sat and talked for a few hours before Gambit stood to leave. Harry walked him to the door.
Harry opened the door and turned to let the man out. Gambit took a step forward then turned. He grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled him forward.
Shocked Harry stood there while Gambit pressed his lips to his. Slowly Harry closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. He grabbed the mans hair and pulled him closer. Gambit released a moan and Harry took full advantage and slipped his tongue into his mouth. Harry took his time exploring and tasting Gambit. He tasted the coffee they were drinking, along with smooth rich taste of carmel.
Gambit snaked his arms around Harrys waist and melted into the kiss. Backing him into the open door and pushing him against it. Relishing the feel of Harry's tongue taking over the kiss. He felt the neediness and the hunger in the kiss and matched it to his own.
Harry and Gambit stood there taking in each others lust not caring about the time or who saw them.
Well that was until someone coughed.
"Am I interrupting?"
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