In. Out.
Hello. Sorry it has been so long. Been working on some other stuff and life has been busy. I want to thank arty_writes and Out0fMyHead for helping me through some writer issues. Both of you have been a blessing.
This little chapter is just that. Little, kinda a filler, but a bit of a change in one of our main characters. I hope you like it and thank you for the reads and love.
Hermione smiled when she saw Harry's owl on her window ledge. Happy to be getting a letter from her best friend. She quickly let the barn owl in and gave it a treat. Untying the letter from the owls leg, she sat down and began to read.
Dear Hermione,
I thought I would write a quick note to let you know how I am doing and such.
I must admit I am doing a lot better. I tried to walk into my place yesterday and it was so dank with Gambit's magic and presents I couldn't stay there. It just hurt to much.
Ryu was kind enough to let me stay in one of his guest rooms and I now know why Ron didn't want to leave the bed. It was amazing! I woke up the next day and Ryu was clearing the magic from my home. I was so suprised that he was willing to do that. It took him better part of the day to do it. I don't think I will be able to thank him enough for all that he did for me. Walking into my home just now was like a breath of fresh air.
Now with my personal question. How do I deal with my feelings for my gorgeous boss? Not only is he a dream to look at, but what he did for me today just pushed the the feeling to a whole new level.
I know what you told me. It has not left my head. I also don't want to make a fool of myself if you are wrong. Though we all know that it is highly doubtful you are. Ms. Brightest Witch of Her Age.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Your Best Friend
P.S. Tell Ron hi.
Hermione giggled at Harry's letter. She must admit he does have a gorgeous boss. Though she is not much into blonds, red hair is more her type.
Thinking to herself, 'this will be a short letter back.' Smiling as she again grabbed her writing supplys. With Ryu she needed to explain, with Harry the more blunt you are the better he understands.
I am glad you are well and I am so happy that your boss helped you out so much. He seems like an amazing guy.
Now for the personal.....get out of your head, stop thinking about it and let your emotions guide you. Like I said I see how you two look at each other. Just let it happen, if anything I think you have found yourself an amazing person to be around.
Love always,
P.S. Ron says hey
Tying her letter on to Harry's owl she let it out after one more treat.
Now to wait, and see. See if these two boys with their teenage girl problems will actually listen.
Smiling she headed to work.
Ryu was pacing.
Back. Forth. Back. Forth.
Was he going to do what Hermione said he should? Could he he take Harry out and tell him? Where would he take him? Would he say yes? What if he says no!
Groaning Ryu flops down gracefully into his green high back chair and rubs his hands on his face in frustration.
"I can do this." He say weakly.
"Right. Just ask him." He said to his hands. Standing up he walks over to the mirror hanging above the bar in his study.
Taking a good look at himself, he sees the young scared kid from Hogwarts. The blonde, aristocat, pure-blood that was scared. Scared of his father, scared of Voldemort, and scared of his feeling for Harry Potter.
"I can do this." He said with a bit more feeling then the last time.
Looking at himself this time, he saw the young man, the one who was on a mission. One he didn't want to do, but he would. He would for his mother. This time he wasn't scared. This time he was dead inside. The only thing running through his mind was, kill, then his mother would live. Kill, then he could save his mom, and maybe even himself.
"I can do this." This time he heard the truth with those words.
When he looked again, he saw today. His mother safe. His father gone. He could start again. Be who he should of been from the beginning. He saw Draco. No longer Ryu, but Draco.
"I can do this." He said smiling. "I can do this."
He knew it would be hard. It wont be hard asking Harry to hang-out, or to be friends. They were half way there as it was.
What was going to be hard was telling Harry who he was. He no longer would be Ryu. He needed to be Draco, and he needed to tell Harry.
He had been Ryu for so long. He had pushed Draco so far down, he had almost suffocated him. Pulling him up and letting him breath was painful. But it needed to happen, the sooner the better.
He was back to scared. Scared of losing a new friend. Scared of hurting Harry, but also himself. Scared that Draco may be shoved down again. Suffocating.
"I can do this." He said. "I have to do this."
Draco breathed.
In. Out. In. Out.
I hope you enjoyed. I know it was short, but it needed to happen.
Much love
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