90 days
Harry wakes up with nervous anticipation, today is his 90 day review with Mr. Black. He is fairly confident with his performance. Still doesn't make it any easier having to go and talk to him.
Looking at his watch he sees that he has 2 hours before he will be meeting with Mr. Black. This will be the first time that Harry will not be apparating with his boss to the office. He slowly walks to his bathroom and starts him morning routine.
As he is taking a shower he is going over what he will be saying and how he will be say it. He has never had a boss that commanded so much power. Mr. Black knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it. Even though he is a powerful man, he has never made his employees feel like they were below him. He always stated that if it was not for the people that work for him, he would be nothing.
Harry finished up and walked out of the wards that Mr. Black had around his property. The only way Harry could apparate within the wards is if he was with Mr. Black. So walking out of the wards Harry quickly apparated to the front steps of Vogue Incorporated. Once he righted himself Harry took a deep breath and walked inside.
Harry made it to the top floor and continued on to Mr. Blacks receptionist Ms. Payne. Now when first being introduced to Ms. Payne Harry couldn't help but think of Molly. Though once she opened her mouth she reminded him of Professor McGonagall. She had a no holds bard attitude, and she ran a tight ship Harry had a feeling that is why Mr. Black liked her. Glancing up from her desk she nodded towards Harry and sharply said that Mr. Black was inside waiting for him.
Harry took the 5 steps to the huge cherry wood doors that separated him from Mr. Black and his review.
"You will do fine Mr. Potter." said Ms. Payne who was still seated at her desk to his right. "He likes you, and that is saying something. This is the first time that a personal bodyguard has made it to their 90 day review."
Harry turned and looked at her and nodded a thanks. Once again taking a deep breath Harry opened the cherry wood doors and walked inside.
Mr. Black was standing behind his desk looking out over the city of Johannesburg. He heard his doors open and the steps of Harry Potter coming into his office.
"Have a seat Mr. Potter." said Mr. Black, his back still to Harry.
Mr. Black stood still for a few more minutes trying to get his thoughts into order. This is the first personal bodyguard that has made it to 90 days and he is very surprised that the Harry Potter was the one to make it this far. He is also surprised that Harry has not recognized him as Draco.
He knows that he has changed some but he didn't think he had changed that much. He had dyed his hair, he no longer has the platinum blonde hair, his skin is golden brown from being in the South African sun, also over the years he has gained muscle and filled out. He now looks healthier and not so sickly skinny. Though to him, the biggest change was on his left arm. The second he was let go from the wizarding courts, he found himself at a muggle tattoo shop desperately wanting to make the Dark Mark disappear. The muggle tattoo artist didn't understand why he wanted to get rid of such a "cool" tattoo. Draco had just given the guy one of his smirks, which stopped the questions cold turkey. They guys showed him a few pictures of what he could do to cover it up. Once Draco had seen the dragon he knew that was what he wanted. It hurt. It reminded him of the many times that Voldemort has used the crucio on him. He though getting the mark was painful when that day came it hurt both physically and emotionally. Covering it up killed. Especially when the ink was being driven into the dark mark itself. It was like it knew, he was desperately trying to cover up his past. Though emotionally it was the best day, he was finally rid of the mark and he was moving forward.
Back to the present time Draco now known as Ryu turned around and faced Harry Potter. Sitting down and grabbing some parchment and a quill he asked his first question, "Mr. Potter, how have you felt the last 90 days have gone?"
The review began.
Sitting trying to figure out how to answer, after a moment Harry starts speaking.
"I have really enjoyed myself these last few months." Harry stated, "The job by no means is easy, you are a hard man to keep up with. You are always so busy and it seems like you are always moving." Ryu chuckled at this.
"I have to say that amazingly enough that is my favorite part of the job. Not only am I always busy, I am seeing and learning so many things. I traveled being an Auror but I never got to see the good parts of where we visited. Working for you I have gotten to see so many beautiful places and people." Harry said with a wide smile.
"That is fantastic to hear." Ryu said with a slight smile. "So my next question is what has been the hardest thing for you in this job/"
"I would have to say not getting the chance to really get to know people. I mean I love the people you have in the office, and I really enjoy meeting people when I am with you. I just miss having friends outside of work. When I was working in London I had people that I could go home too. I could have relationships and friendships." Looking down while saying this Harry quickly said, "I am sure once I get the hang of things and get some days off I will be able to have those relationships I just need to figure out how to do that."
Ryu nodded at this and looked Harry in the eyes, "I get that and if you need sometime to go out and explore and make friends please let me know. I have learned that having friends outside of work really helps the work, versus life dynamic." Said Ryu, "It took me quite sometime for me to figure that out and I may not see them a lot but I am in constant contact with family and friends. I am always so happy to have a quick note from a friend. It really breaks up my days and reminds me that my life is not this magazine. My life's true worth is my friends and family, and how they keep me grounded."
Ryu's words hit Harry hard. It was true though, he has thrown himself into this job and forgot that there is a life out there for him. He really needs to write his friends and family back home. He can always send them notes with out them knowing where he is. It would be really nice to be able to see how they are doing and what is going on in their lives.
"Thanks for reminding me of that Mr. Black. Your right I need to start reminding myself that I have a life outside of work." Harry answered. "I am going to start tonight and write some letters to friends back home. It will be nice to reconnect with people."
"Good to hear. Oh and let me say this, being that you have made it through your 90 days, please call me Ryu when we are here or at home. I only expect you to call me Mr. Black when we are in a public areas." Ryu you said with a beautiful smile.
Harry couldn't help but notice how beautiful Ryu was when he smiled. He had seen him smile a few times but they were always forced. The way he was smiling now reached his stormy grey eyes, and you could see the bright blue flecks that were usually hidden away by how serious this man usually was. Harry was always catching himself staring at Ryu. Yes it was his job to watch his boss and to make sure he was ok and safe, but this was not that kind of staring. Shaking his head of his thoughts he looked back at Ryu.
Ryu noticed that Harry had a faraway look, giving Harry a chance to compose himself Ryu took a real good look at Harry. He hadn't changed much sense school. He still had that messy brown hair with streaks of strawberry coloring through out. The scar on the forehead was still there but not as noticeable. He still had the same green eyes, ones he could get lost in if he looked for to long. Harry had grown a few inches in height. Where Harry had grown the most is in his muscle mass. With all the things Harry had to go through at school he always looked so scrawny. When he had seen Harry after the war, usually in the courts he had noticed that he was no longer that kid from school, he had grown into a man. Ryu felt that the "man" look fitted Harry so much better. Seeing him now he noticed that the muscle mass looked good on Harry, and if he was a bit taller he would have had him model. Smiling to himself he looked to see if Harry had come back to reality. First thing he saw was bright green eyes.
A few minutes had passed and both men came back to the here and now. Ryu smiling at Harry he continued the review.
"Now it is my turn to let you know how I have seen the last 90 days." Ryu quickly stated.
"In all honesty I have never felt safer, when I have you around. Which does not surprise me, once I had hired you I did do my research on who you were." Said Ryu out loud, though in his head he was adding on that he really didn't have to do much research, being he was around when the war had started. He did inquire about the time Harry had spent being an Auror. Finding out that during his short time there Harry and his partner Ron Weasley had been credited in taking down the majority of Voldemort's inner circle. One of those being his father, who is now rotting away in Azkaban and if it was up to him he could stay there to die. Another thing he found out is that even when Harry had left unexpectedly he was still credited in finding Macnair in Italy. He was one of the last of the Death Eaters to be found.
"I found out that you are sometimes loyal to a fault, and that you put others before yourself. Which are great qualities to have being a bodyguard." he said smiling. "Though personally what I have found out in the last 90 days is that you are a hard worker, you do your job extremely well, and you are just pleasant to have around." Pleasant to the eye also, though Harry didn't need to know that.
"I am really glad that I hired you and I hope that you continue working for me as my bodyguard for a long time to come." Ryu stated.
"I would like that a lot." Harry responded happily.
"Good. Now that we have taken care of the review. Our next order of business is our trip to America. In two weeks one of the biggest weeks of fashion will be happening. Everyone that has anything to do with fashion will be there. So I need you packed and ready to go in three days time." said Ryu as he stood up.
Watching him Harry could see that this trip was important to Ryu. Though he had know idea what was going on.
"What is happening in two weeks?" Questioned Harry.
Turning abruptly to look at Harry, Ryu softly said, "New York Fashion Week."
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