one look
the moon is high, nayeon finds herself breathing in rather deeply.
it's the third time that week she decided upon jumping out her window again, making sure she caused no noise when she landed on their backyard's bushes. of course, the impact had caused the leaves to rustle, but not too much that it could actually wake her parents up.
she isn't really the type to sneak out at midnight just to be able to attend that music and dance week they held at school every end of the year, but what else can she do? her parents forbid her from going because, well: kids and drugs and alcohol and drugs.
and kids, mostly those of like hirai momo.
but yet again, what else exactly can nayeon do? the dancer was driving her insane!
the first time she met momo, it was under the worst circumstances, mostly on nayeon's part.
kim jisoo just dumped her (in public) after four months of dating.
she should've seen it coming, anyway. jisoo is that one kid. the type to woo you even without actually doing so. it was annoying, really. all she ever needed was that captivating shine when you stare into her chocolate brown eyes, and that stupid, awfully charming heart-shaped smile everyone was to die for. the word is that kim jisoo's heart shaped smile was danger girls needed to look out for. and nayeon thought it was absurd.
there's no way one smile could flip her heart over like pancakes and send cold shivers down her spine. her life isn't a romcom.
but maybe she thought wrong. because sophomore year happened and kim jisoo learns of nayeon's disinterest in her, and you know teenagers.
it's a thrill for them, proving someone wrong.
and it wasn't supposed to work on nayeon, no. she wasn't that girl— the type to get woo-ed ever so easily by the kim-jisoo-type. but she didn't know exactly how it happened, either.
maybe she was just young, and naïve enough to fall right on jisoo's trap.
of course after proving to the entire school that this im nayeon girl can and will fall in love with her, jisoo decided it's time to let her go—perhaps, rather harshly— (people were watching while jisoo pulled the "i just feel like we'd be better off as friends" line on nayeon.)
teenagers, you know how they are.
and it's not nayeon's fault she'd cried over it. nayeon was fourteen. nayeon didn't know shit. she didn't know anything besides the illusion that it did hurt being tricked by the most popular girl in school, whom she really did love at some point.
and yeah, i guess that's nayeon's first heart break.
(all the entire rest of nayeon's firsts, kim jisoo certainly didn't deserve.)
if only i could take back my first kiss from that conceited, self-absorbed assho—
suddenly there was a snort coming from behind her, where the tall sycamore tree of the school's garden stood. and then, a voice came through. a very unfamiliar one nayeon didn't think she'd heard before;
it's the main reason why she snapped her head rather abruptly towards the voice. and there she was, a girl.
a very unfamiliar one.
she was leaning against the trunk of the giant tree, hands shoved inside her pocket. she had this emo-ish vibe thingy going on, with the blue hair and the flannel and the leather and the excessive mascara.
she looked hot.
not cute. not charming. she's no kim jisoo, not even a bit.
but the fireworks in nayeon's stomach, oh they're the same ones that used to light up whenever kim jisoo kissed her senseless when they were still together.
stop thinking about kim jisoo!
"let me guess," the girl spoke again, making nayeon frown. her voice didn't suit the way she looked. her voice was almost sweet if it wasn't laced with this odd, sexy, evilish rasp. "your boyfriend broke up with you."
it wasn't a question, like she knew. and it pissed nayeon off.
"you don't know shit. mind your own business," she says, and it caused the girl to raise both of her eyebrows, amused.
"feisty. though i hate to break it to you, but, swearing doesn't suit you."
nayeon gritted her teeth, "the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
again, the girl lifts her eyebrows, mumbling, "that cute skirt and cross necklace choker just sells you out, darling. you're the perfect, innocent, christian daughter everyone loves. the little miss sunshine vibe reeks."
all blood rushed straight to nayeon's face, then to her head, growing insulted and properly pissed at the girl who's now starting to walk towards her.
when she neared her spot, nayeon stands up from the bench. "get away from me," she says in annoyance, and the girl furrows her eyebrows.
"i was just gonna tell you that you dropped your handkerchief."
this time, it's nayeon who furrows her eyebrows confusedly. "what?"
"here," the girl retorts without breaking eye contact, before she pulls her hand from behind her in order to hold a baby blue handkerchief out for nayeon's taking. "i picked it up for you."
it wasn't nayeon's. it was obviously hers. she took it out of her back pocket. nayeon isn't that dumb not to notice.
but she did appreciate the girl's thoughtfulness, and so she accepted it, sniffling once before holding it up to wipe her tear-stained cheeks with it.
the girl smiled, the first time she did.
the first time nayeon saw it.
and then, she held out her hand, "i'm momo."
nayeon took a few seconds before accepting it, her hands were soft, like cotton candy, in much contrast with the leather exterior she excellently pulls off.
"yeah? somehow, i think i know you."
momo's statement, of course, caused nayeon to freeze, only snapping out of her trance when momo finally pulls her hand back. "how?" she finds herself asking, to which momo only shrugged.
"i don't know. that's why i said somehow and i think. i just transferred here this semester, but i feel like i've already heard about you before." nayeon effectively frowned at this, seemingly causing momo's grin to turn wider. "well, like i said, the little miss sunshine vibe reeks. perhaps, you're pretty popular."
now the remark made nayeon chuckle.
"no, i don't think i am."
"who are you trying to fool? prom queen is etched right on your face, you see."
she scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest as she raised an eyebrow at a still smiling momo. "well, maybe i'm only 'popular' either because kim jisoo dated me— or kim jisoo dumped me."
she'd expected for momo to nod in agreement, maybe even laugh and say, "yeah, you're right," but she didn't.
instead, she narrows her eyes at the brunette, tilting her head rather adorably to the side, suggesting confusion. "who's kim jisoo?"
you'd think that after that interaction, there's no way momo would have forgotten nayeon's name.
well, apparently, she would.
did nayeon mention she kept that hankie? and baby blue was never her color. that says a lot, right?
jennie kim thinks so, too.
"come on, nayeon, just tell me who she is!"
nayeon rolls her eyes, she didn't really know for how many times, now. "it's not a big deal, jen."
"of course it's a big deal! this girl gave you her handkerchief when you were crying your misery out for that jerk, kim jisoo! i need to know who she is!"
nayeon flinched slightly at the mention of her ex, though she decided to just shrug it off.
"and i need you to pay it no mind, jennie. please," she dismissed jennie before sighing out. "it's not like she'd spoken to me again after that, anyway. just forget about it."
(and maybe nayeon is a little bummed that momo hadn't reached out to her again after their little chat.)
at this, jennie groans. "fine! but you don't ask me about my dating life ever, do you hear me?"
nayeon chuckles at the threat, or rather, the lack thereof.
"please, your dating life is basically an early morning broadcast." nayeon laughs. "and you and lisa were never really subtle with those stares, you know? or should i say eye-fucking?"
jennie scoffs at her, annoyed, but also a bit flushed.
it was the end of their conversation. at least, not for another week. because maybe, nayeon thinks, if she'd just told jennie about it — about who 'that handkerchief girl' is — she wouldn't be so surprised when one day;
the brunette groans, rolling her eyes while she lazily opened her bedroom door for jennie, who just stormed right in like she owns the place.
nayeon scoffs. "okay? so is my rent due or...?"
she only received another glare from her best friend.
"shut up, i need to think," jennie, then, starts going through her closet, pulling out a pink cocktail dress a second later and holding it up. "and i need your help. do you think this is my color?"
nayeon tilts her head to the side, mumbling as she sat on her bed, facing the cat-eyed girl.
"well, i'm not entirely sure about pink. i mean, i haven't seen you in one before. but then, again, everything is your color, anyway."
it's kind of amazing how it-girl jennie kim and fashion just work together so easily like that, (the main reason why they became best friends in the first place.)
"aw, thank you, babe. but really," jennie coos, before exhaling rather loudly. "i need to find the perfect outfit, nayeon! and i'm panicking so much because i need to find it now!"
"relax," nayeon laughs, standing up in order to dig up an outfit from her closet, herself. "you're never one to panic over something involving outfit picking, and yet, you're acting like a nervous wreck right now. what even is the occasion?"
from behind her, nayeon feels jennie sigh before walking away and plopping down the brunette's bed. "i have a date," she says, her voice somehow muffled by the way her face rested flat on nayeon's pillow.
the response, however, caused nayeon's ears to perk up. "what date? i thought you were with lisa?"
jennie whines at this before sitting back up.
"no, i'm not— and that's the point, nayeon! she just asked me out and it's our first official date and i need to be pretty so i could finally, finally, be with her like you always assume we are!"
"okay, calm down. jesus, jen. it's not the end of the world."
jennie glares. "it will be for me if i don't find the right outfit in thirty minut—"
however, she was cut off when nayeon throws a dress at her, silencing her effectively as she scanned the piece of fabric in her hands.
a few moments later, jennie sighs, "what would i do without you?" and nayeon's smile couldn't possibly grow wider.
"oh, you owe me."
three days later, jennie pays her debt.
jennie: i forgot to mention lisa suggested a second date last week and i said yes
nayeon: of course you did
jennie: also it's a double date ;))))
nayeon: gtg, ttyl
jennie: oh come on, nayeon, don't be such a party pooper!!!
jennie: plus i owe you remember?
jennie: i'm returning the favor by giving you a very hot, mysterious, attractive friday night date ;)
jennie: well actually, abt the looks, i'm not entirely sure. all i know is that she and lisa are a part of the same dance club whatsoever
nayeon: so you're returning the favor by setting me up w a stranger? oh, jennie, that's so sweet of you!
nayeon: the answer is NO
jennie: lisa will pick you up in an hour. i'll be driving up w her friend ;)
and what else could nayeon do about it? it's not like she could bear making the thai drive all the way up to her house for nothing.
she and lisa weren't really that close in any way. nayeon couldn't even remember a single time she'd spoken to her despite running into her in campus several times for four whole years now. if she and jennie hadn't gone out, she was certain things would simply be kept that way.
and so when lisa showed up at her front steps one hour later with a wide, friendly smile etched on her face and muttered, "hey, you ready?" with a rather awkward tone, nayeon just so badly wishes for the ground to swallow her alive.
she was so dreadful of the sudden surprise double date set up by her crazy best friend, that she'd barely even managed to keep the conversation with lisa going the entire drive to the restaurant.
nayeon thought nothing could've gone worse the moment lisa involuntarily let out a sigh of relief when she finally spotted jennie sitting on one of the velvet booths. lisa's friend — and nayeon's date — was sitting across from her, so nayeon only saw her face entirely when she curiously turned around towards where she noticed jennie was waving at.
and they met gazes.
it's her. nayeon freezes, wanting to say out loud, it's you! it's momo, sitting across from jennie right now. it's momo, lisa's friend from that dance club at school.
it's momo, nayeon's hot, mysterious, attractive friday night date.
suddenly, she couldn't find herself complaining at all.
"lisa, nayeon! over here!"
as they strolled towards them, lisa immediately kissed jennie's cheek before sitting next to momo, facing jennie. so then, the only seat left for nayeon was next to jennie, facing a widely grinning momo.
of course, she smiled at her back, biting her lip as she felt heat suddenly rush to her face, spreading to the back of her neck and behind her ears. she couldn't help but wonder what words she'd say to momo first. or what momo would say to her first, after not reaching out to her after their little encounter at the school garden.
but then as nayeon opened her mouth, attempting to speak, (she settled for the plain ol' what are the odds line she'd constructed inside her head,) momo reached her hand out, suddenly beating her to it.
"hey, it's nice to meet you. i'm momo."
how confusing is that?
and annoying as hell, because what the fuck?! did momo seriously forget her name? or that they've already met once, at the school garden under the giant sycamore tree?
suddenly, heat rushed to nayeon's entire system, but it was rather of annoyance.
you idiot! you gave me your stupid hankie, you insulted the way i dress, you called me a crybaby—
and then, right now, you 'hey, it's nice to meet you. i'm momo' me?!
oh, she wanted to snap, really. nayeon wanted to yell at her. the fucking audacity! when momo was the one who even told her, 'somehow, i think i know you' back when they first met each other.
what a shit load of crap!
nayeon thought she could combust right in her seat, but maybe her way of doing that is by accepting momo's soft, cotton candy hand and forcing a wider smile, topped-off with a rather painful, "hi. i'm nayeon," response and a series of whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck running her entire central nervous system like the fucking navy.
"hi nayeon, you're very pretty."
again, what a shit load of CRAP!
when she literally called me the 'perfect, innocent, christian daughter' back then?!
did she fucking hit her head or something?!
eventually, though, nayeon decided it would be no use getting angry now. besides, what exactly can she do about it, anyway? it's not like she can force momo to remember her.
what a pity. nayeon was already starting to get butterflies.
the third time she met momo, it wasn't really an actual encounter.
there wasn't even a conversation. just momo grinding on her ass.
(she was wasted. they were at an end of the semester house party hosted by kang seulgi— also lisa and momo's friend from the dance club.)
and god, how sexy is a sweaty, drunken hirai momo dancing her heart out to a sensual pop music under the dim lights of a broken disco ball for real?
of course nayeon remembers it clearly, how she accidentally bumped into momo right on the dance floor, causing both of them to turn around with a string of apologies rushing out of their mouths. it was no use, really. momo could barely even keep her eyes open.
(jennie, later on, tells her it's because lisa had purposely spiked every single one of her dance club member's drinks for fun.)
that, then, explains why momo just chuckled when she turned around, and her face was suddenly close to nayeon's. nayeon managed to apologize, expecting for perhaps a 'hey, i know you!' greeting from momo for once;
but instead of that, and actually moving her face away, momo just let one of her hands wrap at the small of nayeon's back, pressing their hips together firmly while she rocked both of their flushed bodies along the upbeat music blaring from the speakers, eyes shut and slightly parted lips carelessly mouthing the lyrics out.
nayeon was eternally grateful she hadn't entirely passed out when momo bit her lip at some point after lip-syncing along one of justin timberlake's get your sexy on's.
and yeah, fine. maybe nayeon wasn't complaining about it, because apparently grasping momo's unbelievably broad shoulders again while momo held her by the waist was now a part of nayeon's christmas wish list. so momo didn't remember her again, big deal. nayeon could certainly take another tipsy momo anytime.
it was all fun and games, until nayeon finally gathered courage the night after that drunken grinding session to ask lisa for momo's number and shoot her a text.
she couldn't believe momo had actually made her make the first move. she even had to block all of jennie's socials because the cat-eyed girl wouldn't lay off about it. so she's the handkerchief girl all this time?! nayeon, oh my god! call her right now!
and nayeon did, for sure. she swallowed her pride, internally saying fuck it again, and dialed momo's number.
sadly, though, momo just declined her call.
nayeon would've been pissed again, or worse hurt, at the gesture that single-handedly just crushed her pride and ego. however, right before she could, a text came in.
momo: sorry, i can't possibly talk at the moment. i'm in the middle of practice.
momo: who is this?
and yet, there's that familiar attempt of the stupid butterflies invading her stomach again when she hurriedly typed down—
nayeon: hey, momo. it's no problem. i just wanted to say hi.
nayeon: it's nayeon, btw.
—and sent it faster than the flash,
surprisingly enough, it didn't take momo another second to reply:
momo: oh, hey. i'm sorry, though. nayeon doesn't ring a bell.
that was strike one.
momo: have we possibly met before?
strike two;
and of course, she had to add.
momo: nayeon, can i call you back? instructor's breathing down my neck. it's nice to meet you through text, though :)
nayeon sometimes wonders if it was the emoji that pissed her off ten times as much as she already was.
and so, nayeon strolled towards their high school's football field, where the stage and bleachers for the music and dance week was set up. neon lights greeted her the moment she walked past the ticket check-in. she checked her phone once, just to make sure her mom hadn't coincidentally woken up and found out that her daughter sneaked off to their high school's end of the year concert in the middle of the night.
with the drugs and alcohol and hirai momo and all that.
nayeon, instead of finding a good spot by the now nearly full bleachers and actually waited to see momo's solo dance performance, knew way better than doing what was just mentioned like a sore loser.
instead, she went straight for the backstage, pulling a few connections, (but really, it was mostly the fact that she's popular for being kim jisoo's ex girlfriend) just to be able to reach the dancer's spot right behind the currently shut curtains of the high platform.
of course, momo hadn't expected for someone to yell her name exactly 1 minute before the stage curtains raise for her, let alone see a furious brunette marching up to her with angry, frustrated tears at the verge of falling from her eyes.
(nayeon was clearly going through it. for quite some time now, even, actually.)
she reached momo's spot and stopped right before her. and fuck, momo looks so stupidly hot and sexy and evil in that blood-red dance costume of hers, nayeon actually felt warm tears fall from her eyes at once.
"i don't care if you still don't remember me, or if you — for the love of god — have forgotten once again that we've already met three fucking times now," nayeon couldn't believe she's saying all this right now, either. "but i want you to know that you are a fucking jerk, hirai momo."
but, somehow, yeah, maybe nayeon did say that to momo's face 30 seconds before her solo performance.
and she was crying still, yes. but what can she do?
the stupid idiot standing there and being all damn sexy and attractive just makes this a thousand times worse, you know?
nayeon watched the way momo hesitated, not knowing exactly what to do with her hands when she unsurely retorts, "uhm, look. i'm sorry, i don't think—"
did nayeon mention she's done with hirai momo not remembering her name despite meeting her thrice now?
well, if not, then i guess nayeon, shamelessly grabbing momo's face and pulling her in for a kiss would be a good way to start off.
it's insane, how everything took place at once. nayeon's tears, rushing out of her eyes— damn, she was frustrated as hell; nayeon, pulling momo closer when momo didn't kiss her back right away; momo slowly resting her hands on nayeon's hips, gently kissing nayeon back; and the curtains, rising up, revealing the effectively startled crowd.
nayeon doesn't even remember the crowd going insane as momo deepened their kiss— maybe she was too dizzy, her limp hands just involuntarily fell on momo's shoulders in a futile attempt of maintaining her balance.
and when they pulled away, nayeon's face was completely tear-stained, momo couldn't help but chuckle.
"it's you," the words rolled off her tongue in that familiar, sweet, sexy, evilish manner of hers. "crybaby."
nayeon finds herself cracking a smile, too, and maybe a little chuckle as she hit momo's shoulder with all the might left in her right limp wrist. "you're a fucking ass. do you know that?"
she just watched as momo smiles, biting her lip amusedly before leaning forwards, whispering huskily in nayeon's left ear, "i'm sorry. but i don't think you dropped your handkerchief this time," and using her thumb to wipe nayeon's tears away from her cheek.
nayeon smiles as the butterflies finally came through.
and, it's okay, nayeon decides.
she kept the last one, anyway.
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