Chapter 5
Hannah's POV
It's been a week since the day Oli asked me out and it's been going good so far.
I walk into the lounge where Beth and Joe are suited and booted to go to Brighton to see Zoë and Alfie for the day and will be back later on tonight. They leave in the space of the next 5 minutes and before I know it, I'm alone once again. I pick up my phone from the side and type a message to Oli, asking him to come round to keep me company.
After turning the TV on I go to the kitchen and explore the fridge since it was always Beth or Joe who'd cook. I get strawberries and milk out of the fridge and ice out of the freezer and put some into Caspar's blender. I doubt it he'd mind though, he treats me like a sister as does Joe but that'd be practically illegal; I mean you can't really have your sister dating your brother. I pour the liquid into the mason jar style glass on the side and text Poppy while I'm waiting for Oli to arrive. Poppy's currently in Asia, she's travelling the world with Shaun for around 6 months which is what I'd always dreamed of when I was younger. I remember when me and Beth were around 13-15 ish we'd share ambitions. We both wanted to travel as did Poppy but she never really hung around with us that much, I was grateful for the relationship I had with Beth. Most of my friends would complain about their siblings and I have to say I did have one or two things to say but I'm happy with most of my life and relationships.
I find myself thing back to the darker times in my past but my trance is broken when the tone of my phone indicates I have a text. I open the text after entering my passcode and see that Oli has sent me a photo. I click onto the photo to have a proper look at the contents. I discover he's set up a YouTube channel for me called 'It'sHanni'. I sigh and read the message attached.
'Told you I'd do it. Thank me later Gorgeous, be round in 5'. I smile at the nickname he's given me and I sit back down on the white sofa to watch some Netflix.
Within the time limit of 2 minutes the doorbell sounds.
"You got here quick didn't y.." I open the door and see an unfamiliar man standing in front of me. "Sorry. You must've got the wrong address" I say stepping back "I was expecting my..." I ponder over the word for a while before continuing "friend". For all I know it could be a crazed fan trying to meet Joe or Beth.
"So, my big sister has got her own place. Impressive".
"Your big who?"
"Sister, you're my sister. We are twins"
"Hmmm... No- My twin...he... he died"
"I'm afraid you've got that wrong. I'm Tom. Thomas Blake Deyes. Mum and Dad set me up for adoption when I was two months old. They couldn't handle 5 kids and you were older. I never came back. I was convinced I wasn't adopted. That was until I was 20 or 'we' were 20".
I can't fathom all of this in my brain or as mum would call it nonsense. Or was it nonsense. I step further back, welcoming him into the flat. In my defence, I believed it. He looked the slightest bit like Alfie. He had Beth's eyes and Poppy's nose.
He scans the room as if he's looking for something as I close the door behind him. His eyes then land on a photo of Beth and Joe when they first started dating. In the picture they were kissing so it was fairly obvious they were together.
"Ah, so that liar we call a sister is happily in love"
"Liar?" I slide the cup of coffee to the other side of the counter for him.
"You don't think Beth or any of your other siblings didn't know about this?" I nod thinking it over once again. After all, Poppy was 5 and Alfie was 3, it was hardly all a blur for them. My train of thoughts is interrupted by something on the track a.k.a the thing I call my twin brother.
"I have a proposal, come to the park with me. Close to this place so if you get alarmed you can quickly get back. I need to know my twin sister better" I nod a slip a coat on off the coat rack which is once again Beth's since I've been living out of her wardrobe. I still can't believe she'd lie to me. However, I can't see my parents taking back seat in this situation, she was probably told she'd be punished if the secret slipped. I scribble on a piece of paper my number and pass it to Tom in case he needs to contact me at all. I pull my boots on and grab my keys and phone as I knew Oli would be coming any time soon. I motion for Tom to follow me as I lock up and he obeys me.
We go to the park just around the corner from the house and we sit on the closest park bench. My phone vibrates in my hands, signalling I have received a text. Presumably from Oli.
'Where are you? I can't find you anywhere xx'
'Don't worry babe I'll be back soon, long story short I have a long lost twin. It never died and it was put up for adoption. His name's Tom and we are in a local park just around the corner. Back in 20 xx'
'Ok Gorgeous. I'll be in the living room xx'
After 20 minutes of continuous talking we head back to the house where Oli will be waiting. Tom now knows about everyone's jobs and that's why I lied to him about Oli being my boyfriend. We get back and I run to Oli before introducing the two men.
After meeting each other, Tom heads off.
"Babe? Can I stay with you for a bit? I can't face my sister. She's lied to me for 20 years and I have every doubt in the world that Joe didn't know" I say, my face buried in his chest, resulting in my speech being muffled.
"Anything you need Gorgeous, I'll be here" I feel his chest vibrate under my cheek and after finishing the movie we were watching we make our way out for dinner. Avoiding hotspots, in order to get away from cameras. We establish Beth and Joe aren't coming back tonight so we stay the night in their room as the bed is bigger. I pack a few toiletries and essentials for the next morning as we will probably go to Oli's straight away in order to avoid Beth and Joe coming back.
So that was chapter 5. I hope you enjoyed it. There is no picture in the media since I have no access to media.
Till the next chapter...
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