Chapter 52: The Journey home
"I...I love you!"
Jasper now stands before Thomas. There is a silence between them. There is so much Jasper wants to say to him. To tell him, but is aware of the eyes watching.
Thomas finally holds out his hand for Jasper to shake. "It was nice to get to know you kid." Thomas smiles, not being able to resist that last dig. That last tease before he would see him again, whenever that would be.
Jasper looks briefly at the hand, then at Thomas, his smug expression and he just can't help himself. He needs to better him. Wipe that smug look from his face. Jasper knocks the outstretched hand to one side and pulls on Thomas' shirt, they are now literally nose to nose. There is a hold of breath from the onlookers as time seems to slow. Was he going to hit Tom?
Jasper looks into Thomas' shocked eyes before he does it. Jasper presses his lips against Thomas'. Thomas' hands hold up in surrender, before relaxing, fingers caressing Jasper's neck as their bodies press together.
Everything around the two seems to momentarily disappear as they enjoy eachother in this very public display. Jasper finally pulls away. "Thank you Tom for showing me who I am and teaching me how to..." he tails off before finishing with " you."
Thomas kisses Jasper again before responding. "Jasper I love you too....always will."
Jasper finally pulls away, now turning to see three speechless adults looking at them both.
Molly walks up to Thomas grabbing him by his left ear. "A word...inside!" She says firmly, pulling at the ear as Thomas protests.
"Aah Mol, Molly. Let go! aah!"
Jasper smirks as Thomas is dragged away by his sister. He then turns to see his uncle and mother, still looking a little speechless. Jasper walks over to his bag, picks it up and heads to the car. "So...are we ready?"
His mother jolts out of her shock. "Y...yes. yes. Thankyou again Jim". She hurriedly heads towards the driver's door and gets in, waiting for Jasper to put his bag in the back seat before heading into the front passenger seat beside her. Jim waves them off almost in an automatic response. Jasper finally managed to render the man speechless.
The car now bumps along the stoney track. Jasper sees the farmhouse disappear in the wing mirror, with it getting smaller and smaller. He then turns to face his mother, whose stare was fixed in front of her, her hands gripping the wheel tightly. "Mum?" Jasper asks warily. He hadn't planned on her finding out this way but things just seemed to happen. "Mum can you stop the car a minute?" Jasper asks. His voice calm, but sure.
His mother seems to ignore the request as if she never even heard him.
Jasper tries again. "Mum...please. just stop the car." She still ignores his plea, making Jasper feel more agitated. "STOP THE CAR!" He shouts, pulling slightly on the steering wheel, which forces his mother to slam on the brakes or else crash into a nearby tree.
"Jesus Jasper! Do you want to kill us both?" She screams, now out of breath, but still holding tight to the wheel, staring straight ahead.
"I'm sorry...just...mum look at me please?" Jasper pleads. He watches as her hands slowly slip from the steering wheel. She turns off the engine and slips the car into neutral, applying the handbrake. She now slowly faces her son.
Now Jasper has her full attention, his mind seems to go blank. He doesn't know where to start, but then thinks about the man who got him feeling this way. "Thomas, I have feelings for him. He...he taught me so much. A different way to be. I'll always be grateful to him for that."
Jasper looks at his mother who was looking at him intensely. She then suddenly bursts into tears, covering her face with her hands.
Jasper takes a heavy sigh, looking at his mother, not knowing what to do next. Why was she crying? Jasper was obviously not what she wanted for a son. He knew they had never been that close, but he wanted to change that. They only had eachother now. "You're ashamed." He blurted out. "You're ashamed and disgusted and..."
His mother pulls a tissue from the side pocket of the car door, wiping away the tears. She then takes Jasper's hand in hers. "My sweet boy. This is all I ever wanted." She now has a look of relief on her face, confusing Jasper.
"What, you want a gay son?" Jasper furrows his brow.
"No...I mean yes...I." His mother tries to take a breath, closing her eyes, trying to get her words in order. "All I've ever wanted Jasper is for you to talk to me. You are my only son, my only child and sometimes I feel like I don't know anything about you. You never let me in. You never tell me what you feel, and you are and I'm so happy."
Jasper lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He felt like months even years of pent up frustration being lifted. He felt at peace.
Jasper rests his hands on top of his mother's. "I will talk more I promise. I'm sorry. Sorry for everything." This just gives way to even more tears from his mother as she pulls Jasper close for a hug, with one stray tear falling down his cheek. He had been changed for the better. He had been saved.
The End
A/N: Hey, so thanks if you took the time to read this. I didn't mean for it to be so long, but there you go!
Want to know about the up and coming seaquel...scroll on to find out...
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