Chapter 50: Staying quiet
"I'm not some high school girl you can have your way with!"
Jasper isn't too far behind Thomas and just manages to reach the top of the stairs to see him disappear into his new room, opposite Jasper's soon to be vacant one.
He wastes no time in approaching the closed door, tapping on it lightly. "Tom... Tom. Please let me in." Jasper whisper shouts through the heavy wood of the door receiving no response.
He knocks again. "Tom...please." His voice a little louder this time.
''Go away Jasper!" The voice replies deep and clear, making Jasper sense a slight apprehension as to whether he should keep on trying. But he knew he must.
"Let me in Tom." Jasper tries to match the authoritative voice of the older man, which seems to work as footsteps pad across the floorboards to open the door.
"It doesn't have a fucking lock you idiot!" Thomas huffs as he opens the creaky door to reveal a confused Jasper. "So...what do you need to say which you couldn't say earlier?" Thomas folds his arms, waiting for a response.
Jasper pushes Thomas back into the room and closes the door behind him. He grabs at Thomas' shirt, trying to pull him closer into a kiss, just managing a brush of the lips before being pushed away.
"What the fuck Jasper!" Thomas is breathless as he runs a hand through his own hair. Jasper tries again, but this time doesn't get close as Thomas is ready for it. He pushes Jasper hard, with him landing on the floor on his bottom. "You can't just come in here and start to do that." Thomas moves further away from him, walking around to the other side of the bed.
"I'm trying to say sorry!" Jasper shouts angrily as he gets back onto his feet, equally breathless.
Thomas looks at Jasper stood the other side of the single bed. "Jasper you seriously need to use your words more. I'm not some high school girl you can have your way with...I..." Thomas trails off, looking down at the floor.
"You're what?" Jasper asks, the anger subsiding a little.
Thomas looks Jasper in the eyes. "I thought we loved eachother...but you just threw me under a bus Jasper...again!"
Jasper looks to the ceiling. His hands on his hips. He takes a heavy sigh and closes his eyes, thinking how he can best be honest. How he can articulate his thoughts and feelings into words. "How old were you when you realised?"
Thomas looks at Jasper, confusion on his face. "What do you mean, realised?"
"That you are gay. That you like boys, men, whatever?" Jasper now hands waving in the air, getting impatient with his words.
Thomas furrows his brow. "Um I don't know...11, 12 maybe?"
"So let's say...8 years." Jasper gestures. To which Thomas nods. "And did you openly share that to the world? As soon as you realised Mmm?"
Thomas huffs out a sigh. " I didn't."
"Six weeks Tom. Six week! I've realised that I'm not who I thought I was for only six fucking weeks! I've only just admitted it to myself, yet you want me to declare it to everyone!" Jasper feels breathless. Thomas doesn't know how to respond and just ends up sitting on the edge of the bed staring away from Jaaper. Jasper takes this moment to move around and sit on the bed next to him. He tries his best to catch Thomas' gaze but ends up having to make do with his profile. "Tom, me not saying anything downstairs has nothing to do with how I feel about you. It's how I feel about myself."
Jasper looks at Thomas' relaxed hand resting on his leg and takes it, causing Thomas to look at the fingers wrapping around his palm. He then looks at Jasper, whose face shows a truth. An honesty that he does mean this. He is not ashamed of him. "I'm sorry." Thomas mumbles under his breath.
"No...I'm sorry." Jasper is quick to reply, before chuckling to himself. "Did we just have an adult conversation and sort it out with words?"
"You know, I think we did." Thomas chuckles back. They lean in on eachother, foreheads pressed together.
"Tom I will tell them...I promise....I mean I know your grandpa..."
"Let him say what he wants Jasper. They probably would pay no mind to it." Thomas utters low under his breath. "Your last night."
"Mmhmm." Jasper hums back.
Thomas raises his hand to cup Jasper's cheek, feeling the soft shaven skin under his palm. His forehead still resting on Jasper's. "Stay with me tonight."
Jasper responds by catching Thomas' lips, the answer being evidently clear. He finds it hard not to get carried away and reluctantly pulls back to catch a breath. "L...let me brush my teeth and change...I'll be back in a moment." Jasper plants one more kiss on Tom's lips before sneaking out of Thomas' room to his own.
Thomas watches him leave, before deciding to also get himself ready for bed in his new room. It virtually mirrored Jasper's on the opposite side, but had no handy tree outside the window. He eventually is ready and climbs under the crisp white sheets and waits...eyes fixed on the door, until it eventually opens and Jasper creeps in, closing the door silently behind him.
Jasper then leans on the back of the door, dressed only in pyjama pants, his defined, muscular chest on show.
Thomas lays on his side, head resting on an upturned palm. He peels back the sheets, stroking the surface of the mattress, trying to make the invitation enticing.
Jasper walks towards the bed and lays on the vacant space beside Thomas, before Thomas covers him over with a blanket. They now scooch further into the sheets, facing eachother. Two heads on one pillow.
Thomas shuffles his head a little closer to Jasper and smiles, before his gaze looks upon Jasper's slightly parted lips. No words are spoken as he lifts his head slightly to catch the lips with his own, using his nose as if to nuzzle Jasper into a better position.
Jasper responds immediately, his hands gliding over Thomas skin, wrapping his arms around his lover's torso, as Thomas slowly lays on top of him. Jasper raises his knees, letting Thomas fall comfortably inbetween, noticing that the man is fully naked! He hitches in a breath of surprise, though Jasper didn't know why, as he already knew the older had an aversion to underwear.
Jasper feels Thomas' tongue wanting to enter and Jasper meets it with his own, causing him to gently rock his body under the weight of Thomas'.
Jasper and Thomas slowly get lost in eachother, the experience feeling so intimate, love and passion combined. Jasper could feel his arousal building and it was difficult to avoid the firming pole being pressed against his thigh.
Jasper pulls away, his eyes conveying panic. In a whispered voice, he speaks. "Tom...we should stop.."
Thomas quickly puts a finger to Jasper's lips, he shakes his head in disagreement before slowly disappearing below the sheets, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake.
Jasper's skin feels tingly at the sensation of each touch caressing his skin, as Thomas works his way over Jasper's chest, across his stomach. Lips and fingers brushing gently, making the experience intense.
Fingers are now beginning to hook themselves into Jasper's waistband as the garment is slowly lowered all the way down, then off. Jasper purses his lips in anticipation, also trying to quash a single sound from leaving them, but when a tongue is felt circling around his tip, a light humming escapes.
Jasper instantly puts a hand to his mouth. The need to stay quiet, a challenge as a warm wet heat is felt around his length. Thomas wraps both his hands around Jasper's raised thighs as he bobs slowly up and down. Jasper looks up to see the sheets above raising and lowering, hand still clamped over his mouth, his toes curling beneath him, his other hand gripping the sheet he was laying on.
Jasper could tell Thomas was skilled, Thomas knew what felt good, he was most definitely making Jasper feel something. The need to stay quiet as his orgasm nears getting more difficult. He takes the side of the pillow to his face, letting out the tiniest whimper as he shoots his load into Thomas' mouth, with Thomas not relenting. Taking everything until Jasper was spent, his quivering legs finally lowering and relaxing.
Thomas' mouth leaves the stimulated organ and Jasper lifts his head to see Thomas slowly emerging from the sheets. He looks hot, sweaty, a small drop of stray white fluid sitting in the corner of his mouth. Jasper is about to raise a finger to wipe it away, when Thomas leans forward and kisses him, with Jasper getting a taste of his own medicine.
Thomas now goes to lay behind Jasper, pushing at Jasper's shoulder, so he is laying on his side and Thomas is able to spoon him. He grabs onto Jasper's left thigh, opening his legs slightly only to slide his hard cock inbetween the two thick muscles. Jasper clamps his thighs around Thomas as Thomas begins to thrust into Jasper's hot, sweaty thighs, wrapping his arm around Jasper's chest, Jasper's hand finds Thomas' and laces his fingers over the top.
Jasper soon meets Thomas halfway, thrusting back to the other's forward pushes, the sheets making a 'swishing' noise as a response to the action happening underneath.
In his ear, Jasper can hear the heavy breaths of Thomas, not a vocal sound, but still just as appealing to his senses. Thomas takes Jasper's earlobe between his teeth, biting gently, causing Jasper to bite on his own lip and push harder back on the older.
Thomas squeezes Jasper's body towards him. His heavy breaths turning into grunts as he tries to keep his pleasure under wraps.
He then gives a few hard thrusts into Jasper's thighs "Shit." He huffs as quiet as he can as he comes. Releasing inbetween Jasper's thighs, causing a sticky wet puddle on the bed sheet by Jasper's stomach. He nuzzles into Jasper's neck, taking in the scent of Jasper as he nibbles at his neck before Jasper's thighs relax and Thomas is able to move, now rolling onto his back, one hand over his head.
"Jesus Jas. Your thighs....your thighs." Thomas says under his whispered panting breath.
Jasper shuffles around to face Thomas, with the other now wrapping an arm around Jasper's shoulder as Jasper rests on his chest, stroking his fingertips on Thomas' chest. "Tom." He utters lowly, causing Thomas to look down at Jasper resting on him.
"I'll not be ashamed of myself anymore." Jasper looks up to catch Thomas' gaze. He smiles at Jasper, kissing him on the forehead before he rests his head back on the pillow.
"So..." Thomas sighs. "Who's sleeping on the wet patch?"
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