7: One Hell of a Girl
Thanks to @OfficialWrongHordak and @My_Sweet_Lemons for the fight idea
Oof, this is a long chapter. Enjoy!
Lil skip, bc if you didn't notice, I'm lazy.
Annabeth and Peter were being 'tested' by Tony Stark (It was really easy for them) at a desk in Mr. Stark's lab after Romanoff left, when Peter glanced at the ceiling. More specifically, the vent in the ceiling.
Annabeth noticed him looking and examined the vent herself. She didn't expect to see a face smiling down at them.
Hawkeye had climbed into the vents and was watching them through the vent, with a slightly surprised face, as he hadn't expected them to notice him that fast.
Dr. Stark was sitting a couple tables away, working on some sort of mechanical sphere, sort of like an Archimedes Sphere, Annabeth noted. Although obviously not quite as successful, as Mr. Stark is just a mortal.
Hawkeye made sure to land near Mr. Stark when he jumped down, and let out a high pitched screech. Stark jumped and whirled around, ready to hit him in the head with a wrench, and would have succeeded had the archer not expected it.
"Barton! Get out of my lab! You're gonna break something!"
"And what are you gonna do about it?"
"I'll turn all of your tech pink."
"Nuh-uh, sorry, but I look good in pink."
"You'll have to cook for the team for a week."
"Nnnnnope! Remember? Pepper banned me from the kitchen. She wouldn't even let me."
"That's not something to be proud about." stated Annabeth.
"Yeah, but for him it is. Let's see... Well, desperate time calls for desperate measures. I'll lock you out of the Netflix account, and I'll change the wifi password."
"No, no, no, okayyy I'm going, but please not that!"
"We should be done in an hour, you can terrorize them then."
"Well at least you aren't making me wait as long as last time."
"How long did he make you wait last time?" asked Peter.
"Forty-five minutes. I thought I was gonna die from the suspense!"
Tony facepalmed.
"...You do know that an hour is longer than forty-five minutes, right?" asked Annabeth.
"No, silly, an hour is only 30 minutes. That's less than 45." He tapped his head. "Math."
"...You absolute idiot." This guy was reminding her more and more of Percy. "An hour is 60 minutes. That's more than 45. You know that, right?"
"No, it's not! Tony, you didn't hire a very smart one. I think she needs to redo some grades. Where'd you even get her? An hour is 30 minutes."
Annabeth stood her ground. "No, it's 60. Are you the type of person that puts pineapple on pizza or something? I bet you even bite string cheese instead of peeling it like some kind of heathen."
"No! I would never! That's horrible! A desecration to cheese kind! How could you even insinuate that! Also, pINEAPPLE ON PIZZA IS GOOD, OKAY?"
Tony just sat back and wondered at the significant loss of sanity in the younger generations. 'How does this even happen? Entire generations simply losing their minds?'
"Pineapple on pizza is disgusting! How have your tastebuds not gone on strike already?"
Off to the side, Peter was silently rooting for Annabeth.
"Bold of you to assume they haven't!"
"Well I guess your last braincell went with them!"
"Well obviously not."
"YEET" he shouted as he yeeted a stale bread loaf at her head. (Where did he get it? I leave that for y'all to guess...) Annabeth just dodged.
"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that." She knew she was being stupid for picking a fight, but she decided to continue anyway. After all, she was used to Percy.
"Ok, I will." He lunged, but Annabeth stepped to the side and the next thing the assassin knew, he was on his back, staring at the ceiling with a feeling of shock. Annabeth stood just out of reach.
Once he managed to get up, he lunged for her, she sidestepped, and shoved him into a table. the edge caught him on the hip(It literally hurts to write this bc this a l w a y s happens to me),and he fell on his butt. Wincing at the pain, he tried to take her out at the knees, but before he even touched her she managed to flip him, and pinned his shoulders to the floor. She managed to completely immobilize him.
She glared into his eyes, until they were interrupted by a small squeak from Stark, who was just standing with his mouth wide in shock, and the sound of two people clapping coming from the doorway.
Annabeth stood up and looked at the two newcomers. One was Romanoff, the scary lady from before, and the other Annabeth recognized to be Winter Soldier. The spy lady was smirking and the ex assassin looked mildly impressed. "Well, Stark." said the redhead, "I like this one. She finally taught Clint a lesson. You had better keep her, because if you don't, I will."
"What was the fight about? Is this why my boyfriend looks like he just heard that he got me pregnant or something?" asked the soldier.
"Awww, it's canon!" whisper-squealed Annabeth. Wait, what? Piper was really rubbing off on her.
"Well, Mr. Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes- I mean Sgt. James Barnes, I mean, uhhhh... Mr. Hawkeye Clint Barton said that an hour is 30 minutes, and Annabeth said it was 60. Then Mr. Hawkeye Clint Barton said that it wasn't, then Annabeth kinda called him a heathen and an idiot, and he yeeted some stale bread at her, and she kinda challenged Mr. Hawkeye Clint Barton to a fight, and then she won... It was kinda funny. Wait, I didn't mean Mr. Hawkeye Clint Barton getting beat was funny I just meant that the-"
"Huh." Interrupted the stoic cinnamon roll, relieving the poor blushing kid of his suffering. "I wish I could have seen the whole thing."
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., did you get that?" asked Black Widow.
"I did, Ms. Romanoff. Would you like me to send a copy to the rest of the team as well?"
Smirking when she heard a defeated groan she simply said, "Yep, thanks, Fri. That would be great."
"Why would you even start a fight over that?" asked Bucky.
"You're not my dad! Shut the f*ck up, Kyle!" yelled Peter, then immediately slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide, muttering, "Ah, f*ck, I can't believe you've done this!"
Bucky narrowed his eyes jokingly(he knew a vine when he heard one) and said, "Didn't your parents teach you any manners?"
Peter looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Jokes on you, my parents are dead." He even gave up on apologizing for it, as apparently he had no filter right then.
Stark's eyes widened to unbelievable proportions. Just then, Bruce Banner walked in, saw the situation, shook his head, and decided to ignore it. He went up to Tony and tried to get his attention, but Stark was in too deep of a state of shock.
Annabeth walked forward and asked, "Hello, Dr. Banner, it's an honor to meet you. I'm Annabeth Chase, one of his new interns. Is there anything I could help you with?"
Nat pulled Bucky and Clint aside, trying to help poor Peter with the awkward situation he had accidentally created.
"Oh, I have an equation I messed up, I just wanted to ask him to help me with it."
"Do you mind if I take a look?" she asked.
"Yeah, if you want, but don't feel bad if you can't fix it, I bet even Tony would have a hard time with it-"
"Oh, you just forgot to carry the three, and you rounded wrong in a few spots. I'm not really familiar with this field of science though, so I can't really tell you much else." She pointed out his errors.
"W-wow, no, you did great! You're one hell of a girl."(Yeeeees, I'm aware that was ooc for him, but this book was based on a prompt and that's the whole point so deal with it.)
Peter heard Annabeth say that and walked over, looking over her shoulder. He failed to notice Dr. Banner standing there. He looked at the paper for a max of 3 seconds and immediately said, "Oh, is this a formula to partially stabilize radioactivity to make it usable in a lab setting without harm to the user? Well this calculation is unneeded, and there's supposed to be an x here..."
Tony snapped out of his trance for about 7 seconds, walked over, read the formula, and then heard Peter perfect the formula in seconds, in his head that would have taken Bruce and him weeks.
He fainted, but before he hit the floor, Peter's spidey sense warned him, and he turned around to catch him. Bruce and Annabeth were the only ones to see him do it. Peter laid him on the floor, pretending to struggle under his weight.
"H-how did you-" asked Bruce.
Peter whipped around. He recognized that voice. Why wouldn't he recognize the voice of the man he idolized ever since he was seven? The man who's works he had read all of and the man who he had never missed an interview of?
"Oh- Oh. My. Gay. You're Bruce Banner! Robert Bruce Banner!"
Bruce sighed, despite his shock from earlier. He didn't want to have to deal with another fanperson who wasn't even interested in him.
"You like the Hulk, kid?" asked Ms. Romanoff as she walked up.
"Huh? Oh, yeah I guess... But this is the Bruce Banner! Nuclear physicist and an expert in Gamma Radiation! I've read all of your books, Dr. Banner! Well, except for the last one, because they only sell it in hardcover, and we can't afford that right now. But I'm a huge fan! Oh my gosh, will you sign my copy of your Theory of Atomic Energy in Comparison to Radiation Energy?(Please ignore that disaster of a book title. I'm sorry, I know it's bad but i'M nOt GoOd At ThIs)
"Wait, you understood that?"
"Well, of course!"
"Well color me impressed." said Natasha.
1884 words
the original plan for this chapter:
clint comes into the vents when tony is testing them
annabeth says something
clint gets mad like a stupid
annabeth doesn't back down
she used to percy
clint try to pin her to the floor but she judo flips him, he gets back up, he tries to fight, fails.
annabeth win
tony go woooooowwwww
nat go *smirk*
a 'jokes on you, my parents are dead' joke to peter when bucky comes in and says something and bucky says 'didn't your parents teach you any manners' as a joke
tony is then concerned.
also annabeth casually corrects bruce's work an they go whaaaaaa
and peter looks too and finds something wrong w it too
I didn't differ too much.
If my grammar's incorrect I don't mind correction- Actually, please tell me. (Minus the gen z speak)
Also any writing tips are appreciated
Irregular updates will continue- I'm sorryyyyy
Anyways- Bye?
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