13: Dramaaaa
.....aaaaand we open back up with...
Percy, who had taken up a defensive stance after catching his girlfriend who slipped off of the counter when she passed out, took that moment to ask, "Wait, Loki? What did you do to her?"
Nico had taken that opportunity to ready himself to grab his sword, Will's hand on his shoulder the only thing keeping him from doing something rash. Especially if this guy really was Loki, attacking really wouldn't be a great idea.
The tension in the room was palpable, but that h̶o̶u̶r̶ split second of silence was broken by the tall dude with the cape saying "Loki if you do not explain right now we are going to have serious problems."
Sighing, they answered, "I didn't hurt her."
"Give me a minute to explain or no one gets anywhere. I got bad vibes. Leave me alone. Also technically she made herself pass out. It's not my fault brains work that way. Give it five minutes."
"Who even are you?" asked Percy
"Loki. Resident failure that everyone tries to hide because I messed up in the slightest. Don't worry about it. Also, Stark, before you ask, yes she made herself pass out, that's how magic do be sometimes. Don't worry about it."
"What the heck do you want?" Nico spoke accusingly, still visibly itching for a fight.
"More like what do you want? Three incredibly powerful... people? In a superhero's tower? What makes you think that isn't incredibly sus? Those in glass houses."
A "...powerful?" from Stark, and Loki turned to him.
"You're acting like you know something. What's that all about ?"
Annabeth shifted with a groan prompting Loki to say "Make that two minutes I guess."
She rose squinting. "Ow. That was slightly unnecessary, but thanks I guess." She sat up from the floor, holding her head.
Just then, Bucky walked in and did a double take when he caught sight of Nico. He tilted his head, much like a puppy. His stare got slowly more intense, and when Nico met his eyes it only did so more. "Do I.... No, No, he's gone, don't mind me." He said, breaking off the uncomfortable tension.
Nico was completely stiff, eyes wide in shock. "Neeks?" Whispered Will. At that, the supersoldier whipped his head back so fast it was a wonder it was still attached.
"What. the. Fuck. No."
Imma end this chapter just so it's a cliffhanger but if you read these types of fics you should have a good idea of where it's going.
also sorry for dropping off the face of the earth but anxiety is crippling :)
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