Chapter 8 :D
Lemme just say mah dudes...
Kermit-san is the best creation of all creations, also please let me know if I write something wrong happy reading
Kadunk XD
「Todo's P.O.V」
(This shit's gonna be gud ;3)
I woke up early today.
'...where is he? This isn't like him...'
I stood up from the floor and set my mattress aside, still looking around the Japanese styled dorm room.
'Holy crap... I swear if he's off with Midoriya I'll make his ears bleed with my screeching...'
I thought as I walked in the bathroom and took a shower before I brushed my teeth to then comb my bed head. I waltzed around the room thinking of places where my "brother" could be. I decided to change and go out since it wasn't that late.
'He couldn't possibly be with Midoriya. We made a promise after all...I was honestly surprised he actually accepted the deal. It was a childish deal, so unlike him to be honest.'
I walked out the room, it was 8:45 am when I woke up and now it's 9:12 am so...Maybe I could go and see Midoriya!! No no, that's after I look for Sho.
'Maybe he's already awake? I'll go see.'
「Sho's P.O.V」
I slowly woke up by the sunshine that passed through Midoriya's curtain. I laid on my back since I was resting sideways and rubbed my eyes before hearing a small wine which caught me off guard.
I forgot again that I was in Midoriya's room... I look down at him, snugging with the pillow, I wish I was that pillow to be honest.
I sighed and sat up as I rubbed my eyes, remembering everything. I scooted off of the bed, making sure I didn't wake the angel and walked to his All Might figures...And I saw some weird looking pills.
'Weird. I don't recall seeing him sick, why does he have this here...?' They weren't drugs, thank god, but when I read the tag it said a weird sickness? I dunno but I have never heard of it.
How curious.
I set the bottle down and reached out for my phone to google up the name.
And boy what I found, it honestly scared me... And worried me...
I turned off my phone and glanced at Izuku.
'Does he really have that...? I can't believe it... Maybe I'll ask him about when he wakes up...'
I set my hand on my chest, my heart was beating fast. Wow. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, it's okay. He's okay. We're okay. I took a couple of deep breaths and managed.
I look up to see like five All Might posters, and that's just on the wall im looking at. There's at least like seven more on the other walls.
Honestly I think this'll just be a waste. With only two I'd be satisfied, but I guess my future little broccoli is not that way.
Then I slowly walk to his night stand and see his All Might alarm.
What even day it is…? God sleeping with Midoriya makes you forget stuff.
I pick a figurine(? From the nightstand besides his All Might alarm clock and inspect it, it's actually clean. Was Izuku cleaning…? He did a good job.
I smile faintly and look at the sleeping broccoli once more...makes me wanna...
I set the figurine down on it's place and walk closer to the bed leaning close to Izuku's face. Wow... He really does have a lot of freckles.
Absolutely wonderful. Adorable. Beautiful. Breath taking. Cute. Soft. Hot. And last but not least... The most sexiest broccoli I've laid eyes upon. Okay okay that last sentence came from Todo, don't screech fangirls.
I shake my head out of my thoughts and quickly laid a feather like peck on his cheek because I barely touched him, im scared to wake him up, okay?
I walked back to where the other figures and where the pills were and looked at the rest of his collection. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle.
I bent down to see them better since I did not want to move them, it seems Izu put them like they were fighting each other, how cute.
I was brought back to reality when I heard the bed sheets move, so I turned around and saw him staring at me. I didn't know he was staring at my ass for a while, jeez.
"Oh good morning Midoriya." I smiled at finally seeing him wake up.
He rubbed his eyes and smiled brightly with a red face. "G-Good morning, Sho! Did you sleep well?" He looked so cute, omg.
He scratched his cheek while he moved the bed sheets out of the way.
I leaned against his drawer and crossed my arms. "Never slept better, really."
"Ah that's good to hear. How long have you been awake?" He bent down to take out some clothes from his drawer, im guessing he's gonna shower. Meaning I have to go, too.
"Not for long, I've just been watching your All Might collection while you slept."
"I see." He giggled and walked to the bathroom. "Im going to take a shower to fully wake me up." He yawned. "If you wanna you may leave but please close the door. I don't want Uraraka breaking in again... " He mumbled the last part rather shyly, he was blushing a lot.
I luckily managed to hear, that hoe seems to have some luck. Damn. "Okay Midoriya, cya later. Also, Voltron was good." I smiled and he did to while giggling.
"Glad ya like it!" He entered the bathroom. "Bye."
I walked out and ran a hand through my hair while I sighed. On my way to the elevator I see it opening and that's when I see him.
Holy frick he's gonna kill me.
"Sho?! No fair you broke the deal!!" He stumped towards me, looking real angry.
"I am truly sorry. He wanted to see a show with me and I couldn't turn that offer down." I set both of my hands forwards just incase as I spoke in a rather weird manner, too polite and respectful.
He groaned and grabbed my shirt. "You know that with Midoriya we don't mess. We made a deal and you're gonna keep it. So will I. If you break it once more im gonna pass my limits and steal him away from you, got that?"
"What the actual shit's wrong with you, twat? Stick up your ass?" Katsuki's voice came from behind making Todo back away from me and turn around.
This is gonna end up bad, probably.
I tell him this, "Calm down, we are still in school grounds and we would not like to get into trouble, right?" I set a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah yeah..." He sighed and looked up. "Why are you here, Bakugo?" Todo asked.
"Shitty hair told me to pick up something from the useless nerd's room, now if you'll excuse me." He walked over to Midoriya's room with a badass flow.
Holy cow. "Let's go..." I sighed.
"Tell me something, Sho." Todo looked down as we entered the elevator.
I clicked the button to our floor and hummed. "Yeah?"
"How dreamy did he look?!" His eyed sparkled as he smiled like a little kid given candy.
I helplessly chuckled and told him what happened in the past.
Todo was obviously jealous and mad at me but since I told him what happened he only punched my right arm to which we laughed together. I always seem to smile with him, im thankful I have him but if this keeps going on...
We really need to get back together.
1266 words.
Not that bad if I do say so myself, huh?
What could possibly be wrong with Midoriya?
Why does he have those pills?
What is Bakuhoe gonna look for?
Why can't I get Sho and Todo's personality correctly?
Sadly that last question won't be answered in the next chapter ;v; I wonder why still.
Anyways! Here you have a long chap just cuz, it's morning for me rn and...yeah XD
Thanks for the comments, they bring me life.
Welp hasta la vista beibis, adioz.
( •~•)- MeepMorp.
Btw I ship Killua X Gon, who's with me? ;3
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