Chapter 7
「Midoriya's P.O.V」(again)
I pursed my lips and pressed the button for my floor, but Sho didn't press his.
Does he want to be with me...?
Most surely. ;-;
Anyways this is awkar--
"Midoriya..." Sho said as he stared at the ground.
"O-Oh, uhm, yes…?" I fiddled with my fingers, im kind of scared. What if he does something like Todo did...?
"I'm sorry for what he did...I saw, but don't think im a creep, you know that I am--" I cut him off.
"You are very observant, yeah I know." I smiled and he blushed lightly.
"Yeah, that. Heh." He smiled a little and tapped his foot.
"It's okay." I giggled a bit. Being with Sho is relaxing...
"Thank you for understanding. Todo can be...a bit straight forwards so if he tries to pull something like that again, please tell me. I'll set him straight." He nodded and looked at the doors.
"Uwaah!! Y-You don't have to do that for me, I can just tell him I-I'm uncomfortable." I waved my hands a bit, but he obviously knew.
"Midoriya, Im not dumb. You're too nice to shut him down with words. You have to be forced to do it, so that's why I want to help you." He nodded and leaned against the wall.
It's true...what he said...But I managed to do that later... Was that okay? Does Todo feel bad? Oh no, what if he's mad..? No, no. He won't be mad for just a simple thing, right??
Sho snapped his fingers making me come back to reality.
"Midoriyaaaa, we're here." He said as he started walking out the door.
"Wait, wait, this isn't your floor, shoo shoo." I walked in front of him and waved my hands.
He...Chuckled? Wow, I did this, cool!! "Pfft, Midoriya, im coming with you, well that is if you don't mind of course." He pushed his hair back, sexyy, wait haha, no.
I blushed a little thanks to my thoughts and nodded. "Ah okay then, follow me." I nodded and turned around, walking towards my room.
He followed.
I opened the door and we both got in.
"Hmm...All Might posters...Doesn't it get weird when you sleep?" He asked as he sat down on my bed.
I stood by my nightstand and opened a box that I placed there. "Sometimes…? Yeah kind of, but I've gotten used to it, I think." I laughed.
"Hehe, if I had a bunch of my old man's merch I'd burn it." He looked around my room which made me...nervous..?
No no, Sho isn't someone who judges because of likings.
"Hey Sho?"
"Do you watch Voltron?"
"Voltron Legendary Defenders."
"Oh...No I haven't. "
"Oh My God Child you are missing some good stuff." I looked at him with wide eyes as I sat down besides him.
"Well..." He paused and shrugged. "Guess I am."
"Kay so we got plans. You + Me = Voltron marathon, got it?" I laid down on my bed and made him lay down with me by my side.
Then I grabbed my tablet, yes I have one, and put netflix so we could watch it.
And that's how we ended up sleeping together in my bed.
He fell asleep first and I didn't want to wake him up so I paused it and fell asleep with him.
Lemme just say he looks adorkable while he slept. 7u7
~Time Skip brought to you by waffle dogs
「Sho's P.O.V」
I slowly wake up, it's dark and this is not my room.
I feel something snuggle up in my chest so I look down at it.
Grass? Hmm, grass actually smells nice.
I decided to touch the grass and it felt more silky and smooth. I like it.
I wish I could touch this all day, I swear it's too soft.
Then I started to think
'how did I get here? Well I was watching Voltron with Midoriya. Then I started feeling sleepy so I fell asleep so that means...'
I blush lightly at my realization and look at the so called grass.
I mean, Izuku's hair is green and I can't see that much thanks to the darkness and moonlight.
I reached out for my pocket and grabbed my phone to see the hour.
1:48 a.m.
Izu groaned and shifted so his back would be against my chest.
I blush harder. He's snoring softly like a cat. How cute.
I wrap my arms around his waist and spoon him, im obviously happy.
I am sleeping with my crush after all.
I lean closer and kissed the back of his neck before I slowly force myself to sleep.
Best way to sleep.
Waddup im back
793 words yay
Im trying hard ;v;
Anyways have you guys ever played Persona 5??
Cool huh?
Meep Morp~
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