Chapter 4
Jee I'm so irresponsible sorry lmao. Anyways here you have :D
<Midoriya's P.O.V>
"Yeah, we should get going now, Deku-kun!!" She grinned and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to the rest on the class.
'sigh... Maybe I'll ask them later...'
We got to them eventually and stood there while Momo organized the others.
"Ok Ok! All of you go to were I told you, mkay?" She smiled kindly and everyone went to their places.
I giggled once I saw Toru. She had very colorful clothes just so she could be noticed, how cute.
Ochako pulled me closer to the group and I ended being in-between her and Tenya which I obviously didn't mind, they're my friends of course! ^^
"Huh? Were are the halfs?" Momo asked. I told her why they weren't here and she understood since she nodded. "I guess next time!"
Mina went farther away and lifted her arm so she could take selfie. "Ready?"
"Tch, just hurry the fuck up."
"Ribbit." •-•
She took the pic while saying, "Snap!!" and that's when I thought about it.
''In legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild... Ashido sounded just like Pura. For those who aren't familiar with Pura, well lemme tell you she's adorable! She's an old lady, probably more than 100 years old. She's a scientist and so she was doing this experiment one day and she tested it on herself and ended up growing younger. Now she looks kind of.. Five years old? She's very kind an--"
"Izu-chan! You're mumbling again!" Ochako whined while pulling on my shirt.
"And who are you talking to, Midoriya?" Tenya asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.
'oh wow... I didn't notice when I broke the forth wall. Coolio!'
I blushed and waved my hand dismissively. "Uwaah... I-It's nothing. I'm fine." I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck.
The burnette pouted and huffed. "Fine but I don't want you lying to me, alright, Deku-kun?"
"I promise, Uraraka." I smiled and she returned it.
"Well I should be going now guys. I have some responsibilities to do at my home but I promise I'll go back to the dorms early." Tenya explained.
Momo heard him and gave him a thumbs up. "I'll make sure to keep watch for you but did you tell Aizawa?"
The sonic like person nodded and did his weird hand moves, "Yes of course. Anyways! See you guys back at the dorms!" He waved after he said that and went to his house.
Ochako and me waved him goodbye and then looked at each other. "Hey, Deku-Kun? Are you gonna visit your mother today?"
"Uhm no, I visited her yesterday and I need to clean my dorm room too, it's kinda messy, hehe..." I blushed a bit.
"Awe, I wish I could help but I'm visiting my parents, hah! I was gonna ask you if you could come with me since my parents want to meet you but probably next time." She said with enthusiasm.
I nodded. "Yeah maybe next time, and then you could meet my mother too!"
"Aww!! That'll be so cool and nicee, Deku-kun!"
"Mhm. Anyways you better go now before it's too late."
"Hah, well... I forgot to ask Aizawa for permission so I'll be heading back with you." she took my hand again
"I don't see why not." I looked at the group, some of them were gone, some were leaving and the rest were gathered.
"Ok guys let's head back." Momo started walking with the group-- including us of course--.
~Mini Time skip brought to you by shirtless TodoDeku and KiriBaku bb~
"Uwaah! Finally back." I streched in the common room.
Ochako alright asked for her permission so she was gone. It was just Momo, Mineta, Kaminari, Jiro, Toru and me. The rest were with their parents or doing something, I don't care. Im hungry.
I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a doughnut and a water bottle and then head to my room.
I sat on my bet while eating my vanilla doughnut. I was happy until I noticed no more doughnut.
"Ugghhh..." I groaned and stood up as I set my bottle on my night stand. I grabbed a hair clip and pushed my hair backwards so it wouldn't get in my way of vision.
'Pfft... Just like Rin.'
I grabbed my phone and put a song. My playlist was a buch of mixed songs like from old to new.
I threw my phone on the bed and grabbed a tiny broom from my closet.
Billy Jeans from Michael Jackson started so I hummed as I cleaned my messy All Might themed room.
Finally done. I don't take long to write it's just hard thanks to life and lack of creativity, lmao.
The TodoDeku amino has keeping me busy most of the time cuz it's fun to use it and I loose track of time, save me.
Anyways! Hope you liked this chap. 7u7 I'll read ya later poopers.
( >•v•)> ~MeepMorp.
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