Chapter 25
<~{My P.O.V}~>
It was a day like no other.
Deku, Izu, Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida and Tsu where making their way back to the dorms after a long day of hero training and school basically.
Izu and Deku where talking to Iida about a knight game that they kinda had in common. Why kinda? Because it was Iida. And Iida doesn't play much video games.
Shouto was quietly hearing their conversation, the girl's conversation and observing the path in front.
The gals where discussing about who was the better guy in those japanese romance drama things they used to watch.
"No way! Naoki is wayyy better than that Uehara guy!" Uraraka pouted.
"Yeah, but I just think that Uehara deserves some love since you hate him so much." Froppy put a finger on her cheek. "Daichi also deserves some love, poor Nao...She should've known better, ribbit."
"True that. Hey, now that I think about it. Who would you choose out of all of them?" Uraraka smiled and looked at her with a curious look.
"Hmm. I'd choose the one closest to your personality."
"Huh? Why?"
"Because Uraraka-chan is very nice to me and is always there to hear me out when I need, you're fun to be around with and relatable at times. Very cute and I believe that I'd fall for a person as nice and sweet as you, ribbit." Froppy looked off to the side and smiled with a light blush.
"B-b-b-but..R-really? T-thats so nice of you to think! Makes me happy to know that you think of me that way." Uraraka scratched the back of her head while her face changed into a shade of pink.
Shouto stared at the ground thinking, 'Oh my god..that was so cute. Why don't they confess already? It's so obvious that Tsu likes her. Maybe I can finally get the yuri that I deserve..I mean-- wait these are my thoughts. I can say whatever I want!'
"Shouchan? You there?"
"Wait wha--?" Shouto snapped his head back up and looked at Izu. "Yeah, Izu?"
"Deku and Iida are debating about which power combo they should use to defeat the tree demon boss? Should they use the...the what now?" Izu turned back to ask the two.
"The super ulti glimmer combo or the blood, Sweat, and Spears combo? Aka the BSS."
"The...uhh...the uhm, the Blood, Sweat, and Spears combo, aka BSS."
"diD TODOROKI SAY BULL SHITTY SHIT?!" Kaminari practically yelled as he dashed beside us, being followed by an angry Bakugo and the last one being followed by an apologizing Kirishima. "Im so sorry guys, Kaminari said something out of place making Katsuki angry again."
Kirishima started running as soon as he saw Kaminari being tackled by Bakugo after saying that. "W-WAIT GUYS!!"
"Bakugo you must stop this instant! This kind of behaviour is not accepted in this school!" Iida zoomed behing making his weird robot movements.
"Heh, if Iida doesn't make it in the hero business he could definitely try working for the police." Uraraka giggled.
"Fuck the police." Deku said, followed by Izu saying, "Whoop whoop."
Shouto couldn't help but chuckle a little at their weird statements.
And without even noticing they where already in front of the dorms. They walked in immediately being greeted by Taco.
Yes they finally decided a name for the doggo.
The whole class said suggestions for names and then voted for them and the one that ended up winning was Taco because of Kaminari's last vote.
Izu picked up Taco since she prefered Izu out of all of us, but she somehow really liked Bakugo too. All of class 1-A was surprised the day Taco came running towards Bakugo instead of Izu.
He let Taco down and once she was in the floor she immediately came rushing towards Bakugo and licked his face when he picked her up. He smiled slightly at her and scratched her before glaring at Kaminari since he wanted to pet her.
"If anything happens to her I'll kill everybody in this room and then myself." He stated before walking up to his room, taking her with him.
Welp. There she goes.
The Deku gang showered and some stayed doing they own stuff while others prefered to study. *cough* Iida *cough* *cough*
Now in the common room most of the girls where present and some of the guys too like Kaminari, Kirishima, Todoroki and Tokoyami while for the girls there was Yaomomo, Jiro, Mina, Hagakure and Tsu.
"Have you noticed that Kaminari, Kirishima and Katsuki make the KKK?" Hagakure said, laughing a little .
"Aren't those bad guys?" Mina raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I've read that they're still active. Scary if you ask me." Momo said looking a bit worried. The other girls agreed.
"Did you hear about the guy in Hatsume's class that came out as trans?"
"Oh yeah, he's really cute!" Mina exclaimed.
"That makes me wonder. Hey Tokoyami, what's your sexuality?" Jiro asked. The bird man tensed up as he looked up to face the punk girl.
"I..believe I am heterosexual...why you ask?" He closed his book and raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're so quiet and honestly you seem asexual. No offense tho."
"Heh, the only hetero thing that Todoroki has are his heterochromatic eyes lmao." Kaminari joked, earning a glare from Todoroki who was using his phone.
Most of the girls laughed soon joined by the guys except for Todoroki and Tokoyami.
Fumikage left to the kitchen and that's when Uraraka smirked. "So Kirishima, Todoroki, when are you guys going to confess?"
"Ah..well you see, Im not sure Katsuki likes me that way. Maybe he'll see less manly..."
Hagakure spit out her water. "nO WAY! I thought you guys where already dating!"
"Why do you think that??" Kirishima and surprisingly Todoroki asked.
"Because I've seen how Bakugo looks at you. He gets mad when you're not paying attention to him or when you wrap your arm around someone else who isn't him! I thought it was obvious!"
Kirishima was blushing red but had a big bright smile. "You think so? Well, maybe I'll have a chance after all." He looked down, sighing in a dreamy but content way.
Mina smirked and snapped her fingers. "Guess who has an idea?!"
"NO." Everyone else said harshly making Mina pout and cross her arms, "Jeez, don't have to be so mean! Hmph, at least hear me ou--."
"Sorry, Mina dear, but your ideas can be a little bit...uhm..." Momo turned to the crew with a face that screamed 'help please'.
Since everyone was quiet Todoroki finally stepped in. "Mina, we get it you have good intentions but your ideas tend to go haywire most of the time so it's best you leave it to.." He glanced around the room before sighing internally and finishing with, "me."
"You?!" they all exclaimed.
"Yes me. I'll form a plan. Kirishima, I'll speak with you after im done planning, alright?"
Kiri nodded and Todoroki put his phone on his pocket before moving up to his dorm room.
There he gently placed his futon on his floor before letting himself lean forwards a little too much and falling face flat on the floor.
But hey, atleast he didn't end up like football head over there, isn't that right, Arnold? :3
Even so, did it hurt?
Of course.
Did he care?
Of course
But why you may ask?
Because he was too sleepy to bother.
1273 words.
Hey y'all! Did ya miss me? No? Okay. I wouldn't miss me either.
Anyways, this chapter was supposed to concentrate more on the side ships perse.
Tsuchako and KiriBaku at least, if there are any other ships you want me to add then comment here, I'll try and see which ship got the most votes.
KamiSero? Momojiro? Jiro and Kami? Iida and Momo? Who else? Xd
Next update will be on 2020 :y
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