Chapter 19
<'Midoriya's P.O.V´>
So, welcome back!
Some stuff happened while you where gone...uhh, lemme explain.
*insert Eddsworld flashback sound*
"Alright! Sho, Todo! One of you enter this pod, and the other inside here.." She clicked a button on her control and it made two doors open up.
Sho and Todo shared a glance before hesitantly walking in. I stared at the pods and then at Hatsume. "And now for you, Midoriya. You'll enter this pod." a fourth door opened, making me freak the frick out.
'I GOTTA BE A PART OF THIS?!?!' She saw my sudden panicked expression so her teacer came in, "Don't worry, I kinda helped her with the construction so you won't explode. Hehe." He scratched the back of his head.
Okay now this book is all out of wack. I could literally die. Why are you guys still reading this?? Oh no, now im breaking the fourth wall!! Sorry!!
This is all going too fast, but I'll do the impossible to bring the original Todoroki back. So with a nervous sigh, I made my way to the pod.
It closed suddenly and it was mostly dark inside. I could barely see so I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, asking to any god out there for safety.
I squeaked when I felt...tubes? Something on my leg, on my torso and god knows where. Something even cut me! I felt..a needle? Piercing my skin, what the fudge??
Is it sucking my blood?! Ahh!! It's a vampire needle!! Help!!
Eh?! Now something's covering half of my face! I CAN'T SEE! What if I smash this thing?? Why do I even have to be a part of th--
*-My P.O.V-*
Hatsume was grinning at the fact that her amazing plan worked.
There he was!!
The original Todoroki was back! >:D
Shouto was looking down at his hands, he himselft couldn't believe that he was back. He touched his face and his hair, he was fused into one.
He couldn't help but smile lightly and thank Hatsume a million times.
°~'Todoroki's P.O.V´~°
Wait till Midoriya sees...He's going to be so ha-- wait.
"Hastume, where's Midoriya?" I asked, looking around the room.
"Oh right, he's in there." she pointed towards the pod I once thought as useless.
And in a click of a button, the door slided open.
"Midoriya! You won't believe this, im one again! It worked!" I said excitedly once I saw that green hair.
"Really?? That's great!" I heard them say...
Don't tell me.
Oh for fucks sake.
There they stood.
Two Midoriya's. One had darker green hair and the other had light colored green hair.
Buckle your seatbelts fangirls because we're going to have a bumpy ride.
460 words.
Short. Chapter.
Im not happy with this chapter at all. Like it said, it's all out of wack.
But asside from that, I don't have anything else to add.
Bye my doods.
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