chapter 17
After that talk with the receptionist, Izuku went to visit his unconscious mom.
He smiled at the fact that she was alive and safe, he only needed to wait for her to wake up.
Because she WILL wake up.
He just knows it. No time for negati--
He stared at the machines around her, the bag of water hanging from a metalic pole, bandeges wrapped around her head that were in a pink-ish color, some other parts where there were red. Her closed eyes seeming like she was in a deep slumber, which was true in a way.
Izuku couldn't help but to shed some tears, letting out all of the fear he had when he thought of the possibility of his mother dying.
In his way to the hospital the thought of his mother dying was a high possibility, but luckily, it was just a coma.
She will be okay.
Inko Midoriya will be okay.
This nightmare will end sooner than he thought.
Well that's what he wished for anyways.
He spoke to her even tho she couldn't respond for obvious reasons, tho he felt the need to speak to her. He sat by her side, taking a hold of her hand, and squeezing it,
"...Mom...I love you so much...please wake up soon.."
He stood up and landed a kiss on her forehead before heading out of the room, it has been a couple of minutes, more than 15 so he thought the receptionist was being generous, so he thanked her internally for that.
Once he arrived he took the puppy back in his arms and thanked the nice lady once again, leaving the hospital.
And here we are!
Izuku was super late to school, but he hoped that Aizawa would understand, at least.
It definitely took him longer to come back than to leave the school thanks to the No Pets allowed in the damn train.
When Izuku arrived to the dorms it was lunch period, and he didn't even know what to do with the dog!!
He groaned and went to the dorms, making his way to the rooms. He asked in the classroom chat if there was any homework and thankfully, there wasn't.
Midoriya asked for help and Koda, Uraraka, the halfs, Tsuyu and Momo arrived to his aid.
Koda looked for some dog food, Momo offered her assistance so she made a dog bed and two bowls for the doggo.
The halfs, Uraraka and Tsuyu just went for moral support since Midoriya explained what happened and why he arrived so late.
"So guys, any suggestions for names...?" Midoriya looked down at the little pug in his amrs.
The pug was rather quiet, but that didn't mean it was still.
It sniffed the air a couple of times before barking, so Midoriya set him down. It was fine since they were all in Midriya's room.
Froppy bent down and the puppy came rushing towanrds her, begging for a scratch. "Are you a boy or a girl..?"
"Pfft, you remind me of professor Oak..."
"What? Who??" Frog girl looked up at Midoriya and tilted her head, raising a brow.
"A-ah!! N-nothing, just a character from a game...I-It's a she." Deku shook his hand a bit and smiled nervously.
"Ahh I see...Call it Izuku Junior." said the icy half.
"Ah yeah totally! Or maybe Todoroki junior, so Midoriya could be the mom and we could be the da--"
"Absolutely not, Midoriya wouldn't like that name, or do you?" Momo looked at Izuku who was slightly blushing.
"N-no...other suggestion??"
"How about...Emily...?" Koda quietly said, sitting down on da floor.
"That one sounds cute, ribbit."
"Matilda!" Uraraka yelled.
"What about Taco?" Todo sat on Deku's bed.
"Why Taco?" Sho asked along with a straight face.
"Because tacos are great and tasty."
"If that's the case then lets call her Shrimpy for being small and cute!!" Ochako said.
"Ok no, not food names. Those are...weird names." Said Momo.
Deku ran a hand through his hair, sighing, 'Man..what kind of names would my mom like..?' Then he grabbed his head and stared at the floor. "I like Emily...but will my mom? Will she think it's stupid or cute? Isabelle is nice too...but im not sure, she did say she likes names from other countries...but right now I can't think of any other ones...Tomoko? I think it's least it's better than Taco or Shrimp...should I ask the fandom? I dunno...maybe name her after a hero from mom's times...that would be nice, like All Might's mentor...but there's also a--"
"Deku-kun!! Snap out of it!!" Ochako snapped her fingers in front of his face, breaking Izuku's muttering state or fase.
"A-ah?? What is it, Uraraka?" Izu blinked a few times before backing up a bit.
"I was sayiiiiing..that we should go, lunch time is almost over and we have hero training after, remember? So let's go, we can think of a name later."
"Ah okay.." he glanced at the puppy who was sitting in Todo's lap.
'man...I wish I were that dog...oh wait, im not gay...or am I? Nah, this is not a BL book, this isn't something like that Love Stage anime...' Deku thought.
892 words!
Yay small update! I wanted to do this just so I could ask for pet names, I need help.
You may also vote for the suggestions that the bros made.
(personal fav is Taco)
There wasn't a lot of Tddk, ik, but I promise(? That there will be fluff in the next chapter, dw.
With that I'll stahp talking and leave u be, peace xd
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