Niall panic attack
To put it shortly, the boys were late. They may have underestimated the time it took to get out of the hotel fully clothed and cleaned. Plus they stopped for a short breakfast on Harry's bed, the five of them crammed close while they all munched on energy bars.
"We have to leaaaaave!" Louis was shouting by the door as he held it open. He'd already said it twice and it was doing no help to the two boys inside who were rushing to grab their needed belongings and smash their shoes on.
"Go yell at the other room!" Harry shouted. He and Zayn had endured enough of Louis's panicked hand motions.
"Yeah, Lou, we're almost ready. We'll be right behind you," Zayn added.
Louis must've liked the idea of a new crowd, and left easily without another remark.
Niall and Liam were pretty much walking out the door when Louis came to pester them.
"You're ready?? Cause we've really got to leave," Louis said, walking towards the boys.
"Ready, yes. We're really behind this morning," Liam sighed. He'd obviously been stressing himself.
"We're fine, we always make it work," Niall said, "we'll just have to cut the prep down a bit."
Soon, Harry and Zayn made their way to the group.
"I didn't hear any shouting, did Louis take it easy on you?" Zayn asked.
Louis gave a look as if he was questioning why Zayn was even starting with him.
"I'll have you know that my services were not needed."
Zayn laughed.
"We made good time, considering when we woke up. Even you've got to admit," Harry countered.
Louis smiled. "If thats what you need to hear, Harry, sure. It could have been worse."
All of the boys were walking to the elevator. They didn't have much with them, just some essentials. They all had their phones and Louis had a backpack on with everyones backup meds like Harry's allergy pills and such incase someone was hit off guard. They didn't need much, they'd meet their makeup and dressing people at the interview.
The elevator was slow getting to them, but none of the boys thought about it when they got in. It wasn't until the doors closed and the long, slow ride suddenly came to a stop that the band members realized something wasn't right.
"Oh shit," Louis mumbled. The lights were thankfully still on, but the doors weren't opening. It was obvious something was wrong, they'd stopped somewhere between the third and fourth floors.
"Whats going on?" Zayn asked.
"The lift's stuck," Liam answered.
"We should call someone. This is just our luck to get stuck in the freakin' elevator," Louis groaned. He was looking over the buttons trying to figure out what was going on.
"Should we press the "doors open" button on that? Or just wait for someone?" Harry asked. Everyones attention was towards the unmoving doors, nobody was paying attention to the paling blonde standing among them.
"Probably wait and call someone. We don't want the doors to open between floors or something. There's a call button, this'll probably put us through to the front desk," Louis noticed.
"Oh, Lou, theres a help phone under the buttons, you'll probably need to use that yeah? Does anything happen when you pick that up?" Liam asked.
Louis opened the small compartment that read "phone" and pulled up the device. There was only a faint static sound when he lifted it to his ear, so he pressed the red button on the control board and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the phone line ringing someone.
He finally turned away from the board, leaning back into the corner with the phone to his ear and looking and the rest of the boys in the lift. His eyes shifted to Niall.
"Oh, shit," Louis cursed while thrusting the phone into Zayn's hands. He was at Niall's side in an instant. Liam, being closest to Niall, was the second to realize what was going on.
"Niall, love, we're just fine. Zayn's talking to the front desk, they're gonna get us out," Louis said softly, trying to meet Niall's eyes. The boy was pale and breathing heavily. Neither Louis or Liam touched him, aware that his panic was probably already overwhelming his senses.
"Deep breaths, buddy. Let's sit down," Liam coaxed. He was already moving to sit down himself and looking to the rest of the boys to do the same. Niall had a tendency to get dizzy when he was panicking, and all the boys standing around him would only make him feel smaller and more claustrophobic.
They all followed suit, Niall eventually letting himself slide to the floor. Zayn was on his knees so he could still talk on the phone.
"Hello? Hi, this is Zayn Malik. There are 5 of us currently stuck in the lift. Yeah, 5 total- it just stopped on our way to the lobby- okay but we've got an extremely claustrophobic person with us and if we could make this as quick as possible- yeah- He doesn't do well in spaces like this, he's already scared, and we've got this interview we're already late for you see- yes we're all okay right now- you can do that? It'll ring on its own? -Okay, okay, please call with any updates, anything at all please. Thank you."
"Whats going on Zayn? Do we know how long its going to take?" Harry asked.
Zayn shook his head. "They're calling someone to come in and fix it, but they don't know how long it'll take exactly for them to get here. The front desk is gonna call back when they arrive."
The attention shifted back towards the trembling boy in the corner of the elevator. It was a good thing they had him sitting down because his breathing was becoming sporadic with each passing minute.
"Aw, nialler," Zayn sighed, being able to fully take in Niall's current condition.
"Niall, take deep breaths. You've got this, bud," Louis comforted. Niall only choked on his breath, and coughed before shaking his head.
"C-can't," he wheezed. He felt like he was being suffocated. He gulped for more air, but it felt like his throat was tightening on itself.
His fear only grew as his breathing became incredibly restricted. He was struggling to pull enough air into his lungs, and even the small puffs of air he got were mere wheezes. His head was starting to spin. He was much too overwhelmed for this.
A rough cough rattled through him. He hacked into his arm violently, but he couldn't catch his breath.
"Li, I-" he couldn't breathe. He barely had enough in him form the words to explain.
"Louis, he's having a asthma attack. Please tell me his inhaler's in that bag," Harry realized.
Liam, putting the pieces together, broke the no-touching rule and pulled Niall upright further. His crunched over position would only make it harder for him to breath properly.
Louis was scrambling to look through the bag. The horrible sounds Niall was making was only stressing him out, but he finally pulled out the boy's inhaler.
"Thank god," both Louis and Zayn mumbled.
While it was clear that Niall's condition had evolved from panic related breathing troubles to asthma, the boy wouldn't feel better until he managed to calm down a little. He had tears tracking down his cheeks and he was still anxious about the elevator.
Liam was handed the inhaler.
"I think he might do a bit better without us all crowding him," Harry said. In their concern they'd only managed to confine Niall further.
Harry and Zayn both stepped back to the opposite end of the elevator. Louis pulled an old water bottle out of the backpack and handed it to Liam before retreating as well, all the boy's remaining on the ground.
"Ni, I've got your inhaler. I'm gonna need you to breathe in as much as you can."
Niall nodded, hands reaching for the inhaler. Liam gave it to him, but kept a hand on it as Niall was shaking heavily.
They did one puff, Niall trying his hardest to breathe. He breathed in and out a few times before taking another dose. The wheezing was fading, but it still wasn't ideal.
Niall pushed his inhaler away and leaned into Liam, trying to calm himself down. He had his eyes shut, but it was painfully obvious that he was scared.
Liam knew this was an improvement. For Niall to lean into Liam was a sign his panic was starting to fade, but they had to keep it away and there wasn't much to do about his fear.
"I feel sick," Niall breathed. He didn't sound like himself.
"Pukey? Should we find you a bag or something?"
Niall tried for another deep breath.
"I j-just need to calm myself down," Niall said, voice wavering. He rubbed at his watery eyes.
Liam put his arm around him, rubbing up and down Niall's own arm.
"Hey, Harry? Have you got your earbuds on you?" Liam asked. Harry checked his pockets and pulled out a pair.
"One's broken," Harry admitted.
"I think I've got some," said Zayn.
He pulled them out and handed them over.
Liam pulled out his phone and plugged the earbuds in before handing everything over to Niall.
"Try to focus on this, love. Just close your eyes for a while, we'll get this all sorted."
Niall took the phone gratefully, putting in the earbuds and turning the music on before closing his eyes again.
Louis took the initiative to call management and tell them about their situation. They were beyond late now, and had no real way of knowing when they'd be out of the elevator.
They got a call shortly after from the front desk letting them know that the repair people had arrived and were trying to locate the problem. Niall seemed to be put a little on edge by the update, not loving the thought of people tinkering with the giant metal box they were stuck in, but Liam kept him calm.
"Is your stomach still feeling sick?" Liam asked a little later on. Niall shrugged, shifting the smallest bit to cuddle closer. He was feeling a little better, but his earlier fiasco had him worn out. He fell asleep shortly after.
The boys were stuck in the lift for a full hour and a half. When the elevator suddenly shuddered back to life, everyone jumped a bit from the sudden movement.
"Oh, finally," Louis groaned. He'd started complaining of needing to use the bathroom a half hour ago.
Niall's eyes were wide as he was scared out of his sleep. Liam had felt him jump when the lift started.
"We're okay, they just fixed it. Common, I'll help you up," Liam offered.
Niall took his hand, still looking tired. Liam heard the sigh of relief from Niall when the elevator doors finally opened.
The boys were met with multiple staff people who were crowding them in apologies. Niall just hid his face in Liam's jacket as he was closest, not feeling up the noise and wanting to get out of the lobby.
"Thanks for you're help. It's okay, really, it happens. Thank you," Liam was saying before he felt Niall push himself into his side. He could tell he was uncomfortable.
"Thanks for all your concern, but Niall here's feeling a bit under the weather so we're just gonna go back upstairs now," Liam smiled, guiding Niall through the small crowd. The boys all headed to the stair case, none of them wanting to risk another elevator ride for the day.
"We're not going to the interview right?" Liam asked.
"Hell no," Louis said.
"Niall's in no position for an interview today anyway, he needs a good rest," Harry added, patting Niall on the back lightly. The boy smiled a bit sheepishly.
They were all slightly out of breath by the time they got the their floor. 6 flights of stairs was no picnic for any of them.
Niall flopped into bed when the reached their room, moaning in relief to have the rest of the day off. He kicked his shoes off and got under the covers fully clothed. Liam and Louis both sat at the end of the bed, watching as Niall got settled.
"I'm okay now, guys," Niall said quietly, catching them watching.
They both looked away quickly, embarrassed smiled on each face.
"Just keeping an eye on you, love. We know you're doing better now, you just gave us a bit of a scare is all," Louis explained. Niall blushed.
"Thanks for calming me down, I just get so worked up- " Niall got cut off.
"Its fine, Niall. There's no reason to explain, we've all got our fears, yeah?" Liam said.
Niall smiled a bit a nodded, scooting until he was laying down.
"Just take a good nap. Maybe we'll do something with our day off," Louis added. Niall complied, closing his eyes and easily falling asleep.
This was requested by @eeeema (: hope its what you wanted.
Hope you all had a nice Christmas if you celebrated. I'm honestly just so ready for this year to end! Sorry for any mistakesssss
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