Niall Appendicitis
Request for @xyliam77
"Hey, Liam, how much longer before rehearsal?" Niall asked sleepily, laying across the couch in the tour bus. Liam pushed at Niall's legs and sat opposite the boy.
"Like 2 hours or something, I dunno. Why do you keep asking?"
Niall groaned and pulled his legs in, closing his eyes
"I've been feeling kinda sick," Niall said, letting his hand wander to his stomach. "I keep waiting for it to go away."
Liam gave a look to Niall.
"Don't look ill to me," He said, leaning closer to Niall. "You're no more pale than usual, bud."
Niall peered at Liam.
"I don't know, I just have that feeling," Niall tried to explain. Liam didn't appear very concerned, but Niall knew something was wrong.
"You could probably sleep it off," Liam suggested. Niall frowned.
"I've been asleep all day. I keep waking up worse," Niall complained. He hadn't been able to keep his eyes open for much longer than two hours the entire day. Nobody'd seemed to take much notice.
"Do we have anything I could take? I'm all shaky," Niall asked. His stomach had a sharp pain shooting through it, one of the only constants of his weird illness.
"Don't get all drugged up, you'll need to be awake for rehearsal," Liam reminded. Niall didn't want to think about rehearsal, he just wanted the pain to stop.
Niall got up from the couch, hunching a bit to stop the flash of pain he felt. He wanted to lay back down, but he wanted to be alone, or at least undisturbed. With that goal in mind, Niall made his way to the back of the bus to his bunk. It didn't take him long to realize that his bed on the top bunk required more energy than Niall was willing to give, so he just curled into Louis's bunk instead.
Niall tried for over half an hour to succumb to the overwhelming exhaustion running through his body, but the pain he was feeling was overpowering. Eventually, Louis came to the back of the bus.
"Niall, what on earth are you doing in my bunk?" He asked, picking around for something. Niall grumbled.
"My stomach hurts, Louis," he said.
"Liam said you were complaining of feeling uneasy before. Just get through the next few days and we'll get a break. You'll be able to make it a bit longer," Lou said, acting as though Niall was just unmotivated. Niall wasn't so sure he could make it. A nauseous feeling was beginning to swirl around with the pain that he'd been trying to push through for the last couple of hours.
"Do you think I could skip rehearsal tonight, Lou? Or go in early tomorrow to talk through everything? I'm really really not-"
"No, Niall. That wouldn't be fair to any of us, would it?" Louis cut him off swiftly. Niall noticed Harry standing in the passageway to the bunks, he must've been listening but Niall was pretty sure that his weak voice wasn't traveling that far. He'd definitely heard Louis, though.
"Louis, can you just listen for a moment? Please," Niall tried, feeling suddenly ganged up on. Did he not look ill? Surely the pained expression he'd been wearing since the morning should have been a red flag to someone.
"We're all tired, Niall! Just because you're in a slump today doesn't mean you get the night off, okay? It just doesn't. We need to practice the show together or there isn't a point. The fans deserve the best we can give," Louis said, his voice raised. Niall sat up in the bunk a little stunned.
"Don't throw our fans in my face again, Louis. I do my best for them everyday, and you know that," Niall said quietly, guilt curdling his stomach even further. Louis didn't spare an extra glance.
"Well then do your best, Niall. I'll see you at rehearsal."
Louis left him. Niall felt anger boiling his blood.
Louis's statement was a hard jab. They were on the same bus, they'd see each other before they had to work, but Louis wanted Niall to know that Niall wasn't doing his part if he didn't show up for the run through. Niall looked and saw Harry still standing by the door.
"What, Harry?" Niall asked, impatience in his voice. He could feel tears tingling his eyes but he wasn't going to break. He couldn't tell if it was the nausea and pain making him upset or the burn Louis's words had left. He was shaking and his head felt light.
"You know that if it was any other thing, you could probably skip, right? When you're this tired you just need a break, I get that. But rehearsal is really important, and we've all had to push through days like these, Ni."
Harry sounded uncomfortable and Niall could see him shifting awkwardly.
"I'm sick, Harry. I'm just not feeling well." He was nearly begging Harry to believe him.
Harry pushed his head back and sighed.
"Whatever, Niall. You might feel a bit shit, but we all do at this point. We have a few days soon to catch up on sleep and relax, but we've got to make it through this first."
Niall was done. He was tired of this.
"Just go away, Harry" Niall said, laying back down and facing away from the boy.
"Go away," Niall said firmly, though he had tears tracking both cheeks.
"Niall, don't be angry-" Harry tried.
Niall smashed his eyes shut tight. He figured both Liam and Louis could hear Harry.
"I'll be at rehearsal! Thats what you want, and I'll be there, okay? Thats it."
Niall heard Harry moving away. He held his tears in until he was sure nobody would hear him.
Niall let himself decompress for a while, quiet sobs shaking him. He hoped Louis wouldn't come to his bunk for a few hours, he didn't want his tear stairs being noticed.
Niall's crying was only making his cramping stomach worse though, and soon Niall was making a pained run into the small bathroom and locking the door.
Niall could hear the TV playing even over his heavy breathing, so he could only hope the boys wouldn't hear him getting sick.
Niall wanted to cry every time he breathed in, a stabbing pain attacking his belly.
Niall threw up for a number of minutes, but he couldn't get much out.
He felt the bus come to a stop halfway through his bout and he felt his heart speed up at the thought of the boys finding him, but he managed to keep himself quiet until he calmed down.
It took a while for Niall to be steady enough to stand without support, but he looked almost normal leaving the bathroom.
They'd parked at their hotel, but they were immediately transitioning into another car so that their things could be taken inside while they went to the venue.
Niall managed to keep his head down until they were in the car, but it only took mere seconds until his red bleary eyes were noticed. Niall was sat by the window with Harry beside him. The sick boy could feel a hand placed on his shoulder, but he pulled away and leaned against the window. Maybe he was being rude, but he felt like vomiting his guts up and being unable to rid the pain he was feeling constituted the attitude. Not to mention his best friends not believing that he was truly ill.
"Niall..." Harry sighed.
Niall didn't answer, he just closed his eyes.
Niall slipped away to the bathroom when they got to the venue, his stomach fighting again. He could only get a little out of him which did nothing for the pressure and left him feeling shaky and just as nauseous. Niall couldn't walk without a small hunch. He was in a lot of pain, the wrong movement threatening to bring him to his knees. He knew he had a fever too, and he was more than aware of the thumping in his head.
The rest of the boys may have been unaware of Niall's illness, but it was becoming mighty clear that something was wrong. Pure exhaustion was written all over Niall's features and he was beyond pale now. He looked downright unwell, and Liam became concerned when he realized Niall had gone the day without having a proper meal. Liam was also smart enough to know that Niall wasn't going to ask for help anymore.
Niall kept his distance from the rest of the band before rehearsal. Louis and Harry both felt guilty. Even if Niall was faking his illness, there had probably been a reason and yet they'd left him on his own the entire day.
When they met on stage, Niall still didn't utter a word. He was pissed and the band knew it, but above all he was lonely. He'd never felt so alone while he was surrounded by his friends, but he felt like he was fighting a battle completely solo.
When the music started, Niall hardly moved through the whole song. His voice didn't have much behind it, he was just singing the words.
Niall's vision was starting to cloud over by the end of their second song. Pain swelled through Niall's abdomen and pulsed with every heartbeat and Niall's sluggish body wasn't keeping up with his brain anymore. He stopped thinking about the words, just half in tune mumbles being broadcasted from his microphone before even those faded.
People were looking at him now and it'd seemed that Niall had finally earned attention from his bandmates, but blackness was dancing in front of his eyes.
Niall placed his hands on his knees and bent over, trying to calm down as his microphone made a horrible sounds as it dropped onto the stage. The boys were making their ways over to Niall, but it was no use. One last flash of pain had Niall falling unconscious to the floor.
The boys were in shock, but were at Niall's side in an instant and screaming for help. Niall was only out for a matter of seconds in the end, but it felt like forever. Niall hadn't even fully come to before he was heaving, his stomach finally ready to expel everything.
Louis pushed Niall onto his side, not wanting Niall to choke when he threw up, and then readjusted a bit. Niall had no sooner sucked in a breath than he was vomiting his meals from the day before, both arms wrapped around his abdomen.
"Oh god," Liam gasped. Harry looked on the verge of tears.
Niall coughed and continued to retch, whimpering as his puddle of sick got closer to him. Harry and Louis very, very slowly pulled Niall the smallest bit upright so that his torso was no longer against the stage and held him there. Niall's arms couldn't hold him up, he was shaking far too hard.
The moment the bout ended, Niall sucked in a deep breath and pushed away from the hands holding him up. Harry, Liam, and Louis all sat silently as Niall looked around him and tears started building up in his eyes. A few seconds later Niall finally let a sob escape him before finally breaking, his body giving out onto a clean portion of the stage. He felt overwhelmed and dizzy and angry. He knew he shouldn't push his friends away. After all, this whole time all he'd wanted was comfort, but he wasn't quite ready to let go. The boys gave him his much needed cry and were smart enough to know that Niall was in no emotional condition to forgive in that moment. He heard people talking a short distance away about an ambulance.
Niall flinched when he felt and hand at his back, and mere moments later it was retracted. His stomach was in so much pain, he just needed this to go away.
The sobbing resulted similarly to what he'd endured previously, and soon the hands were pulling him upright once more and rubbing his back as he threw again. This time, when his stomach calmed down, Niall didn't move. He was incredibly lightheaded and wasn't sure he'd be able to stay conscious if he laid back down. He'd never felt pain so intense in his stomach.
"Niall, love, there's an ambulance on the way," Liam said softly, hand continuing to rub comforting circles into Niall's back. Niall nodded, still slightly out of breath.
"We're so sorry, Ni. We had no idea-" Louis tried.
"I told you," Niall cut in, voice a mess.
"You did, you're right. We should have believed you," Louis said, shaking his head. He felt like an asshole. Niall didn't respond.
"It was wrong of us to leave you on your own feeling ill. Regardless of how bad it was, we should have been there," Harry said, voice wavering. Niall hated how scared he sounded and a wave of fresh, hot tears were soaking into his clothes.
"Oh, Niall, please don't cry anymore. You'll make yourself sick," Louis begged. Niall nodded again, bunching his long sleeve into his fist and rubbing his eyes. As unhappy as he was about how he'd been treated, he felt nearly just as bad at how horrible his friends felt now.
Niall shrugged and breathed in somewhere between a sob and a breath.
"It's okay," he said quietly. He could almost feel the tension in the air deflating.
Liam put his arm around Niall's shoulder in a small hug.
"You have us such a fright, you know," Liam breathed. Niall smiled sadly and nodded, still wiping away tears.
"I'm scared, too," he admitted.
Harry and Louis both scooted closer to Niall.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Harry asked, trying to nonchalantly wipe at his own watery eyes. Niall took a deep breath.
"My stomach hurts. Not in a regular way, but r-really really sharp. I think I have a f-fever and I've thrown up a little earlier. I don't know, my stomach j-just really hurts," Niall said shakily. He was having a hard time breathing quite right.
The boy's hearts sank when they heard that Niall'd been throwing up without telling anyone.
"Aw, Ni," Harry sighed, "I feel awful about this."
Niall shook his head. "I just want to feel better."
Only a few minutes later, a stretcher was being rolled onto the stage. Niall felt his cheeks heat up, but deep down he knew he didn't have the strength to walk on his own.
Niall was picked up and laid on the stretcher carefully, but he couldn't help a small cry in pain. The paramedics asked what had happened which Louis explained as quickly as possible, and soon the people were poking and prodding around Niall's stomach. Suddenly Niall screamed out in pain, his body curling up to his side.
"Please, p-please don't touch there again. Please d-don't," Niall shouted, batting the paramedics hands away.
"Shhh, Niall, their all done," Harry murmured soothingly, somehow staying calm despite realizing what was going on. He pushed Niall's hair off his forehead.
All the boys were looking to the paramedics, waiting for guidance.
"We've got to get him to the hostipal, now. He's going to need surgery."
Niall got situated in the ambulance with Harry, and Louis drove Liam. Everyone's heart was racing, but they knew that Niall would be alright on the ride there.
When they got to the hospital, Niall was taken straight back to the operating room. Harry came to the front to sit and wait with Louis and Liam.
"He puked again on the way here," Harry updated, leaning against Louis. "He was scared going back alone."
Liam shook his head. "Fucking appendicitis," he hissed.
It took hours, but finally the boys were able to go back to see Niall. The blonde was weak and tired, but somehow he still looked better than before. He felt considerably better, but he admitted that he was still feeling a little sick to his stomach.
A few days later, Niall was discharged. Their concert had obviously been cancelled and a few others had as well so that Niall had enough time for a full recovery. Harry, Liam, and Louis did everything they could to make Niall comfortable, making sure the boy always had everything he needed. Niall knew his friends were still feeling a little guilty, but they weren't leaving his side again.
This got a bit crazy long, so hopefully it doesn't bore any of you! I was struggling a bit with the end. I really liked this request, sorry if it got a bit sad or whatever, I just feel like if nobody believed I was sick I would be a little pissed? I dunno lol. If any of you have any more requests, let me know! I haven't done any Liam or Lou in a while so that's where I'm tryna go next, but I'm totally open to any of the boys like always((((:
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