Liam upset stomach
Liam woke up knowing it wasn't going to be his day. He opened his eyes and immediately felt a sharp pain rip through his stomach.
"God damn," he hissed, struggling to sit up.
"Whats up with you?" Niall asked, walking easily past Liam's hunched over frame.
"My stomach hurts," Liam groaned.
Niall stopped and looked back at him.
"Oh, you gonna be sick or something?" Niall asked.
Liam shook his head.
"It's not like that... It just really hurts."
Niall turned away, shrugging.
"Maybe you need to eat something. It could be hunger pains or whatever," Niall thought.
Liam shook his head.
"I just haven't got much of an appetite right now," Liam explained.
"Why don't you come out to the living room and at least try to drink something?"
Liam sighed but stood up nonetheless. He just didn't want anything that could make the cramping worse.
Niall and Liam walked downstairs through the living room. Louis and Harry were already up and watching television.
"Finally! Are you guys still up for going out today?" Harry asked, looking behind him from the couch.
Niall smiled.
"I totally forgot about that! We only have a few days off for who knows how long. We should go," Niall nodded.
Liam grimaced and flopped on the couch by Harry.
"I'm not feeling very well," Liam grumbled.
"His stomach hurts," Niall informed.
Louis peered over to Liam.
"We aren't going out now anyway, it'll be a few hours. You've only just woken up, yeah? Give it some time."
Liam nodded. He just felt sick. Not nauseous or anything, but pure, deep pain. He only wanted to curl up and go back to sleep.
Liam shut his eyes and drew his knees in. He didn't want water, he kind of wished he stayed in bed where he wouldn't feel the need to talk much.
Liam let himself drift off for a few minutes in his awkward position on the sofa. He could absentmindedly hear Harry, Lou, and Niall talking about plans for the day, barely paying mind to Liam. When Liam struggled to really get to sleep, he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"I think I'm going to go upstairs to lay back down. Do we have Tums anywhere?" Liam asked.
He got tiredly to his feet, and held onto the side of the couch as he fought to keep his heavy eye lids open.
"You don't want to stay here?" Harry asked.
Liam shrugged.
"I just need to lay down, Haz. Don't wanna take up the entire couch," Liam mumbled.
"Ah, okay. Don't think anyone packed Tums, mate. I'm sure it'll go away on its own," Harry said.
Liam groaned and started towards the stairs. He was so tired.
Nobody seemed too worried with Liam's stomachache. While Liam struggled to fall asleep, the boys downstairs finalized plans and destinations for their day off.
Liam, on the other hand, could hardly sit still. He couldn't find a decent position to lay in that didn't leave him whining in pain and his mind was fuzzy. He just couldn't think straight with the sleepy ache in his limbs.
Liam was becoming desperate. He got up to see if using the bathroom would help, forced himself into a few sips of water, and even tried spooning with an extra pillow on his bed. He just wasn't finding comfort anywhere, and the pain was only getting sharper.
Finally, over an hour later, Liam managed to drift asleep.
"Liam. Liam, mate, common. Have you really been sleeping this whole time?"
Liam groaned and opened his eyes, frowning when he saw Louis standing over him.
"Hey, lazy. We're about to leave. You better get up if you don't want to look half dead before we go," Louis said.
Liam pulled his covers up higher to cover his chest.
"COMMOM LIAM! WE'RE LEAVING!" Harry called from the room over. Liam moaned in frustration.
"I told you I wasn't feeling well, Lou. My stomach's been bothering me all day. I don't want to go out."
Louis squinted at him.
"You haven't thrown up anything, Li. You don't seem too bad off," Louis shrugged.
Liam felt heat flare in his chest as he grew angry. He'd just fallen asleep when they woke him up and now they weren't even taking him seriously.
"Just leave, yeah? I'll survive on my own. I don't feel up to anything anyway."
Louis rolled his eyes thinking Liam was being over dramatic.
"We'll bring you back some food," Louis said, leaving Liam without a worry.
"I'm really not hungry," Liam mumbled. He didn't think Louis was even listening anymore. He was going to have to brave through his stomachache alone.
Liam was a mess after a few hours on his own. His stomach was absolutely killing him and he was getting hot flashes as his emotions flared. He worked himself to tears as he found nothing to make him feel even a little bit better and not even his friends to help him bare through the horrible feeling. Eventually, Liam forced himself out of bed. He couldn't help himself from grimacing as his stomach disagreed with the action, but he had to try anything he could to feel okay again. Hunched over and a bit dizzy from the pain, Liam stumbled into Harry and Louis's room. Liam pushed around the contents in Harry's suitcase (which had been laying on the floor) in an effort to find a hot water bottle. Harry had come down with a virus earlier that month and had purchased it in a feeble attempt to help his own upset stomach. Liam knew where to find it as there hadn't been a reason for it to be unpacked again since then, and sighed with relief when his hands found the device.
Harry hadn't given the thing much of a chance, but he'd been getting out of bed every few minutes to be sick. Liam suspected a hot water bottle didn't do much for straight nausea.
It took Liam an eternity to walk around the house and fill the bottle with hot water. He was just all too slow on his feet and he felt ready to pass out by the time he finally got back to his room.
He discarded his shirt in a heap on the floor before crawling clumsily into bed. He curled up under the covers and set his last hope of relief between the sheet and comforter.
It took a while before Liam felt any difference. It wasn't much really, which Liam expected, but after a good 15 minutes of heat on his belly, the horrible cramps he'd been suffering through loosened a bit. After over two hours of struggling, Liam finally fell back asleep.
The rest of the bands activities ended early. What was planned to be a full day of fun was cut short from a growing feeling of guilt. It was the band's day off, and they'd left Liam completely on his own while he wasn't feeling right. Even if he didn't look very uncomfortable, Liam had always been good at hiding how lousy he really felt. They'd almost completely ignored him when he straight out told them he wasn't well. Even little stomachaches deserved some company, it wasn't very thoughtful of them to disregard his complaints.
Instead of bringing back lunch, they brought Liam chicken noodle soup and a pack of Tums. Niall suspected that Liam was probably feeling more like himself already, but even if that were the case he would probably want to take it easy.
When they entered the house, they quickly realized that Liam hadn't taken any advantage of having the place to himself. In fact, Liam hadn't even left his bed.
"Aw, poor guy. Wonder what's made him so sleepy. He's been sluggish all day," Harry observed. Louis sighed, sitting lightly on Liam's bed doing his best not to wake the boy.
"Shit," Louis cursed.
He carefully placed a hand over Liam's forehead, taking a deep breath when he felt the boy's skin burning. Liam was sweating, hair plastered to his face and sheets sticking to his body.
"Aw, geez, he's got a fever," Louis said, shaking his head. They'd not just left Liam alone with a stomachache, they'd left him while he was burning with a temperature.
Liam started to shift, beginning to curl back up tightly until he felt the body constricting his movement from under the blankets.
"Mmph, Lou?" Liam whispered, barely awake.
"Oh, bud. I'm so sorry, I really wasn't trying to wake you-"
Liam shook his head, eyes shutting for a moment again.
"M'belly hurts. Think m'getting sick," Liam murmured.
Louis played with Liam's hair without a thought.
"You've got a fever, Li. I'm sorry we left you here, love. I wish you would've called one of us when you started getting worse," Louis said.
Liam whined.
"Its our day off. You made plans.."
"They're no fun without you, Liam," Niall spoke up.
"We shouldn't have left, mate," Harry added.
Liam's eyes began to water. He still wasn't feeling okay.
"You haven't had a thing to eat all day. We brought back some chicken noodle soup for you. Want to try some?" Louis offered.
Liam shrugged. His belly hurt really bad again. His hot water bottle had cooled to room temperature.
"Are you nauseous? Don't feel up to eating?"
Liam shook his head.
"Still just hurts," Liam mumbled, "Really hurts. Not very hungry."
Harry sat next to Louis.
"I think you really need something in your system. I know it doesn't sound too good, but it's nice and light, alright? Can you try a few spoonfuls? We got some stomach soothers too," Harry coaxed.
Liam was swiping away tears but nodded. He was just cautious about doing anything to make it worse.
Louis slowly helped Liam sit up, the sick boy's hot water bottle coming into view.
Niall felt it.
"You want this warmed up, Liam? Did it help at all?"
Liam nodded, groaning as his head throbbed from his change in position.
"You alright?" Harry asked.
Liam rubbed his eyes and nodded again. He could feel Louis's hand running up and down his back.
"Head hurt, um, m-my head really hurt for a sec," Liam groaned.
"You just want to sit in bed? You seem a bit shaky, Li," Louis offered.
Liam shook his head.
"I feel gross here. Just need to get out."
Louis and Harry helped Liam from his bed and into the living room. Liam laid on the sofa with a fresh blanket, and minutes later Niall came in with the hot water bottle. He was forced to sit up again when a small bowl of soup was handed his way.
Liam took a deep breath tried a spoonful. As unappetizing as it had sounded earlier, the warm broth tasted amazing and settled fine in his otherwise empty stomach.
"All good?" Louis asked.
Liam smiled a little and nodded, taking another bite. He ended up finishing the small portion before laying back down. His stomachache hadn't gone anywhere, but he was starting to get rid of the hazy feeling in his head already.
Liam ended up falling back asleep pretty early in the evening. Niall had laid down with him on the couch and given him a little belly rub and Liam was out in minutes. Everyone stayed close to Liam for the rest of the night. Somehow, he never woke up for more than a couple minutes before it was time for bed and the boys decided it'd be best to just let him sleep on the sofa. Not wanting to go far, the band scattered around the living for the night, nobody wanting Liam to be alone when he needed them again.
This was a request! Hope it was okay, I know it kind of strayed from the direct prompt but I couldn't find a way to make it long at all without making the boys go out. Sorryyyy, hope it's still close.
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