Harry with a Cold
Harry shuffled into the kitchen and promptly sat down without a word, his arms folding on the table and his head resting against them. Liam and Louis gave a knowing glance to one another before Louis stepped away from the counter and squatted by Harry's chair.
"Whats wrong, Harry?"
Harry moaned a little in discomfort, his voice muffled by his arms.
"My head hurts,"
Louis nodded and looked back at Liam in a "we called it," kind of glance.
"Have you taken anything for it yet?" Louis continued.
Harry shook his head a little before wincing.
Louis frowned at Harry's behavior and rubbed the boy's back a little.
"Why don't you lay down on the couch and we'll get you something. Does that sound okay?"
Harry just shrugged. He'd gotten lightheaded when he stood on his own getting out of bed, he didn't feel like making the walk to the couch.
"I just wanna stay still, I think," Harry answered quietly, almost timid.
Louis nodded and hummed at Harry's request.
"Whatever you want to do, Harry, I'll go get you some medicine,"
Harry murmured a soft "Thank you, Lou," as Louis stood from his crouched position. As he made his way up the steps, Louis could see Liam was now talking to the unhappy boy.
Smiling softly, Louis got Harry some tablets for his head and pushed open Niall's bedroom door.
As predicted, the boy was awake and on his phone, though still under his comforter.
"Hey, Tommo," he greeted.
"Hey, just thought I'd let you know that Harry's woken with a headache," Louis explained, shaking the pill bottle in his hand a little as if giving Niall proof. "Whenever you get your arse out of bed, try not to make too much noise. Not that, you know, I think you will or anything, but-"
Niall laughed, cutting him off.
"No problem, Lou,"
Louis smiled and nodded, then went back down stairs. When he got there, he saw Harry sitting up at the table and a piece of toast in his hand.
"Toast?" Louis asked, looking at Liam for an explanation. Liam nodded.
"He said he wasn't hungry, but I told him he should eat before he takes the meds."
Louis walked to the table, setting down the boy's medicine and turning to Harry.
"Does your stomach not feel good?"
Harry shrugged, looking at Lou through glassy eyes.
"It feels okay, just don't have an appetite I guess. I'm still really tired, maybe thats why,"
Louis frowned but nodded.
Harry finished his toast and took his medicine before Louis coaxed him into the living room and onto the couch.
Harry sat beside Louis, instantly leaning onto the smaller boy.
"I don't know why my head hurts so much," Harry murmured, sounding upset. Louis pulled him closer, his arm wrapping about Harry. He didn't like seeing the boy in so much pain.
"I'm sorry, the medicine should kick in soon. Try to relax," Louis comforted.
"Do you want to put on a movie?" Liam asked, sitting across from them on a chair.
Harry nodded, and Louis agreed so they put on a disney movie and settled back in. Niall came down at the sound of Mulan's opening credits and smashed in the chair with Liam.
Liam laughed and made room for the other boy.
"Its an official lazy day, Niall," Liam told him once they were comfortable. The blonde nodded.
"So I've heard,"
It didn't take long for Harry to start dozing off. Maybe it was the sitting still so long, or the warmth of the blanket he found himself under, or maybe it was Louis's fingers running through his hair. Either way, his head kept dipping forward as he fell asleep, then shooting back up as he felt his body moving forward.
He moaned and curled into Louis, his head resting on the older boy's shoulder.
"I can't stay awake," he mumbled, doing everything in his power to keep his eyes open.
Louis laughed softly, "Its alright, you aren't feeling very good, are you?"
Harry shook his head a little. He didn't know why his headache was making him feel so bad.
"Yeah, just close your eyes, love. A little rest would do you some good,"
Harry did just that, pulling the blanket up a little further and sniffling a little bit.
"Will you watch the end with me another time? I missed this movie," Harry asked, eyes shut.
Louis smiled.
"Of course, Harry."
Harry was asleep in minutes, but Louis continued running his fingers through the boy's tangled hair.
After he was sure Harry was really asleep, he brought his hand up to the boys forehead. He winced as he felt the heat burning from Harry's skin.
"Aw, no wonder he feels so sick, Harry's got a fever," Louis told Liam and Niall, his hand moving the boys cheek and then up the back of his shirt.
"He's absolutely burning, poor thing," Louis continued.
Niall and Liam gave concerned looks.
"I thought he just had a headache!" Niall said, obviously surprised.
Liam shook his head.
"I was starting to think maybe he caught something. He's been sluggish all day, obviously not feeling good,"
Niall still looked a little confused having only caught Harry awake for maybe a half hour.
Louis nodded in agreement with Liam.
"He doesn't usually get such bad headaches unless his allergies are acting up. And he's been so quiet today." Louis said, sticking his lower lip out in sympathy while he pushed harry's hair back.
Niall shifted to get a better look at his sick friend.
"He does look a bit peaky. Its a good thing we've got a little time off," Niall said, watching as Harry shifted a bit on Louis.
Niall wasn't wrong. Harry woke up coughing unexpectedly into Louis's t-shirt and gasping for breath.
"Whoa Harry, breath, Harry" Louis calmed, rubbing up and down Harry's tensed back. The boy couldn't catch a break, gagging a little as the fit continued.
When the coughing finally stopped, Harry relaxed into Louis once again taking ragged breaths.
"You alright, Hazza? I thought you were going to be sick there for a second,"
Harry whimpered and let a small sob escape him.
Louis pulled the boy into his lap. Harry still had his head buried in Louis's shirt, but this way they were facing each other better.
Slowly, he began pushing Harry up a bit until he could see the younger boy's sad, glassy eyes through his curls.
"Hey." Louis spoke softly, leaning forward so their foreheads were touching. Harry shut his eyes, not wanting Louis to see him crying and trying to even out his breathing.
"Talk to me, Harry," Louis murmured. He knew the other boys were probably watching but he was doing all he could to hide Harry's tears and keep their conversation private. He knew the boy would only fret more in embarrassment and that was the last thing he needed.
Harry let out a shuddering breath.
"My headache- its so much worse, Lou. It hurts so bad and I don't feel very well. I don't know why I'm crying," he mumbled, swiping at his eyes, "I just don't feel very well,"
Louis frowned and pulled Harry back into his chest, letting him get out his cry.
"Harry, love, you have a fever. Thats whats making you so upset and why you feel so bad. I'm sorry, you're just a little out of sorts right now,"
Harry offered a little nod and held tightly on to Louis. Eventually, he managed to fall back to sleep.
Harry only got worse throughout the day. His throat got very sore by evening and his nose was all blocked up. He spent most of the day with Louis, who'd made Harry lay down after coughing until he was light headed. He just held him close on the couch. They watched multiple movies, Niall and Liam making coming in and out of the living room throughout the day, whether it was to check on Harry or to catch the end of 'Love, Actually'.
It took Harry a long 3 days to feel himself again. He lost his voice on day three but his headache had cleared by then. His cough was the only thing that really lingered, but a few dozen cups of tea and a lot of naps later, Harry was feeling almost as good as new.
A/N: alright fam, not gonna lie there's probably a crap ton of mistake in there, so sorry if you spot some. I have a tendency to just keep writing these things until they're crazy long sooo the endings are super rough.
If you want me to write anything, you can ask:)! I might not write everything for sure but please askkk anyway.
Ok. Lol pretty obvious idk when to stop but thats it! Thanks for reading!
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