Zayn Hiding Inury
Louis jumps onto Zayn to wake him up and lands on his left wrist. Zayn screams, but tries to pretend it was just from the shock. He takes a shower and notices it swelling, but knows they only have practice so ignores it. During practice, the boys all have to move around, meaning they have to take their mics with them. He uses his right wrist but is told to move to the other side and use his left wrist to make it look better on stage. He tries to talk to them about it, but Liam tells him to let it go. He ends up falling to the ground in pain. He still tries to hide it and claims he just tripped. Later that day, when he can barely eat, Harry asks about it. He makes them believe it's not that bad. One more incident happens after this. Finally, from all the stress and tiredness from the day, he passes out onto the floor. When the boys, and Paul, come, looking at him, they notice how big and red his wrist is. When he wakes, he finally breaks and tells them about everything.
I regret making it his left hand, but too late, the prompt was already posted.
I open my eyes only to see Louis hurling towards me.
He painfully lands on my wrist. I scream out in pain so he quickly gets off.
"You okay?"
"Y-yea, sorry, just a bit shocked."
"Alright, well, get your arse up, we have to leave for practice in an hour."
I fake a laugh.
God that really hurt.
I take off my clothes and hop into the shower.
Yikes, my left wrist looks like a tomato compared to my right one.
I shrug it off since practice is the only thing we have today.
After a few minutes, I get out of the shower and head to the kitchen where the rest of the boys are.
"How long until we have to leave?" I ask Liam.
"Just about ten minutes."
I nod.
I make a bowl of cereal for myself and start eating.
"You okay Zee? Don't you usually eat with your left hand for some reason?"
"Uh, um, I... I'm trying to change it! 'Cuz-cuz I thought it was kinda weird."
"Oh, alright. I thought it was kinda cute."
I shrug and continue eating.
"Alright, time to go," Liam shouts a few minutes later.
I quickly put my bowl into the sink and get into the car.
At Practice
So far, practice has been going great. So far.
Right now I'm using my right hand to hold the mic so my wrist doesn't hurt, but management doesn't look so happy with how it's been going so far.
"Ok, ok, let's change this up a bit. What about Harry in the middle because he's got the best voice, Liam on the left and Louis on the right of him, then obviously Niall and Zayn have the worst voices," they scream at us.
Niall and I look at each other but he easily shrugs it off.
I wish I could do that.
"Mmm, Zayn, grab the mic with your left hand, it'll look better on stage."
"Uh, I-I think I'd rather not."
"Excuse me!?"
"Let it go," Liam whispers to me from the right.
"No!" I almost scream at him.
After a few minutes of bickering, they get what they want.
I try my best, I really do, but the pain, it's just so... painful.
After a few more minutes, right in the middle of a song, I fall to the ground in pain, clutching my wrist.
"Zayn! What's wrong? Are you hurt!?" Liam sweeps right in.
"Nah, I-I just tripped."
"Are you sure about that?"
I quickly nod.
"C-can I switch positions with Niall? Please!? Just for right now, I don't even care what happens on stage," I beg management.
They eventually let me and the rest of practice goes fine, besides the fact that I constantly feel Liam's eyes on me.
At Dinner
Liam made some spaghetti so we go down.
Again, I try using my right-hand to eat.
By the time I'm halfway through eating, the boys are already full. Well, except Niall who's 'only' on his third plate.
"You should really just use your normal hand Zee," Niall says through bites.
"N-no, I can handle."
"Are you sure? You held a spoon during breakfast, I think that's already pretty good."
"I said, it's fine," I say, a little more stern this time.
"JUST USE YOUR FRICKIN' LEFT HAND! There's nothing wrong with it..." Liam says, sounding surprised he yelled.
I slowly move my fork to my left hand, already wincing.
Liam notices right away.
"Are you sure you're ok Zayn?"
"Y-yea, just... still a little hurt from tripping earlier," I say trying to laugh it off.
Luckily, Niall joins, until everyone is laughing.
"I-I'm just gonna use the bathroom," I say, hoping they'll be gone by the time I get back, so I can eat without being in pain.
"Really? You never stop eating for that kind of stuff."
"Leave me alone," I snap.
I head to the bathroom and wait for about five minutes before coming back out.
Luckily, the boys are all gone so I eat peacefully, with my right hand.
As soon as I come out of the kitchen, I head up to my room, trying to get some sleep.
Thirty Minutes Later
I wake up to someone knocking on my door.
I quickly sit up.
"C-come in," I say.
Louis walks in.
"Hey Zee! Bit tired today, eh?"
I nod.
"Yea, I guess."
"Well, the boys and I were thinking maybe we could watch a movie?"
"Um, actually, I think I'd rather sleep some more."
"Naw, come on, you can do that later!"
"Ugh, let me sleep," I say jokingly.
He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the door. My left wrist.
I scream in pain and he immediately lets go, but it's already been done. I grab my wrist so hard it goes numb.
The others come rushing in.
"What happened!?" Liam jumps in.
"I-I don't know! H-he didn't really want to watch the movie 'c-cuz he wanted to sleep so I tried dragging him over and then-then he screamed in pain and fell to the ground."
"Where did you grab him?" (Please don't make a big deal about this in the comments.)
"I-I think I just grabbed his wrist."
"I-I'm fine! I-I- it was just from the little trip earlier again, I think I pulled back from him and hit my leg, which is where it hurt, but it's not that bad. Don't worry, I'll-I'll be fine."
Liam gives me a scared look.
"You sure you'll be alright?"
I nod and smile.
"Now, let's go watch that movie, yea?" I say.
"Uh, sure."
We walk into the living room.
Liam kindly gives me a foot rest, but other than that he leaves me be.
I cuddle into Louis, hopefully convincing him I forgive him, which I do.
About halfway through the random movie, I feel really sleepy. I shrug it off, thinking I just didn't get enough sleep last night.
A half hour after that, the feeling of tiredness has only gotten much worse.
"Lou? Louis?" I whisper.
"Hmm?" he says, ruffling through my hair.
"I-I'm tired," I say, before I fall to the ground and pass out.
We're watching the movie when all of the sudden, Zayn says something to me.
"Lou? Louis?"
I start ruffing up his hair.
"I-I'm tired," he says.
Then he falls to the ground and passes out.
Someone pauses the movie and the three others come rushing over.
"I-I don't know!" I say, "He said something about being tired and then fell to the ground and-and passed out! What do we do?"
"Shh, Louis, calm down, why don't we call Paul?"
I nod and Niall gets his phone out.
"Paul? Zayn just passed out while we were watching a movie after saying something about being tired and we're all kind of freaking out."
We hear something on the other side and then Niall hangs up.
"He's coming over."
After about ten minutes, he finally arrives.
Harry lets him in and leads him into the living room.
The boys, not me, step back for a second, letting Paul examine him for a second.
"He doesn't seem like he's sick or anything."
Paul looks at him up and down, until he notices something.
"Lou, take his shirt off for me, will ya'?"
I nod. As soon as I touch his left wrist, he startles awake.
We jump back a little.
"What happened?" he asks, sounding confused.
"We-we were watching a movie and then you said you were tired then you fell on the ground and passed out!"
He looks surprised and looks down to his left, seeming relieved.
"Zee, what's been going on today?"
"I-I-" he starts, but he can't seem to get the words out.
"I think there's something wrong with his left arm or something," Paul says.
"Zee, why don't you take your shirt off?" Paul asks.
He shakes his head.
"Don't wanna."
"Why not?"
He thinks for a second before speaking.
"It'll just be for a second."
He shakes his head.
Paul mumbles a sorry before ripping it off.
Then we see it.
His left wrist is really red and puffy.
"Zee! What happened?"
He breaks down crying.
"I'm sorry for not telling you guys. I don't know why I didn't."
"It's ok now, bud, just tell us everything that happened."
He nods before starting to talk.
"Lou-Louis tried to wake me up by jumping onto me, which worked, but he landed weird on my wrist and it really hurt. I screamed and-and that's when the act started. I pretended it was just from shock and he believed me. Then I had a shower or something and saw it swelling but I knew it was a short day so I ignored it. And at breakfast you say me eating weirdly, that was because of my wrist. At practice I used my right hand do carry my mic but then management made me change it or something, I don't really remember, so I fell to the ground, from the pain, but I-I said I just tripped. The same thing with breakfast happened with dinner. Also... I-I'm sorry for kinda snapping at you," he pauses for a second before speaking, "Earlier, when you guys wanted to watch the movie, Lou playfully tugged at my arm but it was where it hurt so I screamed and that's when you came in, and-and I guess you know the rest."
We take everything he said in.
How did we not notice this!? Worse, it was all my fault!
I immediately go over to hug him, being especially careful not to touch his wrist.
"I-I am so sorry Zee, I didn't-didn't realize how much pain you were in. I can't believe I let this happen! I'm such a bad friend."
"Mmm... boyfriend..." he smiles.
I smile too.
"Ok, enough with lovey-dovey stuff, we gotta get this checked out," Liam says.
He slowly nods.
Later that Day
We found out Zayn broke his wrist and it may have also been red before from something, maybe a rash or an allergic reaction. But, all that matters now is he's ok. He has a cast on and he takes some medication for the redness, because you can't really rub cream under a cast.
The ending probably sucked, but I suck at endings.
1983 Words
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