Warm Water
One where the boys do the warm water prank on Niall, and it works, and he starts crying. The boys forget they did the prank, and try to figure out what's wrong with him.
Today is the day the boys and I have decided to do the warm water prank on Niall.
We'll do it by telling him we're all going to take naps, and he should too, I know, kind of weird, and as soon as he falls asleep, we'll put his hand in the warm water.
We have the bowl of water now, so we're going to tell him about the naps.
"Hey, Ni! We're all going to take some naps. You should too."
"Oh, I guess so, don't have anything better to do."
He headed upstairs and came back down a moment later with a blanket and pillow.
"I'm gonna take the couch, don't want to get my bed dirty."
He laid down and quickly fell asleep.
"Ready?" I whispered to the boys.
They nodded, and we went to the bathroom to get the bowl.
Earlier, we saw you only really had to do one hand, so we did. His left arm was hanging off the couch, so we took it and put it into the bowl.
We figured we could wake him up later, and went to our rooms to actually take our naps.
I wake up from my nap and go to check the time.
Then, I feel something wet around me.
Huh? What could that be? Did I spill a drink or something?
I lift the blanket, and see... I wet myself.
No no no, this can't be happening! I wet the bed when I was a kid, a teenager! It can't start again! What will the boys think!?
I put the blanket back and put my head into my hands. I cry and cry and cry.
I wake up to someone... crying? Huh?
I knock on each of the boys' doors, but Niall's is empty. That's right, he was sleeping on the couch. Is he crying?
The other three boys come out.
"What's going on?"
"Uh, I think Niall's crying or something."
"Huh? He's in the living room, right?"
I nod.
We head to the living room and find him with his head in his hands, full-on sobbing.
"Niall! What's wrong, bud?"
"What happened?"
"Go away!"
"But what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"No! You'll laugh..."
"We won't laugh, whatever it is."
He just continues crying.
I start rubbing his back.
"Come on, you can tell us. We promise not to laugh."
"Please tell us Niall."
He shakes his head.
I wrap him in a hug and then feel something wet near him.
"Hey, did you spill a drink or something? Is that why you're sad?" I ask.
"No, I-I-I..."
"You what?"
"I weed myself in my sleep. And, I also did that until I was like, thirteen!"
Oh! The prank we did.
Zayn is first to say it.
"Actually, Ni, we kind of did the warm water prank on you. We didn't know about your old problem thing."
"But-but what if it starts up again or something?"
"Um, well, then we'll help you through it."
"I don't want to have to wear diapers."
"You won't, everything will be ok Ni."
"Why don't you hop in the shower, ok?"
He nodded and got up. We cleaned up the couch, and fortunately, nothing else happened with the bedwetting.
I've been seeing a lot of these pranks, for some random reason, so I decided to write about it, that's all. Hope you enjoyed! Bai!
613 Words
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