Niall Knee Pain
Niall's knee hurts when he wakes up. Then, Louis rams into him to wake him up apparently. Other stuff happens making his knee worse and Louis doesn't believe him when he tells him it hurts. The other boys don't really get involved and follow along with Louis.
Later in the chapter there is some omorashi. If you don't know what it is or don't like it, there is a warning when the whole part about it starts.
When I woke up, my knee hurt a little. We only had a concert today and I figured it didn't hurt so much I would have to sit out. Well, I figured that before Louis jumped on top of me, landing right on my knee. I almost scream in pain but whimper instead.
"Why did you do that!?" I ask him.
"To wake you up," he says, shrugging.
"I was awake! And anyways, why would you jump onto me like that even if I was sleeping!?"
"Eh, I thought you were Zayn. He usually doesn't get up without a fight," he says, as if jumping on top of someone was normal.
Suddenly, I feel a shooting pain up my knee. (Hope that makes sense.)
"Aah, my knee Louis! You've landed on my knee! Get off me!"
He shrugs but gets off.
"You'll be fine Ni. Now come down with the rest of us for breakfast. Liam or Harry probably got Zayn up."
We headed toward the stairs. I did not want to go down those with my knee like this.
"Lou, can you carry my or something? Please, my knee hurts."
"Oh, stop being such a baby. C'mon. I said you'll be fine."
I slowly, and very painfully go down the stairs. When I finally reach the bottom, all the boys are wrestling with each other in a pile.
"Hey Ni, come join us!" someone from the pile says.
"Nah, I'm good. Meh knees been acting up and then Louis had to jump on top of it." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Oh, ok. Why don't you get some Tylenol for-"
He's cut off by Louis saying, "He's just pretending. He's is completely FINE. Join us or, or, I'll do something. Just, come join us!"
"It really hurts. Why don't you believe me?" I say deciding to sit on the couch. Suddenly, I get more pain and pull my knee up to hug it, rocking back and forth.
"What a drama queen. Lets have breakfast than boys. Then we'll play some Mario Kart."
I follow them into the kitchen. Liam makes some bacon & eggs and Louis pops in some toast, while Harry burns pancakes. Louis sees Harry attempting to make the pancakes.
"Niall, come here and help Harry make the pancakes."
"Uh, can't you or Zayn help? I told you my knee is acting up."
"Whatever, c'mon."
I reluctantly get up and limp over to Harry. Zayn and Louis seem to notice this. Zayn looks a little concerned and starts to say something but Louis shoots him a look and he closes his mouth. I help Harry. I'm about to put the pancake I just flipped onto a plate when I crash into Liam and fall on my knee.
"AAGH," I scream out in pain. I clutch my knee, rocking back and forth.
"Oh, my gosh I'm so sorry Niall. Are you ok?"
I know that they wouldn't believe me anyways so I say I'm fine.
"Just a little surprised is all."
Liam nods but doesn't look to convinced. He gets up from the floor but I stay put. My knee still really hurts.
"Um, aren't you going to get up?"
"Uh... yeah!"
I look for something around me to help me up but only see Louis so grab onto him. I start getting up until he shakes my hand off from his back and I fall again onto the same knee. I cry out in pain and then start sobbing.
"Ok, I'm calling 911," someone says, I think Zayn.
I only hear one side of the conversation.
"Hi, my friend's knee hurts and he just fell onto it for like the fifth time today or something and he looks like he's in a lot of pain and and-" there's a pause for a while until he continues saying, "not really - no - yes! Right away! - Thank you."
Zayn sighs.
"There's an ambulance on the way. Liam and I can go with him because Liam's the strongest, and Harry needs to make sure Louis apologizes for this."
They probably nod or something because I don't hear anything. A few minutes later though, we hear sirens. Someone lifts me up and pulls me into a stretcher. They give me some sort of pill, a glass of water for the pill, and a shot and I pass out. (I have no idea if this is accurate.)
Time Skip
I wake up in a bed. I open my eyes and see my worried bandmates over me.
"Niall!? Doctor! He's awake!"
"Calm down. Let me see him."
The doctor came towards me and checked some stuff. Then, he asked me some questions. Mostly about my knee. Finally, he told me what happened.
"Ok so, you broke your knee someway, somehow. Your friends told me about all the incidents that happened," he pauses to glare at Louis, "and we did some surgery on your knee. You'll need someone to stay with you 24/7 until you're fine enough to just use crutches. Your knee will still be sore for the time being and... that's it!"
I processed the information. The thing that really stuck out to me was the part where one of the boys will have to watch me 24/7. I'll probably choose Harry, Liam, or Zayn. Not Louis. I still don't really forgive him for all the pain he put me through. But, before I can choose one of them, Louis speaks up.
"I'll watch him until he's completely fine. Out of the crutches and everything."
I was shocked. Why would he want to take care of me!? I didn't really want him to take care of me.
"That ok with you..?" the doctor asked me.
Before I realized what I was doing, I nodded. Louis himself even looked kind of shocked. The doctor said I could go home and I started to get up. I had a brace on my knee which I realized when I got up. Louis carried me bridal style for some reason and brought me outside. He laid me down on a bench. It was dark out. Wait a minute, what about the concert?
"Guys? Did you do the concert?"
"Oh, we skipped it. We couldn't leave you alone here."
"Let's call an Uber."
I nod. Liam uses the app and looks for something big enough for five. He finds something and tells us the last 4 license characters and what the car looks like and everything. The van comes and the ride goes smoothly. I'm dropped of with Louis at my house first and the Uber drives off. He carries me to the couch and lays me down.
Stop reading here if you don't like or know what omorashi is.
I feel the slight urge to use the bathroom but Louis is already passed out on the other side of the couch. I decide to either just wait until he wakes up which might not happen till morning, or wake him up now. I choose the first option. I probably wait for hours. By then I'm desperate. I'm squirming a lot but I can't get up or I'll hurt myself for sure. I squeeze my dick to relieve some of the pressure. It works for a second or so. I guess I was too loud with my moving around though because Louis woke up.
"Niall? You ok?"
"Yup, totally awes-" I pause to double over.
Well, as much as you can when you're laying longways on a couch.
"Do you feel sick!?"
"No, I just um... I really have to pee."
My face goes red.
"Oh," is all he says.
He looks like he's deciding what to do.
"Should I take you to the bathroom?"
"I-I don't know if I can m-make it."
He goes to grab something. He comes running back in a few seconds with an empty bottle in his hand.
"Um, here go in this."
I have to go so bad, I can't say no.
He uncaps the bottle while I squirm around and pulls down my jeans. He holds my dick and aims it into the bottle. I let go. It feels so good. It lasts for a little before it starts filling up to the top.
"Um, Louis... It's filling up."
He puts the bottle in my hand and runs to find another one. He does just as it gets to the top. I stop for a second. Thankfully, my stream stops before the 2nd one fills up.
"Why didn't you wake me up Niall?"
"I uh, I didn't want to bother you."
"Aww, you wouldn't bother me. I'm here because I'm supposed to help. I'm sorry I fell asleep."
"It's fine, it's my fault for not waking you when I needed to..."
"Look, why don't we just forget this ever happened. I won't tell the boys, and we'll never speak of this again. Good?"
I nod.
The next few days go by pretty smoothly and soon I'm in crutches. I don't technically need help anymore but just as he agreed to, Louis takes care of me.
Tell me what you thought of this chapter. Any requests for what I should do next? Also, I probably won't usually update this often but I had a pretty free weekend and yea. Thanks for reading!
1640 Words
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