It Started With Homesickness
Niall gets really homesick for some reason, so decides he wants to go home. The boys don't let him so the next day he fakes sick. The boys believe him at first, but he gets caught by the end of the day.
A week later Louis decides to get back at Niall for faking. He makes some fake vomit and spits it onto Niall. Niall throws up, for real, and the whole thing gets him actually sick. But, the boys don't believe him because he had faked sick just a week before.
Over the past few days I've been really homesick. I don't really know why, but I just wanna go home now.
My plan to do that, is to fake sick.
The Next Morning
What? Why did an alarm wake me up at 04:00?
Oh, right, I'm faking sick.
I put some hot water onto a washcloth, and throw it on my forehead.
I wait for about ten minutes, and decide to wake up daddy direction.
I go outside Liam's bedroom and open the door.
I pretend to collapse onto the floor and call Liam's name.
He immediately wakes up.
"Niall! Niall, what's wrong!?"
"I-I don't feel so good."
"Aww, how long have you felt like this?"
I think for a second before speaking.
"Y-yesterday. But I didn't want to b-bother you guys," I say, sounding my best to sound sad.
"Niall, you wouldn't be bothering us. Let me take your temperature."
He comes back with the ear thermometer.
"NO!" I quickly say.
He looks confused.
"Uh, can you get the forehead one?"
"Um, sure."
He takes my temperature.
"100.1," he says.
"Why don't you just get some rest, ok?"
I nod.
Eight Hours Later
I wake up with all the boys facing towards me.
"We already found out. Your temperature went completely normal while you were sleeping, and we had an interview and a photoshoot!"
"I-I'm sorry, I-I just wanted to-"
"To be a lazy ass!?"
"I- no, I didn't mean to do that, I wanted-"
"Just shut up."
This did not go well.
One Week Later
I know a way to get back at Niall.
A throw up prank. On him.
I simply crush some cheerios and mix it with some warm milk.
I know the other three are in the kitchen, so Niall must be in the bathroom, because the door is closed.
I knock.
"Uh... hold on," he says quickly.
"Ok," I say.
He comes out of the bathroom after a moment. His eyes look red and puffy. Was he crying?
I decide now isn't the best time so just head into the bathroom and pretend to be pissing.
When I come out, Niall looks like his normal self. I decide to wait ten minutes until I do the prank.
Ten Minutes Later
It's been ten minutes.
Time for my prank.
Niall is in his bedroom right now, on his phone.
I'm gonna go in there telling him I don't feel good.
Then, I'll take a sip of the throw up mixture, and spit it onto him.
I knock on his door.
"Come in," he says.
"Niall? I-I'm not feeling too good."
"Oh no! What hurts?"
"Mostly my stomach," I say.
"Want me to get you some medicine?"
"No, I think I'll just lie down."
I quickly take a gulp of the mixture and spit it onto him.
Immediately, he screams.
"Eww, eww, eww!!!"
he rushes into the bathroom and throws up into the bathtub. A LOT.
He starts crying. When he's mostly done with his puking, he rips his shirt off and comes to help me.
"A-a-are you ok?" he asks, not sounding at all ok himself.
I'm about to nod, when I break.
"I- it was a prank! I'm sorry, I didn't know you would react that way..."
"I- it's fine?"
"Niall, I'm sorry. I know you probably won't be able to forgive me-"
"It's fine!" he says.
He turns on the shower, washing away his puke, then his body.
The Next Day
I can't believe Louis did that!
Why would he pretend to throw up on me?
Now I actually don't feel good, but the boys won't believe me since I faked last week. I decide I have to hide it.
I go down to the kitchen where the rest of the boys already are.
"You okay Ni? You look a bit pale," Liam immediately notices.
"I-I'm fine," I say.
Louis gives me a worried look, but I just glare at him and he looks away.
"We just have a couple interviews today," Harry says.
I nod.
"Well then, we should get going now," daddy direction says.
We get up and pile up into the car.
Louis, who normally takes the passenger seat next to Paul, gives me his seat, and I gladly accept it.
The others look a bit confused, even Paul, but they seem to just shrug it off. Paul doesn't though.
"Hey bud, any reason why you're up here 'stead of Louis? No offense."
"Uh, yesterday he spit fake vomit on me and I actually puked all over the bathtub, so, yea."
"Oh!" he says, "Ok."
"I actually feel kind of sick right now too, but the boys probably won't believe me because I faked lat week."
"Oh, yea, why did you fake last week."
I try to stop myself from crying.
"I-I just really wanna go home, back to Ireland. I-I have, like, this gut feeling that something's wrong."
"Aww, bud, don't worry, everything's going to be alright."
"Thanks," I say wiping away a tear that slipped out.
"We're here," he says.
After the Interview
I really don't feel good now, I think the boys have caught on that there's something wrong too.
We're about to get back into the car, when I stop Louis.
"C-can I please have the passenger seat? Please!"
"Oh! Uh, sure, I guess, I don't mind."
"Thank you!"
The boys give me weird looks but I ignore them.
"Feeling any better?" Paul asks.
"Worse," I say.
He sighs.
"Maybe you should tell the boys.
I hesitate, but then nod.
"Don't worry, you have an hour until you have to leave for your next interview, then you're done. But, if you don't feel better in the next fourty-five minutes, call me and I might be able to get you out of it."
"Alright, thanks a bunch Paul."
"No problem, bud."
I smile.
When we get in, Liam gets straight into the questions.
"Niall, you looked really out of it during the interview. We all noticed, even the interviewer. Is something wrong?"
"I- no, I feel really sick from yesterday."
"Yesterday? What was yesterday?"
"What? Louis, you-you didn't tell them?"
"I-I'm sorry," he says.
"I, ugh, yesterday Louis spit his fake vomit thing on me and then I actually threw up into the bathtub-"
"Like, a lot," Louis interrupts.
"-a lot, and then I felt kind of sick after and, and, it's only gotten worse from then."
"Yea right!" Zayn says.
"Dude, you literally faked last week, you really think we're gonna believe you now?"
"I-I'm not joking! I-I'm so sorry I faked last week. It's just... I've been really homesick. I-I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen back in Ireland and I want be there and-"
"Just, shut up, we don't believe you, ok?"
I sigh and head into my room. It is my fault they don't believe me, I'm the one who faked sick.
Ten Minutes Later
After ten minutes of thinking, I'm interrupted by a phone call.
"Niall! Niall, is that you?" Greg says.
"What-what's wrong!?" I ask, sensing the worriedness in his voice.
"I- Pickle died. The dog we've had since I was three years old!" (If you know who Pickle the dog is, you know.)
I hang up and throw my phone across the room, destroying my phone.
I loudly sob.
"What's going on in here, I heard a bang," I hear from outside.
When I don't respond, they come in themselves.
"Pickle died and my family has had him since Greg was, like, three!"
I cry harder.
"Who the hell is Pickle!?"
"M-my dog!"
"Oh, that one."
"A-and I-" suddenly, a wave of sickness comes over me and I throw up onto the ground.
I cry even more.
I feel a cold hand rubbing my back, then Liam hugging me, from the front.
Someone takes my temperature.
"104.6!!! We need to get that down, right now."
They make some sort of ice bath and carry me into it.
"Brr, I'm cold," I say.
"We know bud, but we have to get your fever down."
After a while, they finally take me out and take my temperature again.
"Better," one of them says.
"We're sorry for not thinking you were sick and all that."
"Yea, it's fine, I guess. I-I-I just really wanna go home."
"Yea, we're going to make that happen. We'll tell Paul about everything but we have to leave in ten minutes."
"B-but I didn't get so say goodbye."
"And now there's nothing I can do about it."
"Niall, we-"
"I'm going to sleep now, and when you get back there better be a flight to Ireland already booked," I say, hopping into bed.
Early mornin' there's a message on my phone
It's my mother saying "Darlin', please come home"
I fear the worst, but how could you leave us all behind?
There's so much to say, but there's so little time
So how do I say goodbye
To someone who's been with me for my whole damn life?
You gave me my name and the colour of your eyes
I see your face when I look at mine
So how do I, how do I, how do I say goodbye?
When I couldn't, you always saw the best in me
Right or wrong, you were always on my side
But I'm scared of what life without you's like
And I saw the way she looked into your eyes
And I promise, if you go
I will make sure she's alright
So how do I say goodbye
To someone who's been with me for my whole damn life?
You gave me my name and the colour of your eyes
I see your face when I look at mine
So how do I, how do I, how do I say goodbye?
And there's now way you could ever let me down
Gonna steal some time and start again
You'll always be my closest friend
And someday we are gonna make it out
Just hold the light, just hold the light
So how do I say goodbye
To someone who's been with me for my whole damn life?
You gave me my name and the colour of your eyes
I see your face when I look at mine
So how do I, how do I, how do I say goodbye?
So how do I, how do I, how do I say goodbye?
After the Interview
I wake up to someone knocking on my door.
"Come in," I say.
I rub my eyes to see who it is.
"Hey Liam," I say.
"Hey, I just wanted to say we all are so sorry, for everything, and we know it might take you a little to forgive us, but we are all sorry."
I just groan.
"But, good news, we got you a flight."
"Tonight at 19:00."
I immediately go over to hug him.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
"No problem."
"And Liam, I-I forgive all of you."
He smiles.
"Thank you for that."
1981 Words
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