Fart Spray
One where the boys do a fart spray prank on Niall, and he throws up.
Perfect prank idea.
Fart spray.
I'm thinking we should do it on Niall, since... because... yea.
I'm going to tell the boys as soon as they get home.
Ten Minutes Later
The door opens, and I hear chatter.
In case you were wondering, the boys went out for breakfast, because Niall was hungry, and left me out because I was sleeping.
This may or may not be the reason for the prank...
Anyways, I see Niall run off somewhere, and take the chance to get the others.
"Guys, come 'ere."
"Huh?" Harry says.
I motion, and they get the message.
"What's up? Are you mad at us for leaving you here?"
"Nah, you left the note, so I guess it's fine. But, Niall's the one who told you to go, right?"
"Well, n-"
"Anyways," I cut him off, "I was thinking about a fart spray prank on him... yea?"
The boys nodded.
"Cool! I can't wait to see his reaction!" Harry said.
"Why don't we like, put it on the couch and tell him to sit there, and blame it on him," I said.
The other boys nodded again.
"When should we do it?"
"How 'bout... right now..?" I said.
They nodded.
"Do you have it?" Liam asked.
"Yup, right here," I said, grabbing it from a table I had placed it at earlier.
"Ok, ready?" I asked.
"Wait! I gotta wee!" Harry said.
We laughed as he ran off.
When he got back, we sat down, leaving a spot for Niall in between Harry and Liam (because I bought it, I don't want to deal with it!).
We quickly spray it, covering our noses, and call him down.
"Niall! Come down here, we're watching a movie!"
"Just a sec!"
He comes down a moment later, and doesn't smell it right away.
"Ugh, I'm a little congested right now."
What!? How was the prank gonna work now!? I looked at the boys, and they just looked back at me.
"Uhh, I... I have some medicine. Wanna use it?" I ask.
"I don't think it's bothering me that much..."
"Nonsense, I'll go get it."
He just nods.
I run to my room and grab it. It's a spray.
I go back downstairs, handing it to him. He uses it, and it works, then he notices the smell.
"Guys, why does it smell like... fart!?"
"Uh, that's coming from you, my guy," Harry says.
He sniffs around him, while the other boys and I try to keep from laughing.
"Is it actually?"
We nod, trying to keep a straight face.
"Ugh, that medicine is starting to set in more. It smells so bad!"
We can barely hold it anymore.
"G-guys, I think I might... I think I might..."
That gets our attention.
What's wrong with him?
It smells so bad! I think I might actually puke or something. I try not to, obviously, but I can't.
"G-guys, I think I might... I think I might..."
Then it happens.
I puke all over Liam.
Harry starts rubbing my back, Louis just stares, dazed, and Liam just sits there, accepting it.
After a few rounds of sick, I finally get up, and realize what happened.
"Liam! I-I'm so sorry, I-" then I start puking again, right back on him.
I start crying. I feel awful, physically, but also bad for throwing up on Liam.
"I-I didn't mean to do that Liam, I'm sorry," I say, putting my head into my hands.
"Niall, it's ok, you couldn't help it," he says.
"What do you mean!? I farted so bad I threw up!?"
"No... actually we... we sprayed fart spray there to prank you, to see how you would react," Louis says.
"You..." I start, suddenly angry, then run to the bathroom to throw up more.
Someone rubs my back again. I don't throw up as much as earlier, because I'm away from the smell, but I still do.
When it's all over, the boys start apologizing.
"We're so sorry for doing that to you Niall! We didn't think that you would react... like that."
"It-it's fine, I guess."
"No, it's not. Tell us what we could do to make it up to you."
"Hmm... tell me why you were pranking me, then take me out to Nando's."
"Well... it was my fault for pranking you. Since you were hungry this morning, you three went to breakfast, but left me. So... I did this to get back at you. It was stupid, I know, I'm sorry."
"What? I- it wasn't my fault we went out for breakfast!"
"Why did you go?"
Liam and Harry start shushing me, but I ignore them.
"We were planning your birthday surprise!"
Liam and Harry slap their forehead, and Louis laughs.
"I don't think you were supposed to say that, Ni."
"Well, it's out now. Why don't we head to Nando's now?"
"What about the mess? And, hello? ME!?" Liam says.
"Louis can deal with it!" Harry quickly say.
I laugh. Louis just trods back to the couch, and Liam hops into the shower.
After everything was clean, we went out for Nando's, leading me to completely forget about the incident.
889 Words
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