"Don't Tickle Me!"
A short one where Louis is tickling Niall. Niall has to pee and keeps telling him to stop but Louis keeps tickling. Niall wets himself on Louis' lap.
Louis and I were sitting on the couch. He put on some film in the back and we were both on Twitter.
"Ni, come here!" he said.
I assumed he was showing me some tweet or something but as I soon as I got there he put down his phone. I got confused but sat down next to him.
Suddenly, he pulled me onto his lap and we were in a lap-sit position. He squeezed me and that's when I realized I had to pee. I was about to get up when he started tickling me.
"Aah! Stop it Lou! I gotta wee!"
He probably thought I was just trying to get out of his grasp.
"Lou! I'm not kidding! Louis!"
He stopped for a second and I instantly got up. Then, he started again which shocked me.
It shocked me so much that... I wet myself. On Louis' lap.
He stopped tickling me as soon as I started weeing on him but I couldn't stop.
I was tickling Niall and he kept saying something about needing to pee.
I couldn't be tricked that easily!
I stopped tickling him for a second to tease him and as soon as I paused he tried to run off. Then I started again, pulling him back into my lap.
Then, I felt a warm liquid spilling onto my lap. I looked down and realized Niall wasn't joking about needing to pee.
When he was done, he started crying, still on my lap.
"Ni! I'm sorry, I didn't know you actually had-"
"NO! I'm just a big baby," he said running out of the room.
I was shocked. I started running after him.
I found him in the bathroom sobbing loudly. I decided to get one of the other boys to help me comfort him.
"Boys!? Can you come here?" I shouted.
The three other boys cam rushing in.
"What's going on?" they all asked at the same time.
"Um... go ask Niall yourselves..?"
I was currently sobbing my heart out in the bathroom.
Louis probably hates me.
I probably ruined the couch.
He probably told the boys.
What if they kick me out of the band..?
I cried more. Louis didn't even care to check on me.
They're gonna kick me out of the band, I just know it.
I felt myself going into a panic attack.
Then, all of the boys, including Louis, came into the bathroom. I guess I forgot to lock the door.
I looked up at them and then back down.
"Niall! What happened!? Why are you crying?" one of them asked me.
"I-I-I-I'm just a big baby!"
"But what happened?"
"Louis can tell you!"
"I- uh... well I was tickling him and he told me he had to pee but I thought he was just joking to get out of my grasp so I kept tickling him then I stopped for a second to tease him and then I continued but I guess I scared him a bit... and he wet himself..." he said quickly.
I continued sobbing and felt myself about to hyperventilate. My claustrophobia was kicking in with being in a tiny bathroom AND all the boys surrounding me.
I couldn't breathe.
"D-do you guys h-hate me?"
"What? Why would we hate you!?"
"B-because I ruined the couch and you keep raising your voice when you talk to m-me."
"Niall... I'm sorry for raising my voice..." he continued to say something but I could only focus on my breathing.
His talking was too loud for them to hear my shaky breathing. Then, he stopped talking and that's when they noticed.
"Ni! Niall! Look, breathe with me," he said putting his arms around me, "In, out. In, out."
We continued like that before I was completely calm.
He took his arms off me and I saw it was Harry.
"I-I'm sorry for ruining the couch. I'm just a baby who still wets himself. I-I'm gonna go home now."
"What? No Niall! The couch doesn't matter and anyways it's my fault you wet yourself. Don't go home!" Louis said.
"No 'buts,' you're staying here."
I nodded.
"But Ni?"
I looked up.
"Why did you have that panic attack or whatever?"
My eyes widened.
"I-I thought you all hated me because no one came to check on me. And you were all crowding around me and I got kind of claustrophobic..."
"Aww, I'm sorry Ni. We're not mad at you at all. Now, come on. Let's go get you changed and eat some dinner."
I nodded and got up.
I got changed and the boys took me to Nando's, my favorite.
Sorry if it was really bad but I felt like I had to get something posted. Anyways, hope you liked it and thanks for all the reads! I never thought I would get this many.
This week is open house. I have a school trip May 8-12 and the week after thar is the week of the 5th grade concert (I play trombone). Then there are two weeks left before summer and I have a few summer camps. Just part of my schedule (I didn't even mention sports and other stuff) to tell you why I may not update very much soon (or maybe I'll update a ton more during the summer. I don't know).
938 Words
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