Niall decides to change it up and make some cute home-made gifts. He puts them under the tree on Christmas Eve and goes to bed. Then, he has a horrible dream where the boys hate his present and kick him out of the band. He wakes up super early to try to fix them but Louis spots him and jokingly tells him to stop snooping. Niall tries to laugh but goes back to his rooms to cry. When everyone else gets up, Niall quickly wipes away his tears and dreadfully goes to the tree with the others. They use something online to pick who goes first and last, and Niall is last. When Niall sees all the others beautiful gifts for each other, he starts crying again.
I'm scrolling through youtube when I see a cool home made gifts idea. I click on it and without realizing it, watch the whole twenty minute video. I HAVE to make that for the boys. I haven't gotten them anything else for Christmas, yet, so this would be perfect!
A cheesy frame with little picture on the side boards and the frame even opens up so you can put more pictures and stuff!
Christmas is in a week, I probably have just enough time.
I immediately click on the video link for the building tutorial and get to work.
Seven Hours Later
I'm so happy! After hours of work, I finally finished all the frames, and they look perfect!
Now I just need to find some cute pictures for each of us...
I start by digging into my phone. Hmm, not many. I don't usually take photos actually.
How am I going to get some pictures...
Ooh! Maybe I can borrow Liam's phone, since I'm pretty sure he takes the most cute pictures of us, and send some to myself! Then I'll delete the messages and evidence on his phone and all that crap, blah, blah, blah.
I find him on the couch watching TV.
"Hey, um, Li?" I start.
"Hmm," he says.
"Could I maybe borrow your phone for a second?"
"Nah, sorry, it's dead right now."
"Oh, then can I use it later?"
He looks confused.
"Why... can't you use one of the other boys' phones or somethin'?
"Umm, I-" my breathing starts picking up a little.
"Hey, it's all good, I was just playing, 'course you can use it! It is dead though, why don't you take it and charge it til you can use it, 'k?"
I nod.
"Thanks Li."
He just smiles and hands me his phone.
I go upstairs and start charging it.
About a half hour later, I check on it.
It's high enough to send texts and stuff, obviously, but I decide to keep it plugged, for Liam's good.
I open his phone, then realize I don't have his passcode.
I go back into the living room, and Liam's still there.
"Hey, Li, I forgot I don't have your passcode."
He groans. Oh no, I already borrowed his phone, he probably thinks I'm such a nuisance!
"Did you say something Ni?" I hear Liam say.
He comes over to me.
"Niall, what's wrong?"
He puts his arms around me, snapping me back into reality.
"I-I don't, I don't have it."
"Huh? Have what Ni?"
"Th-the code!"
"What code?"
I curl into a ball on the floor. All the stress from the holidays eats me up.
Liam understands I'm stressed and sits next to me, rubbing my back, but not saying anything.
After ten minutes of this, I'm finally pretty calm.
"Th-thanks Li... for, for helping me."
"Aww, no problem Ni. Now, can you tell me which code you're talking about."
"Your- the one on your phone."
"Oh! Sorry I forgot to tell you it," he says.
He enters it in and hands me the phone.
"Thanks, sorry for being a nuisance," I say.
He looks into my eyes.
"Niall, you are not a nuisance."
"But you're already letting me borrow your phone and now, and now I need to come back to you when I haven't even started- started it!"
"Niall, it was my fault too. Now, I'm done with this conversation, go do whatever you need."
I just nod and quickly go back to my room.
I find four small pictures and one big picture for each of the frames.
I send all the pictures to myself, then go to Liam's phone and delete the messages.
I also put the time back. I changed it to a year prior so he definitely wouldn't be able to tell what I was doing.
I go back into the living room.
"Here Li," I say, handing him his phone back.
He nods.
He immediately looks at his settings. Oh no, he must be checking the screen time to see what I was actually doing.
I feel it happening all over again.
Why did I decide to make home made gifts? Why couldn't I just get some fancy clothes like we all do every year!?
My breathing picks up, my heart rate speeds.
Without really realizing what I'm doing, I lean my back onto the couch and put my head between my knees, crying.
I feel the couch move a bit before Liam appears next to me.
"Ni? Ni, what's been going on today?"
I don't respond so he starts rubbing my back again.
Again, it takes about ten minutes for me to calm down.
"I-I'm sorry," I say to Liam.
"Sorry? For what?"
"I keep bothering you. I-I am a nuisance, you were just pretending earlier."
"Niall, stop calling yourself a nuisance, I'm here for a reason, you should know that. Now, do you want to tell me what's been going on?"
I shrug.
"I-I just get really stressed from the holidays, mostly all the gift-giving part."
He nods.
"Okay, well, just remember, I'll always be here."
I nod and pull him into a hug.
"Thanks again," I say, burrowing my head into the crook of his neck, making it a famous Niall hug.
He pats my back.
"No problem at all."
I walk back to my room and get started on the printing.
I figure I can just take all the photos and print them at a Walgreens.
(I have no idea how this works.)
I send the photos in to print and decide to pick them up tomorrow.
The Next Day
I can't wait to get all the photos and put them into the frames, and, and I can't wait!
As soon as I pick them up, I look at every single one.
When I get home, I run into my room and immediately sort them. I already dealt with the layout so I slip them in and quickly wrap them up.
Christmas Eve
It's Christmas Eve! I can't wait for tomorrow! Today's also Louis' birthday, I just got him some cool shoes.
I quickly put my gifts under the tree before joining the others in the kitchen.
"Hey guys, happy birthday Lou!"
"Morning Ni."
At Night
I have so much fun celebrating Louis' birthday, I almost forget about Christmas!
I go to bed with a smile on my face.
"Really? Homemade gifts!?"
"What's wrong with giving clothes like all of us?"
"You couldn't even spend on us for Christmas?"
"Do you not think we're good enough for you!?"
"I shouldn't've gotten you anything at all."
"Let's kick him out of the band."
I can't stop thinking about the dream I just had.
What if it's not just a dream? What if, what if they'll actually hate it!?
I NEED to do something extra. I can't get kicked out of the band!
Brekafast in bed? No one would care, it would just waste their time.
Ugh, what else could I do!?
I need to do SOMETHING! Oh! Maybe I can take the gifts back and say they didn't arrive in time! Yea! That would be perfect.
I go out into the living area, where the tree is, and grab the presents. Suddenly, I hear a voice.
"Hey! What're you doin'?"
I turn around and see Louis.
"Uh, um, I-I was-"
"S'alright, just no more snooping!" he says chuckling.
I try to laugh it off too.
He seems to notice they're fake.
"You 'k Nialler?"
"Yup, wh-why?"
"Uh, nevermind, I'm gonna wait for all the others to wake up in here. Care to join?"
"Gee, alright, sorry, I'll get you later then. Merry Christmas by the way."
I walk into my room trying to hold back tears, and finally let them out when I get back into bed.
I love this band. I love the boys, I love the fans, heck, I would even miss Simon.
I let more tears fall.
Why does it matter anyways...
Someone knocks on the door.
I quickly wipe the tears from my face and throw a pillow over all the wet from the tears.
"C-come in," I stutter.
Harry walks in.
"Uh, you ok? You don't sound very excited for CHRISTMAS!!!"
"I'm fine..." I say.
He looks a little surprised I didn't laugh at him but I ignore it and walk into the living room.
"There he is!" Zayn says.
I just nod.
Liam and Zayn give me more strange looks, so I ignore more strange looks.
"Who's gifts are we opening first!?" Harry asks excitedly.
We all laugh at how happy he is.
"Let's use a wheel spinner thing so it's random!" Zayn suggests.
Liam gets one out on his phone. He spins it five times. The results are Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, and I.
Great, now everyone's gifts will be compared to mine. I already know they're gonna hate it, this is just gonna make it worse.
"Open it Niall!"
I snap back to reality.
"S-sorry Zee."
After we open Harry's gifts, I start getting worried again.
It was just a dream, just a dream, it's not actually going to happen, it's not actually going to happen.
Thoughts swarm my head until someone taps my shoulder, causing me to jump back, knocking my head into the wall.
"Sorry," Harry says.
"I- it's fine."
"So... can we open it?"
I pause for a second.
"Uh, um, well, um, I- um, I don't-"
"Niall, what's wrong?"
I dive into Liam's arms and hug him. He freezes for a second before rubbing my back.
"I-I think you'll maybe hate my gift..."
"Aww, Niall, why would you think that?"
"B-because I-I had a dream wh-where you guys hated it so much th-that you said you wouldn't even give me presents ever again, and-and then someone-someone said t-to kick me out of the band..."
"Buddy, we would never hate something you give."
He cards his hands through my hair, knowing it'll help calm me down. God I love him.
"If you don't like it then, then I can get you guys something else," I say quickly.
"No, you're not going to do that, because no one hates your gift."
I wanna say something else but close my mouth.
I crawl back over to where I was sitting and hesitantly tell them to open it.
I mainly stare at Liam.
As soon as he sees it he smiles.
"Aww, this is so cute Ni! Why wouldn't we love this?"
I shrug.
"Sorry, didn't want to make you feel bad, but these are awesome!"
I feel a smile escape on my lips.
"Th-thanks guys, I didn't know if you would like a homemade gift," I say.
"Wait, this is homemade!?"
I almost laugh.
"That is so cool Niall!"
We all join into a group hug.
"Merry Christmas!"
I know it's June, and I don't care. Also, I wrote this at like, some time past midnight, so, it kinda sucks, but I'm not one to delete chapters (unless I'm told or I think it's offending).
2010 Words
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