Car Crash
One where Niall's family all pass in a car crash. Niall gets the information and breaks down.
I'm in bed right now. We're all in seperate rooms in our flat. In two days we're all going to the zoo which I've been wanting to do for weeks. I know I sound like a kid when I say that, but I can't wait!
I decide to play some music to ease my mind and easily fall asleep.
The Next Morning
As soon as I wake up, I grab my phone. I check the time but then see an email from the local hospital.
"Your family was in a car crash most likely caused by someone on their phone. None of them made it."
That's all. That's all the information I got about my family's... death.
Suddenly the world all looks black and white.
Now the boys are the only people who really love me. Or do they?
I'm still in my state of shock when I realize we're going out to breakfast. I decide I shouldn't tell the boys right away. If they really care, maybe the catch on themselves, and then I might tell them.
I open the door to the hallway and all the boys are out there.
"Ready?" Liam asks calmly.
I grab a coat, before nodding and following them.
When we get there, the boys talk about something on the telly.
I don't get involved in the conversation and Harry seems to notice.
"Ni? You feelin' alright here?"
I nod. He doesn't seem too convinced but he goes back to the conversation.
The rest of the meal goes this way.
When the bill comes, I pick it up right away, but no one even seems to notice.
I shrug and look at it.
I sigh and give my card.
The server comes back a little later and gives back my card.
"Hey, where's the bill Ni?" Louis asks.
"I paid."
Louis looks a little surprised for some reason.
"WHAT!? You think I'm too cheap!?" I shout out.
I cover my mouth in shock before anything else comes out.
"Sorry," I say not quite believing what just happened.
Louis just shakes his head.
We quickly leave after that and when we arrive home, I go right to my room.
"What's up with him?" Louis asks.
"Let it go. He's probably just in a mood. He should be fine for tomorrow at the zoo. He's been begging to go for weeks," Harry says.
I hear them walk away.
I don't know what to do so I decide to go to sleep early. At 1:00.
I shoot a text to the boys. A few ask if I feel sick. I just tell them I'm saving energy for tomorrow, before dozing off.
The Next Morning
Today is zoo day. I don't feel as excited at all. We have to leave at 9:00. I check my phone for the time. 7:13.
I get up and head to the kitchen.
On the way there I accidently bump into Harry. He apologizes anyway.
"Sorry Ni."
"Ugh, your so annoying."
Then, I let all my feelings out.
On Harry.
For no reason at all.
He looks shocked and starts crying.
I scoff and go back to my room, slamming the door. I start crying. Sobbing. My family died and I just let all my anger and sadness out on Harry. And now he's crying and I'm just a jerk without a family.
"I'm going to give that son of a bitch a talking to," I hear Louis say.
I don't get it. How could Niall do that!? Harry didn't even bump into him! Niall did! I don't realize Liam walking by and bump into him.
"Sorry," I say.
See! That's all Niall had to do.
"Actually, Liam can you stay here? Niall just bumped into Harry then blamed Harry and screamed at him. No idea why. Why don't you help me yell at him?"
"Um... ok..?"
He walks to me. I'm about to open the door when Liam grabs my arm.
"Wait, listen," Liam whispers.
I do and hear loud crying.
"Why is Niall crying? He's the jerk!"
I'm a bit too loud and I hear the crying stop for a second before it continues, louder this time.
I barge in. Nothing could prepare me for what Liam and I saw.
There was Niall. Sitting on the bed, with his back turned. But, there's blood all over the sheets, his arms, and something in his right hand. I come closer and see it.
A blade.
Niall. Cutting himself.
I could never imagine it.
"Niall!" I scream out.
He jumps, dropping the blade.
When he looks at Liam and I, his eyes widen.
"Harry! Zayn! Come quick!" I say for some reason.
They come running in, Harry still crying.
"Niall! What's wrong. Is that-" Zayn says before seeing the rest, "Niall..."
"Blood... NO!!!" Harry shouts.
I rush Harry out of the room, remembering he doesn't do blood.
I go over to Niall. I quickly take the blade from the floor and throw it into the garbage can. I give Niall a hug and don't let go.
He calms down after a few minutes.
"So Niall," I pause trying to find the right words, "What's been going on?"
"They're dead."
"My family."
He started crying again.
Now, Zayn and I were hugging him.
"It's gonna be okay Niall. We'll always love you," I said.
He stopped crying and spoke.
"Y-you will-l?"
"Always, always, always."
He smiled, then looked down at his cut arms. His smile turned to a frown, and he got up to the bathroom. He turned on the water to the shower, and put his arm under. He hissed in pain, but didn't stop until it was all clean. Then, he dried his arm and put on some guaze.
"I-I've done it before," he said when he realized me staring.
"And, guys... I think I want help."
"Help? Like... therapy?"
He nodded and I smiled.
We set up someone and he had his first session the next day. It went surprisingly well and it still is, but he's still healing. On some days, he's just sad. But, we never fail to comfort him.
1070 Words
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