A/N: This One Shots is dedicated to Bex_The_Box <-- She's fabulouis so go fan her :)
Rebecca's POV
Today was the day, I knew it. Today was going to be very special, or very bad. I just knew it was going to be eventful. I just hope correct about Louis' plans. Why would he want me to meet him in our special spot in the forest if he didn't have to tell me something important?
I just hoped he liked me as much as I liked him. If not, I'd be very embarrassed, and everyone knows that I hate that. Maybe he would ask me to be his girlfriend? We have been going out for a week, or so..
I headed towards my closet, and stood there admiring some of my clothes, trying to pick out something that I would feel comfortable in.
I decided on something simple. It was something that I was known to wear. It was perfect.
Jean shorts, and a white cropped top, with my black converse. Totally comfortable, and simple.
I ran down my stairs, right into the bathroom on the first floor. My hairbrush was already on the countar, so I swiftly brushed it through my hair, smiling at my reflection. I had no need for makeup, so when I finished and brushed my teeth, I ran out the door.
The forest was not far from my house. So I decided to just walk, it was nice weather. Sunny, but not uncomfortably hot. I had a small smile on my face, full of happiness. Some little kids were playing hopscotch, and football on the sidewalk and street.
When I arrived at the beggining of the small forest, I jogged into the trees, and followed the familiar path made by use. I was careful to not stop, even though I've walked down this path by myself many times, I was still weary. There was talk of drug dealers around these parts.
But I had yet to encounter one.
I came into the little clearing, the ground was covered with the brittle leaves. It was comforting to look at, calming, really.
Louis wasn't here, yet. Or at least, he wasn't in sight.
I skipped to an area where there was a pile of leaves. I plopped down on my butt, and closed my eyes, just so I could listen to the sounds of nature.
I suddenly felt strong hands around my stomach. I almost screamed, but decided to stay quiet.
The person laughed.
And, I knew that laugh.
"Lou! You scared me!" I said, playfully hitting his arm as I turned around.
"Surprise!" He said, grinning at me. Louis had on his signature look. Like most other times, we both looked normal, no reason to dress up.
"Sure.." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
Louis pulled me into a bear hug, and pulled us to the ground. My heart was beating, pretty quickly. I was almost positive he could hear. I blushed a crimson red, and looked into his eyes full of happiness.
"Rebecca, will you be my girlfriend?" Louis asked, suddenly, as if to break the silence. I was taken off guard, I didn't think he really would ask, I was just hoping.
Well, I couldn't say no, could I?
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