Missy’s POV
“Missy! We have to go to the Eiffel Tower!” My absolute best friend, Gina, whined in my ears. We were currently in our hotel, practically next door to it. A five minute walk, not that bad.
“Fine..” I said back, defeated. Our parents both paid for us to come to Paris, France. We both live in New York, so the trip wasn’t the cheapest. Neither was our hotel, but still. We had been arguing for a few days. I just didn’t want to go to the Eiffel Tower; it wasn’t like I was in love or anything.
“Yes! Love you!” Gina cried, and gave me a bone crushing hug. It was like her fantasy to be here. And I guess seeing the Eiffel Tower was part of the whole thing. I sighed, and hugged her back, just happy we were here.
“Welcome, and love you, too.” I said back, gasping for a bit of air, as she let go. We both broke out into a fit of giggles. When we calmed down, we both looked down on what we were wearing.
I had on turquoise skinny jeans, and a pink tank top, with a white off the shoulder sweatshirt. On my feet I had on my matching turquoise Converse. My blonde hair, was pulled back into a tight elastic leaving nothing on my face.
Gina had on a pink Aeropostale t-shirt, with her denim skinny jeans. She was wearing her silver sparkly TOMs, and had a charm bracelet on her wrist. She had her brown hair curled, and left down. She wore minimal makeup, just some lip gloss, and mascara.
“Are we fine to go like this?” I asked her. I really didn’t want to change, right now. Not for this. It’s just I wish I had a boyfriend or something to go with. You know.. When you share a moonlight kiss, and stuff.
“Yeah, I’m too lazy to change.” Gina said, agreeing with me.
“Let’s go?” I said, as almost a question. I just wanted to walk in the gorgeous parks, visit the cafes. Maybe look at the Eiffel Tower, but not go in, because I see that more of a lovers place. Even if it’s a one in the life time opportunity.
“Yup!” She said, happily, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the hotel room door. I sighed as I was being pulled towards the elevator.
We stood at the very top of where we could stand of the Eiffel Tower. Gina was with some group, she signed up for. But, I had no interest in listening to the guide talk. I’d rather appreciate the beauty of it myself.
It was pretty dark out now, now that we’ve been here a few hours. I was sitting in a stray chair, by the edge, looking out at Paris in the dark. It was really beautiful, with all of the lights, so peaceful as well.
“Hello, can we use your chair?” A male British accent said from behind me. Well, how rude! You just don’t go and ask people for things they are using.
I turned my body, but I was still sitting. I almost gasped out loud, this boy was gorgeous. Gorgeous, meaning not even trying to be. He just was. But, I held it together, remembering his slight rudeness. But, by his cheeky smile he was displaying, he didn’t really think it was rude.
The boy didn’t even look that old. No older then nineteen. I sighed hoping I was wrong, and he was younger. Maybe eighteen? But, I certainly wasn’t going to ask. His curly hair was luscious, and styled all over the place. I suspected a hair flip was at work.
“Um… No?’ I managed to say, I couldn’t pause that much. That would mean it would have been obvious I was checking him out. And, I didn’t want him commenting, on that.
with a wink.
“Ha, sure, Harry.” I said, unsure of what else to say.
He linked his arm to mine, and we walked around to the other side. The chair was forgotten. I saw a group of four boys fooling around together, by a small random table. I looked up at Harry, as one of the boys noticed us. That boy was wearing red skinny jeans, and a striped shirt. Odd fashion choice.
“Oh look! Harry’s caught a bird!” The boy said “Oh, sorry to bother you, love.” The boy replied, his smile didn’t even falter. I kind of wanted to look to see who he was with, but I didn’t really want to look away from his face. And I wasn’t even standing up.
“It’s fine… I’m Missy.” I said, carefully. A small smile placed itself on my lips. But, my grin just got wider. I was sure I looked pretty silly, with the giant smile on my face, without my teeth showing. But, I didn’t really care.
“And I’m Harry, babe. Harry Styles.” He said confidently. “Missy, what is a pretty girl doing here by herself?” Harry asked flirtatiously.
“Oh, well my friend went on some tour thing. Leaving me to stare at Paris.” I said, with a little laugh. I finally stood up, so I didn’t have to look that far up, and him not that far down.
“Would you like to join my friends and I, while you wait?” Harry asked smoothly. “But… Mostly me?” He added towards the end, with a wink.
“Ha, sure, Harry.” I said, unsure of what to say. So I just settled with ‘sure’.
Harry linked arms with me and we walked onto the other side of the Eiffel Tower together. Not that I minded, of course. The chair was left forgotten.
We approached a group of four boys, fooling around. They all had different styles, but it looked like Harry fit right in. Only one had noticed us at first, He wore red skinny jeans and a striped shirt. That was an odd choice in fashion. Not that I should be talking, considering what I was wearing to the Eiffel Tower.
“Oh Look! Harry’s caught a bird!” That boy said, pointing at us.
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