My phone vibrated on the kitchen table, in my kitchen. I sighed, who would be texting me now? It was around 1:30pm and I had no plans for today.
- Hey babe xxx
The text read, I grinned. Zayn, my boyfriend of one year, two months and nine days. Yes, I keep track, it's actually quite normal. Besides, I hardly get to see him.
Zayn visits often, but living in Dublin, Ireland was difficult because he was originally from Bradford, England. Besides, he was usually touring.
That didn't stop me from loving him, with all my heart. We've never told each other though. But I'm pretty sure he loved me back, actually I was positive that he did.
- How's America? Xxx
I texted him back, with a giant grin on my face. The boys and him were doing their first American tour. Last I heard it was going great.
Even I was a Directioner, you could catch me fan girling at any moment. But, I would never fan girl in front of Zayn, it's like my own secret. Even though, he already knows.
My phone vibrated again, and I looked down. I had a regular phone, that slid with a keyboard. I don't even know what kind it was! I barely use it anyway.
- I have a surprise for you. Open your door at exactly 2:04pm :p
The text read. I laughed at my little Bradford Bad Boi. Of course it wasn't a normal time! Nothing was normal with him, or any of the boys to be exact.
I checked the time, 1:56pm. Less then ten minutes before I had to be at my door. I hope it wasn't a gift, that he had to buy with a lot of money. He knew I hated when he bought me expensive things, because, in truth, I probably won't ever be able to pay him back. And I believe in fairness.
I basically had nothing to do. Absolutely nothing. My plan was to leave my flat, and head to the town centre, and just walk around. It was Wednesday, one of the most boring days for me.
It was 2:03pm and I couldn't wait another minute. It was going to feel like a year, because of the anticipation. I smoothly got up from my seat by the table, and walked towards the door.
I opened the door, and I saw nothing. At first I was incredibly confused. But, then I tripped on the door frame and flew forward. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped them selves around my waist, making sure I don't fall.
I sighed in relief, but then tensed up because I didn't know who this stranger was. I was about to look, but I heard a highly familiar chuckle.
"Avery!" He said quite loudly, for outside. Any girl's could easily spot them. Apparently they know where I live now, sometimes I get some that ring my doorbell when Zayn's in town.
"Zayn, I've missed you!" I said, giving him a tight hug. "Not to be a moment ruiner, but aren't you supposed to be in America?" I asked confused. Like said before, I'm a fan girl, I practically knew all of their tour dates.
"Yes, but the boys and I were invited to a charity ball, tonight." Zayn said, smiling. I loved his smile, it didn't light up the room like Niall's, but it really was special.
"Are you guys singing?" I asked, excited for him. But, he shook his head 'no'. I cocked my head to the side, in question.
"Just going for the ball. And I'd be honored if you'd go with me?" He asked hopefully. I laughed, I can't believe he even had to ask me, of course I'd go.
"Course I'll go, Zaynie!" I used my old nickname for him. It was one of the few that he hated. "It's going to be.. AmaZAYN!" I said, loudly, earning a laugh from him.
"Love you, Avery.." Zayn said softly, looking into my eyes. He said it in a way that sounded almost.. Sheepish?
"Love you too.. Bradford Bad Boi!" I said, happily, grinning from ear to ear.
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