Alyssa's POV
"Mom! I'm going out!" I called to my mother who was currently upstairs in her room. I didn't need a jacket seeing as it was almost 100°F outside.
I was wearing a gray crop top, that had a British flag design in the middle. I was wearing jean shorts, they were quite short by it was summer, who cares?
On my feet I simply wore plain black flip flops. It was very comforting to hear the noise they made when they snap against your heel. It reminded me that Summer was here. The best season ever.
I was supposed to be heading down to the playground. Childish, I know, but it was still a lot of fun. And besides, barely anyone went to this park because it wasn't as new as the one down the street.
Instead, I headed to Starbucks a few blocks away from my house. To be honest, I'm probably addicted to their Iced Coffees but whatever. Most people in the Summer go there so I won't stand out much, of they notice me.
I walk in, and hear the little bell on the door ring. I never understood that because they can see you walk in. Why do they have to hear you? It would just annoy me if I worked here, all day.
I head towards the counter, my chin held high, because I didn't want to seem like some loser teenager from the street compared to the business workers who show up for a cup everyday.
"Venti iced coffee, cream and sugar." I told the guy who was standing behind the counter. He told me the amount of money, and I payed him quickly. I had already gotten the money out from always ordering the same thing.
I waited about a minute for him to finish making it. When he was done, he handed me a large cup of iced coffee. With a smirk on my face, I went to sit at an empty booth. I didn't really care if anyone was already sitting here.
Yeah, I know I'm badass.
I sat there, sipping my coffee, and day dreaming. It was around lunch time, but any time is time for coffee. I heard someone slide into the booth's chair across from me. I quickly snapped back into focus.
There was a boy, there. He had dark sunglasses on, a snap back hat, and his hood up. Okay, I was confused now. Why would someone wear a sweatshirt in the summer?
"Um, hi?" I asked, confused.
"Hello." The boy said, simply. I noticed that he had an Irish accent, interesting, considering barely any tourists come to Tarry Town, New York.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, irritated that he didn't explain yet.
"You looked normal, so I decided to talk to you." He replied.
"Can I at least know your name?" I asked him, angrily.
"Nope, can I know yours?" He asked.
I was completely confused now. Who did he think he was? So he couldn't tell me his name but I had to tell him mine. Sure, I will because that won't hurt anyone.. But seriously?!
"Alyssa." I said, calmly, as I finished my coffee. Without saying anything else I stood up and threw away my coffee. If the boy wasn't going to answer any of my questions then I wasn't talking to him.
I walked out of Starbucks, and headed back towards the playground. I would finally get peace, and I think I deserved it.
When I arrived at the park, I climbed onto the stairs leading up to the slide. I sat down at the top, and slid down. I loved this playground, it just reminded me of when I was little.
"Alyssa?" I heard that same Irish accent ask.
I turn around from the bottom of the slide, to see the boy at the entrance of the playground's gate. I sigh and walk over to him.
"Do you want to know who I am?" He asked, slowly, pronouncing each syllable.
"Um.. Yes?" I said a bit nervous.
I watched as he took of his glasses, hat, and hoodie. He looked strangely familiar, but at the moment I couldn't put my finger on it.
"I'm Niall. Niall Horan."
Oh God.
"Oh.." I answered a bit shaky, as I looked into his piercing eyes.
"Your not bothered by that?" Niall asked me, probably wondering why I was suddenly nervous.
"Nope, not at all." I said, then coughed regaining my posture.
Niall laughed, but calmed down after about three minutes. I didn't mind though, he looked so happy. It was like his smile could light up the sky. I could already tell it was more precious.
But, then again, I was a fan. But not a Directioner, or a Directionator. I just know their faces and songs. So I probably don't meet the standards of either one of those. But, I still know he is a 'wanted' boy by girls everywhere.
If I wasn't careful, I would end up falling for him. Thankfully he was only here for.. I don't know how long. Hopefully this will be the last we probably see each other.
"Alyssa? You zoned out." Niall said, quite loudly, actually.
My insides were begging me to do this, so I just had to.
"YOLO!" I screamed, the kissed Niall on the lips. If I wasn't imagining it, I swear there was sparks. I pulled away as soon as I felt them.
"I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow?" Niall asked, with a wink. Looks like he enjoyed the kiss.. "We meet here, say.. Twelve.?"
"Sure.. Whatever." I replied. I suddenly regretted my earlier thoughts. Whatever you think is going to happen, usually is the opposite.
Now, I just had to watch out.
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