Ziall: Who knew
Request made by @BuriedInZayn! Thanks for requesting!
"I'm nervous," Niall said as they drove to the doctor's. "I really want to be pregnant."
"We should have just taken tests if you're that anxious," Zayn said, chuckling.
"I don't like those," Niall said. "They're not always accurate."
"Whatever you say, baby."
*~30 minutes later~*
"Hello, boys," the doctor said, closing the door behind him.
"Hi," Niall said.
"So we got your results back from the test," he started.
"What did it say?" Niall asked impatiently.
"Negative. I'm sorry." Niall wanted to cry right there and then.
"I-I was so sure..." Zayn brought Niall into a tight hug. He kissed his head repeatedly.
"And I also have some more news..." Niall sniffled and pulled out of Zayn's embrace. "You are unable to carry. You're infertile. I'm so sorry."
"Wait," Niall said. "I can't ever get pregnant?"
"Unfortunately, no."
Niall started crying really hard. Zayn pulled Niall into another hug. "Oh, baby." He wanted to make sure Niall was assured that everything was okay, when he was about to start sobbing himself.
"I'll leave you two," the doctor said. He left the room.
"W-we can't h-have a b-baby," Niall sobbed.
"I know babe. I'm sorry."
"What are w-we gonna d-do?"
"We can always adopt," Zayn suggested.
Niall sniffed and sat up. "'Kay."
"Let's go home, eat ice cream, and watch movies, okay?"
Niall nodded. They checked out then headed home. Niall sat on the sofa and searched on Netflix for a movie while Zayn got the tubs of ice cream and spoons.
Zayn sat down then pulled Niall onto his lap. "What did you chose, baby?"
"Grey's Anatomy," Niall answered, laying back on Zayn. (Okay but best goddamn motherfucking show ever)
"Good choice." The rest of the night, the couple ate ice cream and watched Grey's Anatomy.
*~1 month later~*
"Good luck, baby," Niall said, kissing Zayn's lips. "I'll be in the front row."
Zayn smiled, grabbed his mic, the went on stage. Niall ran out from backstage into the front row as he started signing the opening song, PILLOWTALK.
As the show went on, Niall noticed Zayn wasn't moving around much and he seemed a little off key. He kept trying to get Zayn's attention to ask if he was okay, but he didn't seem focused.
Towards the end of the show, Zayn was singing Like I Would, when he all of a sudden stopped. He put his hands on his knees as his breath got quicker.
The arena went quiet as this happened. Niall was trying to yell at Zayn, but he wasn't loud enough.
Just then, Zayn fell to the floor, dropping his mic, making the entire arena scream in fear.
Niall shoved his way through the people and ran up onto the stage. He kneeled next to Zayn. "Zayn, Zayn baby wake up."
He shook Zayn's shoulders and rubbed his fingers over his forehead. "Come on, wake up."
The arena stayed silent as Niall did everything. He had been talking to Zayn for a while in hopes it would help. And it eventually did.
His eyes fluttered open slowly. "Oh thank god!" Everyone in the arena started clapping.
"W-what happened?" Zayn asked, his words a bit slurred.
"You passed out. We're taking you to the hospital."
"No- no I'm okay."
"We know but we really just want to make sure."
"Just let me finish the show."
"No, Zayn." Just then, a couple paramedics came in and took him to the hospital. Niall stayed behind for a minute to tell the audience what comes next. "Sorry for all of this everybody. The doctors said he should be just fine but we just want to make sure. I promise we will make this up to everyone."
Everyone started leaving while Niall ran to get in his car. He followed the ambulance to the hospital.
When they arrived, he was brought into the ER where doctors were rushing around to a bunch of traumas. "Niall, I don't want to be here. These doctors have such better things to do."
"Zayn, they're just checking you to make sure it's nothing to worry about. Now stop arguing about it," Niall said firmly.
A doctor in dark blue scrubs and a white lab coat along with one other in light blue scrubs came up.
(I'm going to use the names from Grey's Anatomy because this is fan fiction so fuck it)
"Good evening, Mister Malik," one said. "I'm Doctor Shepherd. Head of neurosurgery. I'm going to be running a head CT and an MRI to make sure you have no neurological damage."
"Okay..." Zayn said, unsure.
"Doctor Grey here..." he said, gesturing to one of the other doctors. "...will take you up to get those tests."
"Thank you," Niall said.
"Let me know if you have any questions." Doctor Shepherd walked away while Doctor Grey started to bring to bed towards the elevator.
"Niall, I don't think this is necessary," Zayn said. "I want to be performing to my fans right now."
"I know you do, babe," Niall said. "But they all went home anyways."
Zayn groaned.
He went through all the tests. He was brought back to the room where he was happy to be getting some rest. Niall went on Twitter and Instagram to see #feelbetterzayn trending worldwide plus a video of him passing out.
Niall decided to update the fans. He posted on Instagram a picture of the hospital room then captioned it: Zayn is doing fine . He's had some tests done and we're waiting for results . Thank you for all your support ...
As he was turning off his phone, a new doctor came in. He was medium sized, with some stubble on his chin, brown hair perched on his head; light blue scrubs, white lab coat.
Niall stood to greet him. "Hi, I'm doctor Karev. I'm going to be doing a brief exam."
Niall nodded the walked over to Zayn. "Baby, wake up. The doctor has to check you."
Zayn woke up slowly. "Hi," he said.
Dr. Karev checked him normally before doing an abdominal exam. He just used his fingers and pressed on different parts of Zayn's abdomen. "Does it hurt here?"
"Uh no."
"How about here?" He pushed in a lower part of his abdomen that caused Zayn to hiss in pain.
"Alright." Dr. Karev put in down in Zayn's chart. "I will be right back."
About 15 minutes later, he came back in with another doctor. She was a red head, she looked rather friendly. "Hello, I'm doctor Montgomery. I'm going to be doing some more small exams for your abdominal pain."
She did the same exam Dr. Karev did. She found the spot that hurt Zayn the most. "Doctor Karev, go get me a sonogram machine please."
"You don't have a name tag from this hospital..." Zayn said.
"Oh I live in L.A. I just had a big case to cover here so I'm here but not for much longer."
Dr. Karev came back with an ultrasound machine. "Okay I'm just going to use this to make sure there's not some type of mass growing."
"Mass?" Zayn asked. "You mean like a tumour?"
"Something like that." She moved it around his lower stomach before she stopped and froze the picture. "And there it is. See that little shape there? That's a baby."
Niall smiled instantly while Zayn just sat there, shocked. "A b-baby?"
"Yes I'd say you're about four weeks. Congrats."
"But I-"
"Z, this is amazing!" Niall said.
"Niall, can I have a minute with the doctor please?" Niall was taken back by that question.
"Of course." Dr. Karev walked Niall out of the room. "I was supposed to have our kids."
"What?" He asked.
"Me. I was supposed to be the pregnant one. I was supposed to carry, grow, feed, everything. But I'm infertile."
"Sorry to hear that, man. But hey. At least you don't have to go through that."
"Do you think he wants our baby?"
"It's hard to tell, but I bet he'll come around."
Meanwhile in the room, Zayn was having a major freak out to Dr. Montgomery. "I can't be a dad! I have a career! And a life! And a nice body!"
"Listen to me. I know the both of you really want kids. And your husband was going to to all this. But he can't. So what I suggest is just be happy about this baby. You're getting the baby you wanted. Sure, you'll put on weight and be in pain and have to go on maternity leave, but you can do it. Just think how happy you both will be when you're baby is born. Just think about that."
She took all the stuff then left the room. She told Niall he could go back in.
He walked back in with caution. "Zayn?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine," Zayn said a bit harshly. "I just need a little time."
"Of course, baby. Anything."
Zayn was discharged a few hours later. The drive home was dead silent.
When they got home, Zayn just went to bed. He was in serious need of more thinking time.
Later that night, around 11pm, Niall came to bed. He let Zayn have his space.
That is, until Zayn cuddled up next to Niall. Niall was surprised to feel that.
"I'm doing this."
"What?" Niall asked, turning around.
"I'm keeping the baby. I'll do this."
"Z, I love you." Niall cuddled up nice and close to Zayn. "I love you so much. Thank you, baby."
"I love you too."
*~7 months later~*
Niall's camera shuttered.
"And that's going on Instagram!" Niall cheered as he tapped away on his phone.
"Niall," Zayn said, pulling his shirt over his large belly. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course, baby," Niall said, putting his phone down. "Is everything okay?"
"Not really..."
"What's wrong?"
"Honestly, I'm terrified. About the pain, about being a parent, everything."
"Baby," Niall started. "I understand that it's scary. But you'll be fine. You're a strong boy. My strong boy."
"But the pain," Zayn said. "What am I going to do? Like when I'm having contractions and I have to push our baby out. That's going to hurt."
"It'll hurt, but when our baby is finally here, you'll feel so much better."
"How is it that you've never even been pregnant, yet after you talk to me about it, I feel so much better?"
"I don't know. Maybe it's just been all the practice."
"Thank you, Ni."
"It's not a problem. I'm happy to do it, Z."
*~1 month later~*
"Ni," Zayn whispered. "Niall."
"Mmm?" Niall mumbled, his eyes still closed.
"I- I think it might be time," Zayn said a little louder.
Niall sat up on his elbow, his eyes still closed. He seemed to have a hard time waking up. "What do you feel?"
"I don't know, my stomach is just really hurting."
"What does it feel like?"
What is this? 20 questions? Zayn thought. "Um it feels like my whole stomach is tightening really tight then it releases. And my back really hurts."
"How long has this been happening?" Niall asked finally opening his eyes.
"Like twenty minutes," Zayn said, estimating.
"Alright," Niall said. He sat up all the way. "I'm going to call the doctor. Do you need anything?"
"No," Zayn said. "Actually, can you grab my pregnancy pillow? I think it fell on the floor."
"Of course, baby." Niall got out of bed, grabbed the pillow, set it up under Zayn, the went downstairs.
Zayn snuggled against the pillow and started to drift off until Niall came back in with some water.
"Here, baby. Drink this."
Zayn sat up with some help and drank the water. "What did she say?"
"She said there's still a possibility that it's Braxton Hicks or false labour so she gave me some things we can try. "
"Okay. What are some of them?"
"Well she suggested a bath. A nice warm bath. Do you want one now?"
"Niall it's..." Zayn looked at his phone. "... Three am."
"So is that a no?"
"Nah. I'll take one."
"Okay. Take your time getting up. I'll run the water for you."
"Thanks, Ni."
"You're welcome, baby."
Niall went to run the water. Zayn slowly for out of bed then barely waddled to the bathroom. Niall quickly undressed him then helped him sit in the tub.
Niall put his arm beneath Zayn's head then used the other to just help put water on his belly.
After about a half an hour, Zayn seemed rather calm. "Are they gone, baby?"
"No..." Zayn said.
"Well that means you're probably in labour..."
"Great," Zayn huffed. He was happy to be having their baby, but he was not happy about the pain. "I have to wee. Will you help me?"
"Yeah." Niall helped Zayn out and over to the toilet. Niall leaned against the counter and watched in content.
"This is so awkward. I'm completely naked and sitting here having you watch me pee."
"It's not awkward, baby. I'm loving just watching and helping you."
"Zayn, you are just about to endure one of the most painful things humanly possible. Trust me, in a few hours, you won't think it's awkward."
"Whatever. Help me?"
"Yes." Niall helped Zayn stand up. Not two seconds later, Zayn looked down. "What?"
Niall looked at Zayn legs. "Were you not done?"
"No. I think my water broke."
Niall was shocked. "Um okay this- this is good. Baby, our baby's coming!"
"Yeah yeah, now help me!"
Niall started walking Zayn back to the bathroom but he had to stop to empty the full bath tub.
He helped Zayn into some comfortable clothes before bringing him to the car. "Okay car seat, our bags, house is locked, anything else."
"Just get in the fucking car, Niall." Niall quickly hopped in the car before taking off.
Zayn had a massive contraction half way through the ride. "Uuuuhhhh Nialllll."
"I'm here, baby," Niall soothed. "Here, hold my hand."
Zayn grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Niall made a small hiss in pain, but he blew it off because he knew Zayn was in much more pain.
When they finally got to the hospital, Niall was fast to grab the bag then help Zayn.
They got into a room and Zayn was given a gown to change into. Niall helped him with his clothes then get on and tie the gown.
Zayn was hooked up to an IV so he could get the proper fluids. He laid down on the reclined hospital bed while Niall held his hand, gently rubbing it. Zayn's eyes started to to close slowly, sleep taking over his body.
Niall stood up, kissing Zayn's forehead before walking out. He walked out the the car where he grabbed something that was very important to him, then brought it back into the hospital.
He opened the case slowly, careful not to wake Zayn. He took out the instrument, put it on his lap, and played a few notes. He started playing a tune ever so quietly.
It was only a matter of time before Zayn woke up. He noticed Niall wasn't next to him so he began looking around. Niall noticed this so he put his guitar down and sat next to Zayn. "Hi baby. How did you sleep?"
"Good," Zayn said, rubbing his eyes slowly. "What were you doing?"
"Oh just playing the guitar. I know you like to just listen to it sometimes so I'd thought I'd just keep it calm."
"Thanks-mmmhhhh," Zayn said, cutting himself off. Niall put down the guitar and went to sit next to Zayn.
"I'm here, baby."
"It hurts..."
"I know." Niall grabbed Zayn's hand. "Squeeze is as hard as you need."
"I'll save the hand breaking for when I'm actually pushing," Zayn said, pulling away. "It's over anyways."
"Want anything?"
"Want me to talk to the nurse? Maybe she can get you the epidural."
"No!" Zayn said suddenly. "I'm not getting an epidural."
"Okay, okay."
*7 hours later~*
"I'm so tired..." Zayn whined. He didn't get a response so he looked at Niall. He had his head in his hand, fast asleep, snoring. "NIALL."
Niall started before sitting up and looking around very in a disoriented way. "Huh? What? Is it time to push?"
Zayn gave him the stink eye. "Are you serious..."
Niall shrunk down a bit in his chair. "Sorry, babe."
"Well while you were asleep," Zayn said bitterly. "They told me I'm nice centimetres so they're setting up the delivery room."
"Okay that's good." It was silent for a moment before Niall broke the silence. "I'm sorry I fell asleep, babe. I really didn't mean to."
"I know, I guess it's okay. I just want you to be here for everything."
"I am." Niall stood up and took Zayn's hand. "The whole time."
That's when a few nurses came in. "Okay the room is prepped. We're going to take you up now."
Niall walked beside the bed as the nurses pushed the bed towards the elevator.
When they got in the room, nurses and the main delivery doctor, Dr. Montgomery, were setting up the last minute things. As they did this, Niall and Zayn had a short conversation.
"I can't believe that were gonna be parents..." Zayn said.
"Me either." Niall placed a kiss on Zayn's forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Alright, Zayn," Dr. Montgomery started. "Can you give me a big push on your next contraction?"
It wasn't long before Zayn felt a contraction rip through his belly. He brought his chin to his chest, bearing down.
This continued for a good half an hour. Then the happiest moment of the new parents' lives happened. The loud, gurgles cries of their baby echoed through the small room.
Dr. Montgomery quickly put the newborn baby BOY on Zayn's chest. Zayn was quick to wrap his arms around the baby as a nurse put a cloth over him.
They all worked to clean him off and Niall happily cut his son's cord. When all that was done, the baby was taken to the nursery for a health exam and the couple was left in the room.
"I can't believe he's here, baby," Zayn said, endlessly kissing Zayn's forehead. "I love you so much. You did so good."
"I just can't believe we're parents. Like he's our son. We get to raise him."
"It's the most amazing feeling in the world..."
"I love you, Ni."
"I love you too, Z."
*~6 months later~*
"Come here, big boy," Niall said as he pulled baby Jonah out of his car seat. "Let's go see Papa."
Niall put Jonah in his left arm and carried the diaper bag with his right.
Before they entered the arena, Niall put a pair of giant blue headphones on Jonah's head which he didn't appreciate at first, but then he just went along with it.
The two went to their seats down in the front row on the floor. A few fans came to them to take pictures or just to see Jonah and coo over him.
The show started about 20 minutes later. Jonah really enjoyed the loud noise and the music.
Towards the end of the show, Zayn stopped singing and started talking. "As many of you know, 6 months ago, my husband, Niall, and I welcomed our wonderful son, Jonah, to the world. I haven't been able to tour since then and as soon as I left to come here, I realised how much I missed my two boys. So they came all this way out here to see the show and I have the honour of showing all of you my two favourite boys on the planet."
The arena filled with screams as Zayn exited the staged and brought Niall and Jonah on. Everyone awed over the adorableness of the baby. "Everyone, meet Jonah."
The night continued of lots of screams, cries, coos, singing, and even some of all of that from the baby.
After a happy night seeing his Papa, Jonah fell asleep on the car ride back home.
I'm back! I was super busy for a long time there but I think I'll have some more time to work on these so I appreciate the patience.
Hope you enjoyed it!
All the love
S, xx
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