Ziall: This is Halloween
Song of the chapter:
This is Halloween by Danny Elfman (Nightmare Before Christmas)🎃
Happy Halloween!!! Comment your costumes!! I want to know what all you fabulous readers are dressed up as!!
"So what are you guys going to be for Halloween?" Niall asked, putting some tea down on the table. Liam, Harry, and Louis grabbed a cup.
"I'm going to be Sully from Monsters Inc.," Liam answered.
"I'm being Mike from the movie as well," Louis answered. "Then baby Leah is Boo even though she's only a month old. We're the Monsters Inc. family."
"That's adorable. What about you, Harry?" Niall asked.
"Gemma and I are going as each other. Gemma's going to be me and I'm going to be Gemma. Our costumes are pretty funny as well as our impressions of each other."
"That's funny. I can't wait to see them all."
"What are you and Zayn going to be, Niall?" Louis asked.
"I'm not sure yet."
"Mate, Halloween is in two days and you don't know?" Liam said.
"Well I'm just having a hard time. I was going to tell him about the baby with a costume but I can't think of anything."
"How about he's a baker and you're an oven? You know because it's like bun.. in the oven..."
"Yes we got that, thanks Harry," Louis said. "You don't even work at the bakery anymore but you talk like you do." Harry rolled his eyes.
"You know, that's actually not a bad idea..." Niall said, trailing off into thought.
"Told you," Harry muttered.
"Well if you like it, how about we go shopping for a costume for you?" Louis suggested.
"I'll let Zayn know." Niall stood up and yelled down the hall. "Zayn! We're leaving!"
Zayn emerged from the hall a minute later. "Where are you going?"
"We're going costume shopping. I'm getting you a surprise costume."
"Okay be safe. And I don't want a stupid costume. It should be something cool."
"I'm on it, Z."
"Okay. Love you." Zayn bent down a little, kissing Niall's lips, Niall kissing back.
"We'll be back!" Niall left with Harry, Liam, Louis, and baby Leah. When they arrived, Niall was allowed to hold Leah so he carried her around, trying to find a oven and baker costume.
Eventually, Liam and Louis had to take their daughter out of the store to feed her because she was incredibly fussy so Harry and Niall continued to look around.
"Niall! I found one!" Harry called down the aisle. Niall came jogging down, looking at what Harry was looking at.
"Perfect. Let's get it." Niall grabbed the costume, paid for it and left. They all piled into the car, Niall driving, Harry in the passenger seat, and Liam and Louis sitting in the back next to Leah's car seat.
It was silent in the car until Niall noticed Harry was staring at his middle. "Harry, what are you doing?"
"You have a little bump, Niall," he said, getting a little closer. "It's small but there."
"No I don't! I don't want one yet! I'm only two months!" Niall said, looking down, but still focusing on the road.
"Two months?! Niall, how have you not told Zayn! I know you want to tell him but two months! That's just a lot of time!" Harry marvelled.
"Yes I know but I just was afraid to tell him and I wanted to find the perfect time to do it."
"Well you have two days left. We expect that cat will be out of the bag at the end of Halloween night."
"Of course Harry's going to make a cat remark," Louis whispered. Liam chucked at his comment.
"Shut up, Paynes."
When they arrived at home, Niall decided to hide the costumes so Zayn couldn't figure it out before Halloween. The other guys went home and Niall started prepping for the big night.
*~2 days later~*
Ding dong
"Coming!" Niall said, running down the stairs. He opened the door to reveal Sulky, Mike, Boo, Harry (played by Gemma), and Gemma (played by Harry). "Guys! You all look so fantastic!"
"Thanks," they all said.
"Where's your costume?" Louis asked, fixing Leah in his arms.
"Oh I was waiting to put it on for you guys. I wanted you to be here to see Zayn's reaction."
"Oh this'll be interesting," Gemma said.
Everyone came inside and sat on the couches. "Zayn! Come on down!"
Zayn came downstairs. "All of you look so good!"
He greeted everyone. "Harry, Gemma, can we see your impressions?" Niall asked.
"Of course," Gemma said. She and Harry stood up. Gemma looked exactly like Harry with her hair exactly like his and his clothes and Harry looked exactly like Gemma with her (slightly tight) clothing and a long, blonde wig.
"I'll start," Gemma said. She cleared their throat and began talking low and slow. "Hi, I'm Harry. Um so basically like I just really like talking real slow like this. Is very interesting and... stuff." She then stood up straight and flipped her hair. "I'm also gay and fabulous! I'm absolutely obsessed with my dick that's why I touch it all the fucking time! I wear a bunch of pointless clothes and have a bunch of pointless tattoos and I'm like ten feet tall."
By now, everyone was dying of laughter. She bowed quickly and Harry flicked her. "I don't sound like that!"
"Yes you do."
"Okay okay okay. Now it's my turn." Harry cleared his throat. "OH! MY! GOD! Did you see that hot ass boy who just walked by?! He's just like the death of me! I have to go fangirl now!" He said in a higher voice. "I love Starbucks, boys, and..." He suddenly got serious. "I just... I have really bad hormones and I miss my little brother when he's gone and I just wanna cry!"
Everyone was laughing so hard, not necessarily because of the impressions but just the fact that both of them looked ridiculous but surprising just like each other.
Eventually, Zayn wanted to get ready so he got in his costume. "A baker? Really? I don't want to be Harry for Halloween."
"There's more to it. I have to get my costume on," Niall said. Liam went into Niall's bedroom and helped get on his costume.
"He's totally going to die when he sees this," Liam said. "But in the good way. I can't wait to see his face."
"I know. I'm nervous, but excited," Niall said. He smoothed out the costume for the last time. "Okay let's go."
They walked out of the room to see everyone in the living room. "So what do you think?"
Zayn looked utterly confused, which was not the expected reaction. "Z, you get it?" Liam asked.
"I get that I'm the baker and you're and oven but is there a further meaning?" Zayn asked.
"Well, you're a baker... I'm an oven... Your costume says 'Bun Maker'..." Niall said, trying to come up with hints.
"I don't get it," Zayn said.
Niall looked to the boys and Gemma for help. Louis decided to step in. "Okay so you're a baker, he's an oven. What do you cook in ovens?"
"Uh food?"
"Yes. What kind of food?"
"Would you guys just tell me what I'm missing?!"
Harry then stepped in. "What do I bake in my bakery, Zayn?"
"Just forget it. I'm done with this." Niall walked out of the room. Liam followed right behind.
They went into Niall's bedroom where Niall broke down in tears. "Hey, Niall. I'm sorry about Z. He'll get it eventually."
"No he won't. I was hoping this would be a... happy, enjoyable moment. Instead he comes along and just ruins it," Niall sobbed.
"Well do you want to explain it to him, or the lads and I can if you'd like."
"No. That's alright. I'll tell him after the party." Niall wiped away the tears on his cheeks.
"Okay." They hugged quickly before going back out. Zayn jumped right to Niall.
"Babe, are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine Zayn. Let's just go to the party and I'll explain this later."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too, Zayn."
*~about an hour and a half later~*
Niall sat by himself in one of the rooms at the party house. He sipped his Sprite slowly, just thinking about explaining everything to Zayn.
That's when Zayn walked in. "Hi, love."
"Hey, Z." Niall took a swig of his Sprite.
"Will you explain the costume to me please? It obviously means a lot to you and I'm sorry that I don't understand. I want to know because I need to know you'll be happy."
Niall took in a deep breath. "Okay I'll tell you. It's supposed to be real representing a bun in the oven." Niall pointed to his stomach. "I'm pregnant."
Zayn stood up with no emotion showing. Niall thought he was going to walk out, but he didn't.
"Stand up, Niall." Niall stood up, a little confused. Zayn took the bottom of Niall's costume and pulled it over Niall's head. They were both grateful that he had clothes on underneath.
"Zayn what are you-" Niall was immediately cut off by a huge hug by Zayn. "Zayn?"
"We're having a baby, babe!" Zayn said when he pulled away.
"Yeah we are." Niall pointed to his costume. "Why did you take that off?"
"Because I needed to give you a proper hug. And do this." Zayn wrapped his arms under Niall's knees and around his back. "We're going home so we can celebrate."
They said bye to the boys and the people at the party and went home. The minute they got settled, Zayn laid Niall down in bed, taking off his and Niall's shirts. He wasn't going to have sex, he just wanted to feel Niall's skin against his.
He rubbed his hand up and down Niall's small bump. "Hi, baby. I'm your daddy. I'm so happy you're in our lives. I love you lots, little one." He peppered Niall's warm skin in kisses.
He scooted up, netting his lips with Niall's. "I love you too, Ni. Thanks for carrying our little bun."
"I'm happy to cook a little treat in there. Even if it takes nine months."
*7 months later~*
"Zayn!" Niall yelled in pain. He had been in labour for 10 hours already and it had been about 30 minutes of pushing.
"I'm right here, love. You can do it. You're doing so amazing," Zayn encouraged.
"Zayn, I'm tired. And it hurts," he whined. He laid back for about 2 seconds before sitting up again.
"Good boy. Push push push," the nurse coached. Niall pushed a little harder. "Good, good."
Niall laid back on the bed as the sound of their little baby echoed through the delivery room. "It's a girl!"
Niall looked at Zayn. "A girl?"
"We have a daughter, Ni." He looked at the baby as she was placed on Niall's chest. "She's so beautiful."
"Hi, baby girl," Niall cooed. She quoted down and looked at Niall and Zayn.
"Look at those blue eyes," Zayn cooed. "Those are so yours, babe."
"Her hair is yours, Z." He lightly touched her head. "It's so dark and thick."
Zayn cut her umbilical cord and she was taken to be weighed. "She's here, love."
"She's here."
*~5 months later~*
"Happy first Halloween, baby girl!" Niall said to the baby as he got her in her little costume.
She squealed, grabbing for her toes. "Daddy's going to love this costume."
She had a little pink dress on plus a flower crown that was given to her. She had little pink slippers on and her hair was up in a mini ponytail with a pink and whit polka-dot ribbon.
"Zayn!" Niall called, walking through the house with her on his hip.
Zayn came down the stairs and started awing and cooing at her costume. "Baby, you look so adorable!"
"I can't wait to see her and Leah together with their matching costumes!" Niall said. "It's going to be so adorable."
"Are you ready for a night of fun?"
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