Lirry: I didn't mean it
The one thing that he was told to do.
The thing that would change his life forever.
He had no idea that the love of his life would end up being his enemy.
A positive pregnancy test. Positive. Harry was pregnant. Would Liam like it? Would he want a baby? I mean, this would change his and Liam's life forever.
There was only one way to find out if Liam would like it, and that's to ask him. Liam's a loving guy. He wouldn't kick Harry out... Would he?
Harry approached Liam carefully and slowly. He didn't want everything rushed. Harry worried a little because of the state Liam was in for the past few weeks. He just always seemed stressed and angry. Harry had been trying his best to keep him clam but Liam would just have major blowouts, normally ending in a night on the couch for Harry.
"Liam," Harry said, walking closer to Liam.
Liam looked up from his desk. "Yes, Harry?"
"What would you think if we started a family soon?"
"I don't have time for this, Harry."
"Just please answer the question..."
"Okay um, no I wouldn't mind if we started a family."
"Okay so if I told you I was pregnant, you wouldn't get upset?"
"Wait, are you?"
"Uh yeah I am."
"Well get rid of it!" Harry was a bit taken back on that.
"But you just said-"
"I don't care what I just said! Get and abortion, or put it up for adoption or something!"
"But it's our baby, Liam..."
"I don't care! If it's not gone by tomorrow afternoon, I'll take care of it myself."
"Harry Styles, you better shut the fuck up right now or so help me..."
"But Liam I care about our baby and I want to keep it. All things deserve to live."
"Okay I'm done with you. You can go kill yourself too because I'm tired of your stupid shit."
"Get out! Get out of my house, you disgusting freak of nature!" Liam screamed. That scared Harry enough to leave the house and hopefully never come back.
He sped off to the closest hotel. He got a room and went right to it. He cried on the bed for about 3 hours before he decided to call his mum. "Hi, Harry. How are you, honey?"
"Mum, I need you right now..." Harry sobbed into the phone.
"Oh hon, where are you, are you at home?"
"No, I'm at a hotel." Harry gave all the hotel info to Anne who said she would be there in a while.
When she arrived, all Harry could do was cry into her shoulder. When he was finally able to take a few breaths, Anne asked what was making him so upset. "It was L-Liam. He told m-me to kill myself and the b-baby."
"The what?" Anne asked , confused. "Are you pregnant, Harry?"
"Y-yeah. You aren't going to tell me to kill it too are you?"
"No of course not! Honey, I think it's great you're having a baby, I'm going to be a grandma."
"Mhm..." Harry mumbled.
"But what Liam said, he really wants you to kill the baby?"
"And myself."
"What?!" Anne said, shocked. "Why would he say that to you?"
"I don't know but he did."
"Well let me tell you something... Don't listen to him. If he's going to say such things to my son and grand baby, then he doesn't deserve you..."
"But he's my husband and I love him..."
"I know, honey. I know he probably didn't mean it, but just stay away from him for a while."
All of a sudden, Anne's phone buzzed. "Oh, I have to go. I have to make dinner for Gemma since she's too lazy to do it herself."
She stood up and was about to walk out the door. "Baby, please don't do anything harmful to yourself. If you feel like you want to, call me. Please Harry..."
"I will mum." Anne left the hotel room, leaving Harry with no clue what to do.
Was Liam right? Should he really kill the baby and himself?
He didn't want to, but he loved Liam and if that's what Liam thought was best, then that's what'll happen.
Harry found some old pills that Liam used to take to eliminate the pain of his headaches that would come on and off because of stress.
He always knew he wasn't supposed to take them, and frankly, he had no idea how they go in his bag. But, he took them anyways.
He swallowed about 3 at a time. As he took the last few, he felt a sick feeling over coming his body. He started crying uncontrollably. He cried for the baby, he cried for himself, he cried for Liam, he cried for his family.
He knew he had done something he shouldn't have, but at least he won't have to deal with his abusive husband and his lifestyle.
He cried until he collapsed on the floor, darkness taking over his body.
"Hello, do you happen to know which room Harry Payne is staying in?" Liam asked, looking at the front desk lady.
"No Harry Payne is staying here, but there is a Harry Styles, is that who you're looking for?" She asked kindly.
Liam was pissed that he put himself in with the wrong last name, but he could talk about that later. "Uh yeah that's him..."
"Okay he's in room three o' two. Do you need an extra key?"
"Yes please." She handed him a key and he went upstairs to Harry's room. He put the key in the slot and slowly opened the door. "Harry?"
He walked into the room, looking around. "Hey I know you're in here. Those shoes are too easy to identify."
He noticed the bathroom door closed and the light coming through the crack between the door and floor. He knocked on the door. "Harry? Can I come in?"
No answer. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know what I said was wrong and I know that. I wasn't being very smart. I came to apologize. Please forgive me, babe."
There still was no answer. "Okay I'm coming in..." Liam opened the door slowly, and what he saw was not what he wanted to see or what he expected at all.
Harry was laying on the floor, eyes closed, breathing uneven. He had an empty pill bottle in his open hand. "Harry!" Liam crouched next to Harry's lifeless body. He took Harry's head in his elbow while he used the other hand to feel his face. "Harry, come on, wake up."
He took the bottle and looked at the label. It read:
Ibuprofen Take one by mouth daily Patient: Liam J. Payne
"Oh Harry, you know you shouldn't take those. Especially since you're pregnant..." Liam was prescribed the medication for his headaches and thee pharmacist said specifically not to take if you weren't Liam or if pregnant. Which is two things Harry was.
He rubbed his hand over Harry's cheek. "Come on, Harry, please wake up..."
Harry's eyes opened ever so slightly and his lips parted. "L-Lia-"
"I'm right here. Stay with me, Harry," Liam instructed, pulling out his phone. He dialed the emergency number and gave them all the info. Harry's eyes began to close more. "No, Harry. don't fall asleep on me. Stay awake."
But it was no use because his eyes had already closed. Liam pulled Harry's limp body close to his. He felt tears begin to slip out of his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Harry. This is my fault. But you're going to be okay. I know you will."
The paramedics arrived a few minutes later. They took Harry to the hospital where he had very serious medical procedures performed.
An hour later, Harry laid lifeless in bed, Liam holding his hand. Harry began to lightly twitch. Liam looked up at Harry. "Harry..."
Harry said nothing. He just stared at Liam, anger and upset obvious in his face. "Thank goodness you're awake."
"What happened?" Harry asked with a hoarse voice.
"You um... committed suicide. All because of what I said to you." Harry stayed silent as Liam told a short version of the story. "I came to say I'm sorry and I found you near dead in the bathroom."
Harry stayed silent as he thought about the earlier events. "Can you forgive me, babe?" Harry shook his head no. "What? Why?"
"Because of what you said to me..."
"But I said I'm sorry..."
"I don't think I can forgive you, Liam. I love you, but I don't think it's going to work out for us."
Liam stood up, sticking his hand in his back pocket. He pulled out a piece of paper like thing. Harry couldn't quite make it out.
"They took a sonogram of the baby earlier. I wanted you to see it as soon as we were okay but I guess that's not happening." He wiped away a few tears and put the ultrasound pictures on Harry's chest. He walked out of the room without another word.
Harry picked up the ultrasound. He looked at the string of pictures. Some of just a blob like thing. Others had more of a baby shape.
He stared at them for a few minutes before beginning to fold them up. But something on the back caught his eye.
He turned the paper over, seeing there was a note there.
It read:
Beautiful baby, light of my eyes,
I know you may never get the chance to meet me. I'm your daddy. Your other daddy and I got in a bit of an argument so that's why I'm writing this.
Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I love you so much. I said some things about you I know I shouldn't have and now I regret them more than ever.
You're going to grow up to be a strong, powerful, beautiful child. I'll always be proud to call you mine. I wish I could say for sure that I would be there to watch you grow and become who you will be and who you are.
I love you and your daddy very much and I know this is all my fault. You don't deserve this at all. And I'm sorry.
I wish your daddy would forgive me and know that I realise I messed up. Really bad.
Again, I love you, I'm sorry, and just know that I will always be there for you, even if not physically, I will be mentally.
I love you, my precious angel.
Love: Daddy <3
By now, Harry had tears streaming down his face. He knew Liam had messed up, but so did he. He had to forgive Liam.
This baby needed its daddy. He needed his husband. They needed Liam.
But Liam was probably gone. Probably found a new place to be. Without a child. Without Harry.
Harry pulled out his phone, creating a text to Liam:
From Harry💙: Hi. I know you're probably leaving right now but I need you. I forgive you. I'm sorry. I'll do anything to get you back I just need you. This baby needs you. Please come back❤️
Liam saw the text, and lucky for both of them, Liam was only in the cafeteria.
He boxed all of his extra food for Harry and began heading towards the ward.
On the way, he texted back:
From Liam💛💪🏼: I'm coming💘
When Harry received the text, he sighed in relief.
A few minutes later, Liam showed up. He sat on the side of Harry's bed and hovered over him. He kissed Harry's lips softly, Harry kissing back.
When they pulled back, Harry said, "I saw the note you made for the baby..."
Liam blushed. "Don't be embarrassed. I loved it. It made me realise that you really are sorry and how much you love the baby. And it needs that. It needs you. I need you, Liam. You're what's kept me here through all of this."
"Oh baby..." Liam kissed Harry's forehead and out a hand on Harry's flat stomach. "I love you. I'm never going anywhere..."
*~6 months later~*
"Harry, please!" Liam begged.
"No, Liam I'm not going," Harry argued.
"C'mon, Harry. They said it'll help."
"I don't understand why you want me to go! It's a group of teen kids who talk about their feelings and why they're depressed. I'm not depressed. I only did the suicide because you told me to. Not because I wanted to."
"I know and I'm not worried about your mental health. I want you to get out there and talk about things you guys have in common."
"I'm sorry, but I doubt any of the eighteen year olds there will be seven months pregnant," Harry snapped.
"Please just go. I won't ask anything more of you anymore. Jus please do this."
Harry huffed. "Fine. But only this one meeting."
"Oh thank you baby." Liam kissed all over Harry's face.
"Alright alright don't push it."
*~A few hours later~*
"Welcome everyone! My name is Amanda and I'm the leader of this group if you didn't know already." Harry sat watching the instructor, rubbing his bump as some kids watched and some hid their faces. "Why don't we go around and share our names, age, why you're here."
A few kids went before Harry. They were all depressed, super shy, and under the age of 18. Harry felt quite bad for them. He never had to feel that feeling and he was quite lucky to have that.
Finally, it was his turn. "Hello, my name is Harry, I'm twenty one, and I'm here because a few months ago, I committed suicide."
After everyone went, the meeting continued. It was mainly just explaining what the group was and what they do.
When it was over, Harry met Liam outside the building. "So, how'd it go?"
"It was alright. It wasn't really my thing though. All these kids are like under eighteen and I feel like I make them uncomfortable. Plus they all have severe depression. I don't. I don't think I fit in there."
"Well I'm glad you tried it. Even though you didn't like it."
*~2 months later~*
"Liam, please make it go away," Harry cried as he laid in the hospital bed.
"We'll have our angel in our arms in a short while babe. Just keep pushing."
"But- oh shit!" Harry cried as he sat up and pushed for what felt like the millionth time on the past 30 minutes.
All the pain faded and a gurgled cry echoed throughout the room. "It's a beautiful baby girl."
"Oh my god..." She was placed on Harry chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "Hello, precious."
She squirmed around as the nurses cleaned her off. Harry watched as Liam carefully cut the umbilical cord and she was taken to be weighed.
"She's here, babe," Liam said, kissing Harry's forehead.
"She is. I can't believe she's here."
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