Larry: Too small
"Hey, Hazza," Louis said. "Don't you think I'm a little small for four months pregnant? I feel like I should be bigger."
"I think you look fantastic, babe," Harry said. "But, if you're really worried, then we can get a check up at the doctor. Do you want to do that?"
"Yeah. I need to know if something's going on." He rubbed his small bump. "Everything's probably okay, I just want to know."
"I'll call and make an appointment today while I'm at work," Harry said, grabbing his phone and keys. He walked over to Louis, kissing his waiting lips. "I'll be home a little late tonight."
"Okay." Louis pouted a little. "I love you. Be safe."
"I will, babe." He kissed Louis again. "I love you too." A waved as Harry drove off. As he was walking back inside, he rubbed the bump.
"What should we do today, baby? Eat? Naps? I like that idea."
A few hours later, his phone buzzed next to the bed. Louis, who was eating a bowl of crisps, put the bowl aside and picked up his phone. It was a text from Harry.
From Harbear💕: Hi, babe. I just got off the phone with the doctors office. You have an appointing today at 1:45. -Hazza, x
Louis texted back a few minutes after:
From Boobear💙: Thanks, babe. Will u b there? -Boo, x
From Harbear💕: I'm not sure babe. I'll try but work is busy today. -Hazza, x
From Boobear💙: Okay. Love you. -Boo, x
From Harbear💕: I love you too. Text me how it goes. -Hazza, x
From Boobear💙: I will, I promise. -Boo, x
Louis took a look at the time and saw it was almost 1. He slowly managed to get out of bed, putting on some better clothes. He slipped on his shoes, grabbed his keys and phone, and left the house.
When he arrived, he grabbed his stuff before walking inside. He signed in and sat down. He looked at his phone for what felt like 30 seconds before someone came and put their hands on his shoulders, whisper/yelling, "Boo!"
Louis jumped slightly and turned around to see his best mate, Niall. "Ni! What are you doing here?"
"What do you think?" He sassed, sitting next to Louis. You see, Niall was 8 1/2 months pregnant. He had been married to Liam for about a year and eventually they got a baby.
"Hmm, I have no idea," Louis joked. He cleared his throat and faced the heavily pregnant boy. "So how's the pregnancy? I haven't talked to you in a million years."
"First, it's been six months, and second, it's great. Liam and I decided not to find out the gender so we're excited to meet our little peanut." He rubbed his hands over his bump. "Wait, are you pregnant?!"
"Yeah that's why I'm here," Louis said, remembering he hadn't told Niall. "I'm having a little trouble I guess you could say so I'm just here for a small check-up."
"How far along are you?"
"Sixteen weeks."
"Lucky! You're so small for four months. I was already like huge when I was sixteen weeks."
"That's why I'm here. I wanted to know if somethings wrong with the baby because of its size."
They continued talking until they were interrupted by Harry. "Harry? I thought you were busy with work."
"I have my ways," Harry said, kissing Louis' lips. "Hi, Niall. How's it going?"
"Guess. I'm eight and a half months pregnant, swollen, tired, and emotional."
"Life sounds great," Harry joked.
"Mhm," Niall mumbled.
"Louis Styles?" Came a feminine voice from the door.
"Oh that's us. I'll talk to you later, Niall?"
"Yeah of course!" He waved at them as Harry and Louis went back into the rooms.
"My name is Doctor Tori. Go ahead and hop up on the table," the nurse instructed. "You don't have to lay down quite yet."
Louis sat on the exam table. She pulled out a clipboard. "Okay so what's the problem today, boys?"
"Uh well," Louis started, squeezing Harry's hand. "I'm a little worried about the baby's size. I've seen people that are at sixteen weeks and they're significantly bigger than me."
"Mhm," she mumbled, writing some stuff down. "Okay and how was morning sickness?"
"It was crappy. But it's gone now."
"Okay. How about urination? Are you having to use the loo more often than normal? Are you having headaches, cramps, any pain anywhere?"
"I don't really have to use the loo more often but I do use it a few more ones than normal, and nothing hurts really. I do have an occasional headache every once in a while but it's not too bad."
"Alright. How about movements? How is the baby moving? If at all."
"The baby does do little flips but they're barely noticeable. No kicks or punches."
"Alrighty. Go ahead and lay down for me and I'll start the sonogram." Louis laid down, pulling up his shirt, revealing his little bump. Doctor Tori put the gel on Louis' tummy and moved the wand around. "So there's your baby."
The heartbeat echoed through the room. A little shape came up on the monitor. It took a few minutes of examination before she turned it off. "I'll be right back. You can go ahead and wipe the gel off and sit up."
Tori came back in a few minutes later. She sat down in the swivel chair. "Well, you're baby looks just fine. Perfectly healthy."
Louis sighed in relief before tensing up again. "I sense a but coming on."
"Yeah there's always one of those isn't there?" She laughed a little. "The but is that your baby is a little under average sized."
"So, is that bad?" Harry asked.
"No. It's developing perfect for this point in your pregnancy, it's a just a little bit small."
"So is that going to last, or will it have a growth spurt before it's born?" Louis asked.
"You know, it's hard to tell. It could go either way but either way, the baby's fine. That's all I'm getting to. Nothing's wrong."
"It was you came in as a precaution though. Smart parenting." She handed them a few pictures from the sonogram. "Feel free to call of Coke in if you have any concern whatsoever."
"Thanks so much, Doctor Tori."
"No problem, boys."
*~A few weeks later~*
Louis sat on the couch on a rainy Saturday morning, eating some strawberries he was craving. Harry was in the kitchen making some breakfast.
Louis' phone buzzed next to him and it showed he was getting a call from Liam. It definitely wasn't what he was expecting.
"Hi, Liam. What's up?"
"Can you come over to our house? Please?" He sounded tired and desperate.
"Yeah of course. We'll be there soon."
Louis hopped off the couch and walked into the kitchen. "Harry, we need to go to Niall's house."
"Why?" Harry asked, putting down his utensils.
"I'm not sure but Liam just called me and said he wanted us to be there."
"Okay let me go get dressed and we'll go?"
"Sounds good." Harry went up the stairs while Louis shoved a few more strawberries in his mouth. He slipped on a pair of Toms before grabbing his phone and hopping in the car.
Harry joined him a few minutes later.
"So Liam didn't say why he wanted us there..."
When they arrived, they went up to the door, Louis knocking softly. A few moments later, Liam answered it. He looked awful. He had bags under his eyes, he had his pyjamas on still that had a big water stain down the front, and it looked like he had just been crying.
"Liam," Louis started. "What's going on? You look like you just came out of a hole after twenty years."
"LIAM! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" Came a voice from the other room.
Louis and Harry's eyes widened. "That's why I called you here and also why I look like this. He's been screaming at me for the past three hours."
"So I'm guessing he's in labour?" Louis asked.
"Yes." Liam moved out of the way.
"I'M COMING! JUST WAIT!" Liam yelled back. He opened the door the whole way. "Come in. I really need your help."
The boys walked into the the house "Where is he?"
"Our bedroom." Harry stayed with Liam while Louis went upstairs.
"Liam," Harry started. Liam pulled his face out of his hands. "How log have you been talking to Niall like that?"
"I don't know. Like an hour and a half."
"You can't talk to him like that..."
"Why not? He's bugging the hell out of me. He won't stop screaming at me."
"Still, Liam." They walked over to the couch. "Look, I know it's probably really irritating that he talks to you like that right now, but just imagine all the pain that's he's going through right now to deliver your baby..."
Liam stayed silent. "Just look at this from his point of view. He loves you so much Liam. He doesn't want to talk like that, but I've taken the birthing classes with Louis. Labour is mind-searing pain and Niall is going through that so you two can have your little baby. Try to be nicer to him."
Liam still stayed silent, but he had a serious thinking face on. "You love Niall, right?"
"Of course."
"Okay then go show it. Maybe if you talk nicer to him, he'll do the same for you." Harry face a kind smile. "Go up there and tell him how much you fucking love him and how amazing he is for doing this."
"You're right, Harry. I haven't told him enough." Liam began walking up the stairs, Harry following right behind.
When they walked in, they saw Niall in the blow-up pool, holding onto Lou's hand. Louis seemed to be saying something to Niall while Niall rested his forehead on the side of the pool.
Niall and Louis looked up when Harry closed the door behind them. "Louis, come with me. Liam wants to talk to Niall."
Louis stood up before walking over to his husband. They walked out of the bedroom and closed the door just as Liam approached Niall.
He kneeled next to him and grabbed his hand. "What, Liam."
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry..."
Niall looked up. "What?"
"I wanted to say I'm sorry for not telling you how amazing you are. To go through all this pain for our little baby is incredible. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you. I don't tell you enough how amazing you are and I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Liam. Thanks for your apology." Liam ran his hands through Niall's sweaty hair. His hair had laid flat on his head where it normally was in a neat quiff. "I'm tired."
"I know, babe. But we'll be holding our little peanut soon..."
Around 8:00 that night, it had been decided that Louis would stay over because Niall claimed he was a great labour/birthing coach. Harry headed home, but would return in the morning. Louis offered to stay up with Niall so Liam could get some sleep, knowing he wouldn't get any sleep once the baby came. He wished he could do the same for Niall, but there really wasn't a way to help Niall out of that situation.
At about 11:00, Niall laid on the bed with just a pair of boxers on, some quiet music playing in the background. Louis sat on the bed next to him, gently massaging Niall's shoulder.
"Thanks for staying up with me, Louis," Niall mumbled, his eyes closed.
"It's no problem, Niall."
"You can get some sleep if you'd like. You need it."
"It's alright, Niall. I like staying up with you. Especially since the midwife is off duty right now."
The next morning, the midwife came back and said that she could feel the baby's head. Niall moved back to the tub where he stayed for the birth.
"Reach down and grab your baby," the midwife instructed. Niall reached down into the water, bringing back up the baby.
"It's a boy," he said, tears starting to fall. "Liam, we have a son."
The newborn coughed before crying out. "You're so beautiful."
"You did so good, Niall," Louis said. "He's a good looking baby."
A few hours later, Louis stood holding the baby, Greyson, while Niall and Liam cleaned up. Harry stood right there, looking at his nephew and husband lovingly.
"You're so good with babies, Lou. I can't wait for ours." Harry came behind Louis, putting his hands on Louis' 5 month bump.
*~4 months later~*
"Harry, it hurts," Louis whined.
"I know, but Darcy will be here soon. She's almost here," Harry encouraged.
Louis laid down as he heard the small cries of a baby. He looked over and saw his daughter. She was super tiny. The doctors were right when they said she was below averaged size.
"She's here, baby. She's here."
"She's so small," Louis said, reaching for the baby.
"We have to take her, sorry Louis," the nurse said. Harry cut her cord and she was taken away.
A few hours later, Louis woke up from his small nap, looking at his husband holding their daughter so lovingly. It was adorable, she was about the size of his hand. She was hooked up to several machines, it was kind of sad.
Harry realised Louis had woken up so he handed the little baby to him. Louis looked at the tiny baby with so much love. "We love you, baby. You're going to be just fine..."
"I love you, Lou."
"I love you too, Hazza."
Requests are open!!
Remember to put the song title the story is after although not all of them will be named after the song title!
Occasionally in the book, the pattern will be messed up so sorry about that, it's not perfect.
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