Larry: Something Great
Song of the chapter: Something Great by One Direction 🤗
Request mad by @thekoalapanda! Thank you for requesting!!
"Harry!" Louis yelled down the hallway as he ran towards Harry.
"What?" Harry asked, turning around towards Louis. Louis came up to him, a little out of breath. "What the heck is all this about?"
"So my best mate is having a party on Friday and he said to bring a friend. Wanna come?" Louis asked.
"Sure. I don't have anything else going on." Harry shrugged. "Will there be drinking?"
"Lots," Louis said, laughing.
"Great, I'm in," Harry said, laughing, too. "Can you give me a ride there?"
"Yeah I'll pick you up at eight."
*~Friday night~*
"Where are you headed?" Harry's brother, Liam, asked.
"Louis is bringing me to a party tonight," Harry answered.
"Harry..." Liam said warningly.
"Liam, I'll be fine," Harry assured. He walked over to Liam. "I know how to handle myself."
"I know, it's just that since mum and dad died, I've been taking care of you and I don't want anything happening to you," Liam explained. "And you're only a junior is high school so I don't want you making a mistake you'll regret."
"Nothing is going to happen. I'll be home around midnight so don't wait up." Harry ran out to Louis' car where Louis was waiting.
"Ready?" Louis asked.
When they arrived, Harry was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people, but he got over it.
He grabbed a drink and headed to the room where everyone was getting drunk and dancing.
Around 9pm, Harry was starting to feel a bit tipsy and horny so he went to find someone flirt with.
He spotted the one person he recognized at the entire party. Louis. He really had no control over himself so he walked up to Louis.
"Harry! Are you *hiccup* having fun yet?!" Louis slurred.
"Lots," Harry slurred. He walked up to Louis to they were facing each other. They moved impossibly closer to each other. "What do you say we get out of here?"
"'Kay," Louis slurred. Louis ran to his car, Harry close behind. Harry pushed Louis into the backset and got on top of him.
He aggressively kissed Louis and started taking off his clothes. Even though he absolutely no idea what he was doing.
*~At Harry's house~*
"I'M HOME!" Harry yelled through the house.
Liam came around the corner, rubbing his eyes. "Harry? What the fuck are you doing? It's almost two am."
"I was busy," Harry slurred which worried Liam.
"How drunk are you right now?"
"I'm not drunk!" Harry said before passing out on the floor. Liam rolled his eyes and carried Harry up to his room.
*~Monday at school~*
Harry leaned against his locker, talking to some friends when Louis walked over. It wasn't at all awkward between them because their drunk sex neither of them really remembered.
"Friday was fucking awesome," Louis said. "I want to party like that again."
"Yeah that was pretty great," Harry laughed. "Even though I don't remember a lot of it."
"Same here, mate."
*~A few weeks later~*
Harry noticed Louis was looking a bit pale a particular week. All morning, he was leaving his classes and running, then coming back pale. He knew Louis must be sick, but why was it that bad?
*~Earlier that week~*
Louis looked at the white stick in his hand. Positive. Pregnant.
How? How did he get pregnant the one time he had sex?
How would Harry react? Would he want to have a kid? Would he shame Louis?
Only one way to find out... Tell him....
*~At school~*
During their math class, they had a work time for homework. This was it. Louis knew it was now or never...
"Hey, Harry," he started, shyly. "Can I talk to you?"
"Sure," Harry said. "What's up?"
"So do you remember that night we went out and partied?" Louis asked. "We got really drunk and kinda... you know..."
Harry looked confused. "We had sex," Louis whispered.
"Oh I remember that now, yeah," Harry said. "What about it?"
"Did we use protection?"
"I don't think so...." Harry said, thinking. "Why?"
"Because I'm.. I'm pregnant," Louis said. "And it's yours."
Harry stood up from his chair. "WHAT?!"
Everyone in the class turned to see the argument. "You better get rid of that damn baby!" Harry yelled.
"Harry, please sit down," the teacher said.
"No I will not sit down!" Harry yelled. He looked right into Louis' eyes. "That baby better be gone by next week."
He grabbed his things and walked out without another word.
Louis looked down at the floor before sitting down in his chair again.
After school, Louis was walking home with lots on his mind. Should he really get rid of the baby? Maybe Louis wasn't ready for such a responsibility. Especially without Harry's help and managing school.
When he walked in the door, he had tears coming down his face. "How was school today L- oh no, what happened?" Jay asked, seeing her son.
"H-Harry," Louis hiccuped.
"What did he do?" Jay asked, taking Louis' backpack.
"He told me to get rid of it," Louis said as more tears streamed down his face.
"Oh, baby," Jay said. She brought Louis into a tight hug. "Don't listen to him. Whether you keep this baby or not is your decision is yours, not his."
"I'm not getting rid of it," Louis said, wiping his tears. "I'm only a few weeks but I already love this baby so much."
"That's how you know you're going to be a great parent," Jay said.
*~at Harry's house~*
Harry came in the door, kicking off his shoes and throwing his bag aside. He went o the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat.
That's when Liam came in. "Hey, Harry. How was school?"
Harry shrugged. He really wasn't in the talking mood. "Did something happen?"
"I don't really want to talk about it..." Harry mumbled.
"Well too bad because I'm not letting you off that easy." Liam pulled Harry to the dining table. "Spill, Styles."
"Louis told me he's pregnant," Harry said. Liam's jaw dropped.
"Did he saw who the father is?" Liam wondered.
"Me," Harry answered quietly. "It's my kid."
Liam stayed silent for a few moments. "So, what did you say?"
"I did something I shouldn't have. I yelled at him in front of the class then left."
"Why would you do that?"
"Well it was just so much for me to process at one point that I freaked out," Harry explained. "Now I feel bad."
"What are you going to do?" Liam asked.
"I thought about it and I can't come to a conclusion. I don't know if I want to be a dad."
"Well this is a lot for you to process so maybe you should sleep on it."
"Yeah, I gotta go do some homework now anyways."
"Alright Harry," Liam said, having Harry a hug. "I love you, little bro."
"I love you too."
The next morning when he woke up, he went downstairs happier than he had been in a long time.
"Good morning Liam!" Harry changed as he walked into the kitchen.
"Well someone is sure happy this morning," Liam said, laughing. "What's the occasion?"
"I thought about everything really hard last night."
"Do you know what you're gonna do?"
"I'm gonna help Louis raise the baby. It's my kid too and just the thought of having a little mini me/Louis makes me happier than anything."
"Well I'm glad you know what you want to do, little bro." Liam put a plate in front on Harry. "What are you going to tell Louis?"
"Well first I'm going to say how sorry I am for getting so upset at him. Hopefully he'll forgive me and that's when I'm gonna ask him out."
"Sounds like a good plan."
As Harry drive to school, he thought about how amazing it would be to have his own little family. Sure, it was early, but Harry didn't have much intention in going right into a job and college when he graduated.
Before the bell, he approached Louis, but with caution, he was probably a little fragile at this point.
"Hey, Louis," Harry said.
Louis looked up, but instantly looked at his feet. "What do you want, Harry?"
"Can we talk after school?"
"Why? Just so you can tell me to kill my baby again?" Louis said, raising his voice.
"No, no, no," Harry said. "I just have something important to tell you."
"Thank you. I promise you won't regret it."
*~after school~*
Louis approached Harry's car where Harry was leaning, looking around.
"You wanted to talk to me?" Louis asked.
"Yes, I did. Come here." Harry got them both in the car so they were able to talk more privately. "So I wanted to start by saying I am so incredibly sorry for the way I treated you yesterday. I was stressed out and I took it out wrong. I don't want you to kill our baby. It's the baby we made and I already love him or her so much. So will you give me another chance? To help you raise the baby and forgive me of what I did?"
Louis was starting to feel tears form. "I forgive you, Harry."
"Will you let me help you? I want to be this baby's dad."
"Okay and last question," Harry said. "Will you go out with me? Be my boyfriend?"
Louis nodded. He had always had a crush on Harry and he was just waiting for him to make a move.
Harry leaned forward and kissed Louis' lips, which Louis returned. "We can do this."
Louis sucked in a deep breath. "We can do this," he repeated.
The next day, Harry picked Louis up early at his house and took him to breakfast. "Why are you doing all this for me, Harry?"
"Because you're my boyfriend that I love more than anything and you're carrying our baby whom I also love more than anything." Harry reached across the table and grabbed Louis' hands. "I'm never letting you two go."
Harry brought Louis to everyone of his classes that day, keeping a hand protectively on his stomach.
He brought Louis back to his house that night to stay over. They watched films, stayed up talking about the baby and all the commitments they'd have to make.
As Louis grew bigger, Harry became more protective. He took Louis to and from school, to and from every one of his classes, and ate lunch with him everyday.
One particular day, Louis wasn't feeling that well, the morning sickness just did not go away. So, Harry packed him some soup, bread, crackers, and ginger ale for lunch. He fed Louis small bites as they talked at lunch.
"Harry, I can feed myself," Louis whined, reaching for the spoon.
"But I love feeding you," Harry said, pouting.
"I know, but I wanna feed myself. Please Harry?"
"Okay babe." Harry handed Louis the spoon. As Louis started taking sips of the soup, Harry leaned down to Louis' small tummy. "Hi, baby, it's your daddy. I know you probably can't hear my but I just want you to know that I love you so much and I can't wait to meet you."
He kissed Louis' stomach then sat up. He looked at Louis who had tears in his eyes. "Baby, don't cry," Harry said, wiping Louis' cheeks.
"I can't help it, it's my hormones." Harry smiled and kissed Louis' pouting lips.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
As time went on, Louis got bigger, Harry became more protective. He never let Louis out of his sight export for his classes. He even asked Louis to move in with him. He and Liam always had an extra bedroom so Harry thought it would make the perfect nursery.
When Louis got to 5 months, the couple found out they were having a boy. They were both more than excited to have a son to love and care for.
When Liam saw how happy Harry was doing with taking care of everything, he moved out and have them the house.
When Louis reached 8 months, he had to leave school and do online school. Harry tried his hardest to get into online school so he could be with Louis but they couldn't make any exceptions for him, only Louis.
One afternoon, when Harry came home from school, he ran upstairs, expecting Lou's to be in bed, but he wasn't there. He checked in the bathroom. He wasn't there either. Harry started to worry.
"Louis?!" He yelled through the house.
"In the nursery!" Came a small voice. Harry smiled and went across the hall to the nursery. In there, he saw Louis sitting on the armchair in the corner.
He didn't have a shirt on and he had some small shorts on. "Hello, gorgeous," Harry said, walking over to Louis.
He put his hands on each arm of the chair and leaned down to give Louis a kiss. "How was your day?"
"It was good," Louis said, rubbing his belly. "I felt really.... swollen I guess today so I just kinda stripped. I know I look terrible but I was just in a lot of pain so..."
"Baby, don't day that. You look absolutely stunning," Harry said, putting his hand on Louis' belly. "And you know I don't mind you being naked or even half naked," Harry said striking, making Louis playfully slap his chest.
"You're so horny all the time," Louis said.
"Well yeah, only because I want to make love with the most perfect human being on the planet." Louis blushed.
Harry got down on his knees and put himself between Louis' legs. He put a hand on either side of his belly and kissed it. "Hi, baby boy. I'm so excited to meet you soon. We love you to the moon and back."
Harry stood up then leaned over Louis again. "Can I make love to you, babe?"
Louis smiled and nodded. Harry helped Louis off the chair then picked him up bridal style. He carried Louis to the bedroom and put him on the bed.
"I love you, Louis."
"I love you, Harry."
*~1 month later~*
"Louis, put the computer down," Harry said. "You need to be resting."
"But I need to finish my homework," Louis whined as Harry grabbed the computer and put it away.
"There is a way more important thing about to happen, and it's not homework," Harry said, getting in the bed next to Louis.
"Harry, my contractions aren't that close together, just let me finish."
"Nope." Harry pulled Louis' shirt over his bump and kissed it. "Soon, baby. So soon."
*~a few hours later~*
"Harry!" Louis cried.
"I'm right here, baby," Harry said, holding onto Louis' hand tighter. "You're doing so good."
"I'm so tired," Louis sobbed.
"I know, but he's almost here. Our baby's boy's almost here. Just a couple more pushes."
Louis sat up for the final time, pushing as hard as he could. Loud, high pitched cried echoed in the room. "Baby boy!"
The doctor put the baby on Louis' chest. "You're finally here," Louis said, holding the crying baby.
"He's here, love," Harry said, kissing Louis' forehead.
*~a couple days later~*
"Welcome home, Charlie," Harry said quietly as Louis brought the baby inside.
Harry put the bags at the bottom of the stairs so he would remember to bring them upstairs.
He went to take the baby. "I'll take him, Lou. You should go get some sleep."
"No, I'm okay," Louis said, bringing Charlie into the kitchen. Harry was going to let it go, but then he saw Louis yawn.
"Louis, give me the baby," Harry said, taking Charlie from Louis. "You go sleep. I'll make you some dinner. It'll be ready when you wake up."
"God I love you," Louis said, standing on his toes and giving Harry a kiss. He went upstairs and instantly fell asleep.
Harry was about to get some food out of the fridge when he heard a knock at the door. Harry went to answer it. It was Liam.
"Liam!" Harry said, but not too loud. "Come in."
Liam walked in. "Is this the little guy?"
"Sure is," Harry said, smiling at his son. "Wanna hold him?"
"Of course." Harry carefully handed the baby to Liam. Liam cradled him. "Harry, he so adorable."
"Thank you," Harry said, smiling wider. "Why don't you come sit down? I was just about to make some dinner, you should stay."
"No, no, I don't want to ruin your first night home, I was just dying to meet him and see how you were doing. I miss you."
"I miss you too, Li," Harry said. "But please stay for dinner."
"I would but I actually made some plans with some friends tonight. But we will definitely do dinner sometime soon."
Liam stayed and talked for a few minutes before he had to get going. Harry had dinner made for Louis so he brought him dinner in bed.
"Harry, you didn't have to do this," Louis said.
"I didn't have to," Harry started. "But I wanted to."
That night, Louis had put Charlie to sleep in the portable cot next to the bed and he laid with Harry as they talked.
They talked about their future, how much they were in love with the baby, and everything of that sort. They talked until Louis fell fast asleep.
In the middle of the night, Louis heard faint cries then they stopped suddenly. Louis listened for any more crying. But instead he heard Harry's voice.
"Charlie, you're the most perfect baby in the world, you know that? Your papa and I love you more than anything. At first we were kinda scared about having you, but when we found out more about you, we knew we could take care of you. And we will. Even though we're really young and only in high school, we can do it. When you get a little older, your papa wants to teach you how to play footie. He's really good at it so he's the perfect coach. I bet you'll be amazing at it. Then, when you're older and in school, we're gonna teach you all about other girls or boys, whichever you prefer. Then we'll teach you all about protection and having kids of your own. You're going to grow up to be an amazing boy, Charlie. I'm so happy that you're my son. I love you so much, peanut." Louis smiled as he heard all of this.
He heard a kissing noise. It was quiet then he felt the bed dip next to him. Louis wrapped an arm around Harry.
"That was beautiful, Hazza."
"Oh, you heard all that?" Harry asked.
"All of it. I've never heard anything more perfect."
"It's only the truth."
"I love you so much, Harry."
"I love you too, Louis."
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