Larry: Drag Me Down
Merry Christmas Eve!! I've decided to do 2 publishings in a row. One today and a special Christmas one tomorrow. Hope you enjoy and happy holidays!
Song of the chapter: Drag Me Down by One Direction🚫⬇️
Harry's parents had always been accepting of every religion, feeling, and sexuality. Well all except homosexuals. They hated the idea of two men or two women getting in a relationship.
Harry on the other hand, loved homosexuals and every other sexuality. Mainly because he was gay. He never told his parents. He was scared that he wouldn't be accepted as if he wasn't not accepted at school already.
He was openly bi in primary school. He had a boyfriend called Charlie and that's how he realised that boys were the only gender he liked. He came out in secondary school a few years later. He was made fun of, but also supported. But one thing stayed the same. His parents must never know.
His parents set him up with several girls, all of which wanted to got in his pants. But Harry never did it with any of those girls. He 'broke up' with them the second his parents weren't watching.
He thought things would be fine this way, that is until he met Louis. Louis was someone special.
They met in Uni when Harry was studying Law and Business while Louis was studying Psychology. They met for the very fist time in their dorm room which they happened to be sharing. Things were awkward at first, but then they started falling for each other.
"Harry, do you want me to pick you up after class?" Louis asked, grabbing his book bag.
"If you'd like. I'm just coming right back here afterwards," Harry said from the small kitchen. "I mean my class goes pretty late so I don't want you to be coming out late or anything."
"What class do you have today?"
"Well I have my business class starting at noon then I come back here until five then I'm gone again till seven. I don't think I want you out too late since that's when the jocks come out and beat everybody up."
"But what about you? I don't want you getting hurt."
"They won't mess with me. Now that I really think about it, don't pick me up. I really don't want you getting hurt."
"If you say so. I can't believe we're both going to be home for long periods of time today, but never at the same time."
"Woah what are you doing all day? I'm going to be home for four hours," Harry said.
"I have all of my club meetings today. Including drama."
"Gosh. Well have a good day and I guess I'll see you tonight," Harry said, planting a kiss on Louis' lips.
"Bye babe. I love you."
"I love you too."
Louis left and Harry continued to make food for the day.
Eventually he had to get to class. When his class was over, he went to the restaurant where he had a reservation. He made sure everything was set for that night.
He went back him and did nothing for several hours before going back to another class.
Luckily, he was let out a little early so he ran back to the dorm, dressed in a nice tux, got some flowers, and went to pick Louis up.
Louis was just coming out of the auditorium when Harry arrived. "Harry? What are you doing here? I thought you had class."
"I'm here because I have something special planned for you. Here." Harry handed him a nice tux that Louis had gotten for a friends's wedding years before.
"Harry, I don't fit in that. It's too small."
"Well let's go back and we'll try it on then." Harry grabbed a hold of Louis' hand as they walked back to the dorm.
When they got there, Harry helped Louis try on the tux. It fit.
"I could have sworn this was too small for me," Louis said, looking in the mirror.
"Well you're still little. My little boy to be exact," Harry said, kissing Louis' pouting lips.
"Hey I'm five-nine," Louis said.
"No you're not," Harry said, chuckling.
"Yes I am!"
"You are if you stand on a footstool that's a foot tall."
"Not true."
"Yes it is." Harry kissed Louis' forehead. "Now shall we go?"
"Where are we even going anyways?"
"That is for me to know and for you to find out."
Louis just shook his head and followed Harry to the car.
When they arrived, Harry said he had a reservation and the were brought to a table. It was decorated beautifully, nice table cloth, candles, and a basket of breadsticks. They sat down across the table from each other.
"Harry, this is beautiful," Louis said, taking a bite of the bread.
"I'm glad you like it," Harry said. "You deserve it."
Their food came a moment later. "Did we already order?"
"I pre-ordered the food. Is that okay? You can get something else if you don't like it."
"No this is perfect. Thank you, Harry."
When they were finished, they just say talking about things. "So Louis I've been meaning to ask you something."
"Anything, Harry."
Harry reached into his pocket, got out of his chair, and got down on one knee. "Lou, you are the most wonderful person I've ever met. You're the first person I dated when I found out I was gay. I'm incredibly happy and lucky to be with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Louis Tomlinson, will you make the happiest man on earth and marry me?"
By now, Louis was in tears. "Yes I'll marry you, Harry!" Harry stood up and slipped the ring on his finger. "I love you."
"I love you too, Lou."
That night, Harry had already fallen asleep in their bed and Louis stood in the bathroom, looking at the ring on his finger. It was a silver band with a small ring of diamonds that went across the width of it. He took it off and looked at it briefly before noticing something engraved on the inside of the ring. Louis looked at it closer to try to read it.
I Love You Forever
*~Weeks later~*
"I'm just going to try to stay away from talk of the engagement," Harry said as they drove to Harry's parent's house.
"I'm right behind you, babe," Louis said, taking harry's hand.
"Thanks, Lou."
When they got to the house, Louis almost had to drag Harry to the door. Harry knocked on the door. Anne answered it. "Hi, Harry! I'm so happy you're home!"
She embraced him in a hug while Louis stood there awkwardly. "Oh and who's this?"
"I'm Louis. Harry's friend," he said as much as he hated to say it, he cared about Harry and needed to keep him protected.
"It's nice to meet you," Anne said. They all made it over to the couch. "So Harry, how's it going with Madison?"
"Mum, I broke up with two years ago and you were the one who set me up with her."
"Oh that's right. So who are you with now?"
Great. The question that Harry didn't want to talk about. "Um I'm with uh..."
He looked at Louis who shrugged. "I'm with Louis now..."
The room went completely silent. Finally Robin spoke up. "Wait so does this mean you're a homo now?"
"Come on, Robin. I don't like that term," Harry said.
"Well you're a homosexual. Would you prefer to just be called gay?"
"You know what, yes. I do prefer to be called that. Because I am a boy in love with another boy and I'm getting married to him damn it!" Harry yelled. Louis couldn't help but feel proud of his fiancé. Harry sighed and put his head in his hands. "And I don't care what you guys say. I love him and there's nothing you can do to change that."
"But you can't love him," Anne said. Harry looked up.
"What?" He sounded rather unhappy and Louis didn't really know what to think at that point.
"You are a boy. You can't love another boy. It's not right."
"Fuck you, we're leaving. Come on, Louis." Harry grabbed Louis' hand as he followed him out the door. "I'm sorry about them, Lou."
"It's okay, Hazza. It's not your fault they're like this. I think you handled that really well." Louis put a hand on Harry's hand on the centre console.
"I just don't want you to think that they're going to get in between us or that being gay is wrong. They will never come between you and I. And gay is better than straight."
"I agree. And I don't think they're coming between us. I love you too much to let anyone come between us."
"I love you too, Lou."
*~A few months later~*
"You can't say stuff like that, mum. I'm not a bastard and neither will my future children be. If anything, you're the bastard." Louis heard Harry ranting then a slam on the counter. "God dammit!"
Louis pulled the sleeves of Harry's large jumper over his hands and made sure it covered his only boxer-covered bum. He walked down the stairs to be greeted by Harry who was leaning over the counter, head down.
"Hazza?" Louis said quietly. Harry quickly looked up.
"Hi, Lou." He walked over to Louis and wrapped his tattoo covered arms around his small waist. "Did you hear any of that?"
"All of it," Louis whispered.
"I'm sorry, baby. You didn't deserve to hear that. My parents have gotten to the point where they're saying our future kids will be gay or lesbian and they shouldn't be accepted or even brought into the world." Harry wiped away a tear. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Louis said, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist so they were closer. "Why do they even say that stuff? I mean, first it's sad to hear and second, we're not even married yet, much less expecting."
"I don't know. They just are so infuriating sometimes. Or actually all the time." Harry said.
"Should we get going?" Louis asked.
"We're meeting with the wedding planner today, remember?" Louis said.
"Oh right. Let's get ready." Louis turned around and his jumper had ridden up, putting his only boxer-covered bum on display to Harry. Harry lightly slapped his bum as they started walking towards the stairs.
"Hey!" Louis said, facing back around.
"Well it's your fault. You can't expect to take my jumper, only wear boxers, and not get a spanking for it. You know how irresistible your bum is to me."
"Oh shut up," Louis said, walking up the stairs, Harry close behind. But because Louis' bum was at Harry's face height, he couldn't resist the urge to just grab it again. "Harry! Stop it!"
Louis was trying so hard to be serious, but it didn't work. "You're so cute when you're mad," Harry said. When they reached their bedroom, Harry pushed Louis down on the bed, him climbing on top.
"Harry we don't have time for this right now! We're meeting with the guy in thirty minutes," Louis said, trying to wiggle his way out from under Harry.
"That's a long time, babe."
"No it's not."
"Okay fine. How about a quick blowjob?"
Louis looked at the clock then back to Harry. "Fine."
Harry and Louis stood in front of the mirror, brushing their teeth. When they were done, they both get dressed and were ready to go and were driving to the venue. "Harry, you still got a little something right there." Louis pointed to the corner of his mouth. Harry smirked and used his tongue to wipe it off.
Then he made a disgusted face. "Ew what is that?" He said, trying to use his hands to wipe it all the way off.
"Oh come on, Harry. I don't taste that bad, do I?" Louis asked, a little offended.
"No that's definitely not you, babe. This tastes way worse. And I should know because I just swallowed a ton of you."
"I don't release that much, Harry."
"Want to bet?" Harry said quietly, but Louis still heard.
"Hay is for horses." Louis rolled his eyes and looked out the car window.
When they arrived, Harry grabbed Louis' hand as they walked inside. Inside the building was probably 50 tables with a different theme decoration on each of them. Then there was a hallway that they guessed led to a different part of the planning venue. "Wow it's beautiful in here."
"Yeah it is," Harry agreed.
"Are you guys Lewis and Harry?" A man said as he walked over to the boys.
"It's Louis," Louis said.
"Oh my goodness. My deepest apologies," he said. "I'm Daniel."
"Nice to meet you," Harry said.
"Oh the pleasure's all mine." Daniel smiled larger. "So I understand we're doing some very special day planning, are we?"
"Yeah we are. We're really excited and we heard you're the best planner around," Louis said.
"Well that's what people say. So let's get started. When is the wedding?"
"It's on July tenth," Harry answered.
"That's only two months away," Daniel said.
"Well we already have everything done, all we need is tables and that's why we came to you," Harry said.
"I see," Daniel said. "So what's the theme?"
"Harry?" Came a voice from the doorway. Harry turned around to see his mum. He froze. Louis did the same. "What's this?"
Harry looked over to Louis. "Uh we were just... um..."
"We are meeting with our old mate Daniel! We haven't seen him in ages!" Louis said.
"But we just met-" Louis covered his mouth.
"Haha what he meant to say is that we just met each other here today after a long time," Louis said. He put an arm around Daniel's shoulder and turned him around. He turned his head back around and winked at Harry who smiled.
Harry brought Anne outside. "Mum, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you but your next door neighbour said you were here..." She looked at the building. "Apparently a wedding planning place. Wait, are you and Louis planning your wedding?"
"Uh no, we're here because our old mate is getting married..." he lied.
"I don't believe you, Harry. I know you and Louis are getting married."
"Okay fine we're planning our wedding."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't want to hear you rant about how being gay is wrong. Louis hates it and so do I."
"Well I want to be at your wedding."
"Are you serious?" Harry could tell she wasn't being totally honest, so he decided to give her a date, but not the real wedding date. "Well if you're really interested, then our wedding is on September eleventh."
"Well I'll be there."
"Okay bye, mum!" Harry said, shoving her towards her car.
"That's it?"
"Yeah you said you wanted to see me so you saw me so now you need to go."
"Okay bye, Harry."
"Bye mum." He let out a heavy sigh as he walked back inside.
"What did she want?" Louis asked, walking to Harry.
"She wants to be at our wedding," Harry said.
"What did you say?"
"I told her a date." Louis was about to say something, but Harry cut him off. "But I told her the wrong date."
"Okay so our wedding is in two months but I told her it's in September."
"Okay so your mum is just going to randomly show up in September?"
"I guess so. I mean, we can tell her it's off which I'm sure she'd be happy to hear."
"If you say so."
*~A year later~*
Louis and Harry have been happily married for 10 months and have gotten to the point of trying for a baby. They've been trying for about 2 months and haven't been successful yet. Louis was confirmed as possible to carry a child. At this point, the married couple is very anxious. However, that all changed around a month before their one year anniversary. They had a trip planned in August to visit Harry's parents. But Louis was 2 months pregnant. Neither of them were keen on the idea for their baby's safety, but they decided to go anyway on account for that it appeared that they weren't as bad as before.
"Baby, I'm not so sure we should do this," Harry said as he threw their bags into the boot of the car. "I don't know if we can trust my parents."
"Well you had the idea that we don't tell them," Louis said. "I just feel like we see my family so often and not yours. I know they're against the idea of us, but they're still part of the family."
"I love you, Lou," Harry said, pulling Louis in for a kiss.
"I love you too, Hazza," Louis said back.
When they finally arrived at Harry's parent's house, they weren't very welcoming. "Hello, Harry. Louis."
"Hi," Louis said shyly.
"Glad to see my son is with a person he loves. Even though he's an ugly bastard," Anne said quietly, hoping that neither of them heard that.
"Mum!" Harry said, astounded at his mother.
"What?" She said innocently.
"Why would you say that?!"
"Well it's true! I mean look at him, he's gained at least an obvious two kilograms (5lbs) in the last three months!"
"He can't help it that he's growing and carrying our child!" Harry said. He then realised when he said. Louis couldn't help but do a small facepalm.
"I'm sorry, what? Did you say he's carrying your child? Meaning he's pregnant?"
Harry looked at Louis in shame. "Yeah..."
"How far along?"
"That's none of your business," Harry muttered.
"Excuse me yes it is! It's my grand baby!"
"It's not like you would ever be apart of it's life anyways! You would just tell it all of its problems!"
"Anne if I could just say-" Louis started, but Anne cut her off.
"You stay out of this you little gay bastard!" She pushed him down so he fell on his bum on the floor.
"Louis!" Harry said, getting down on the ground with him. "Are you okay, baby?"
"I'm fine, Harry. I promise." Harry helped Louis back on his feet.
"How could you, mum?! Louis never did anything to you!"
"He made you into a gay bastard too!" Harry was way taken back by that and Anne realised what she said to her son. "Harry I didn't-"
"No. Don't talk to us. We're leaving." He helped Louis out to the car and didn't look out the window at his mum as they pulled away.
*~7 months later~*
"Ugh!" Louis groaned as he came down from a big push. "Harry!"
"That's it, love. Our baby's almost here," Harry encouraged. Louis sat up and pushed yet again. He let out a big breath as cries echoed in the room. "He's here, baby."
"He?" Louis asked, out of breath.
"Yes, baby. We have a son." The baby wasn't handed to Louis which they weren't too happy about, but they knew the doctors knew what they were doing.
Harry looked down at his husband who sat there, still panting, sweat beads on his forehead. "You did so amazing. I love you so much." He kissed Louis' sweaty cheeks and forehead numerous times.
"I love you too, Harry. So much."
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