Zouis: High baby
"I know you like dick," Zayn said, with a cigarette in his mouth. Zayn and Louis had decided to smoke some weed earlier and of course they went through with it.
"Your dick," Louis said.
"I know. Hey watch this!" Zayn took a drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke around to make a shape.
"You know, Lou, I'm gonna pound you so hard tonight, you won't be able to walk for weeks," Zayn said seductively.
"And I'm okay with that. Meet me in bed." Louis put out his cigarette and ran upstairs. Zayn was incredibly turned on so he didn't waste any time putting out his cigarette and running upstairs.
When he opened his bedroom door, what he saw only turned him on more. Louis stood next to their bed, naked. Zayn threw off all his clothes and pushed Louis down on the bed. He got on top of him and didn't waste any time getting inside of him.
They went for a good 10 minutes because Zayn wanted to keep his promise. They fell asleep, their sweaty bodies connected, panting like crazy.
A few weeks later, Louis continued to throw up all morning. Zayn would come in and make sure he was okay. "Lou, you should see a doctor. This does not look good."
"Alright I'll see one today. But you have to get ready for work," Louis managed.
"I know. I wish I could come to the doctors with you."
"Me too but your job is pretty damn cool."
"You're right. I love my job as a police officer."
"Yes you do. Do you think you could drop me off at the hospital on your way to work?" Zayn nodded. "Awesome."
"I'll get ready." Zayn got dressed while Louis got some other clothes on as well.
Zayn dropped Louis off at the hospital the took off. Louis checked in before waiting to get called in.
Zayn got a radio for a person with a gun around the corner. He rushed to the spot. He slid on his bulletproof vest before grabbing his gun and getting out of the car.
"Put your hands where I can see them!" He shouted. He had his gun up and ready for shooting. "Put the gun down!"
The man all of a sudden shot at Zayn. It misses him but, it was close. "This is Malik requesting backup. I'm on Park and Rose, northbound."
"Officer Payne is coming."
"Put the gun down and let me see your hands!" Zayn yelled again. The man shot again. It hit Zayn's vest. He took cover behind his cruiser door. He had to shoot back.
He fired about thee bullets. He saw officer Payne's car come up behind the man. He watched as he fired his bullets at the man, that he was hit in the back, causing him to fall to the ground.
Zayn got out from behind the door. Officer Payne already had him in cuffs by the time Zayn got to them. Payne put the man in his car.
"Thanks, Liam." Zayn and Liam shook hands.
"No problem. Without that call, I would be a home all day and I didn't want that. I'm actually heading back home now. Hopefully I'll get another call."
"Well good luck and I hope you do, Zayn said before getting in his car. Liam waved to him.
Zayn's phone went off. He looked at the caller ID. 'Louis❤️' it read. He picked up. "Hey Lou. What's up?"
There were sniffles on the other side. "Can you come pick me up?"
"Of course. I'll be right there." Zayn hung up and rushed down to the hospital. He saw Louis standing at the entrance. He pulled up and Louis got in. "What happened?"
"Remember that night a few weeks ago? We were high and just a little drunk?" He asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Well, we're getting something out of it now."
"What do you mean? Something?" Zayn was totally confused. "What is it?"
"A baby." It took Zayn a minute before realizing that Louis was carrying his child.
"So you're... pregnant?"
"Yeah." He looked down. "I'm sorry, Z."
"How could you ever be sorry for this? Louis, this is incredible! We've always talked about having a baby and now we have one but you don't seem excited."
"I am I'm just surprised."
"Well I promise to keep you and baby safe with my life. I'm going to take the rest of the day off." Louis nodded. He called Liam. "Hey Liam? Will you sub in for me today? I'm taking the rest of the day off."
"Yes of course!" Came from the other end. "Thanks, Zayn!"
"No problem. See ya."
"Bye." Zayn put his phone down and grabbed Louis' hand.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Zayn."
*~ 9 months later ~*
"How's Cameron doing today?" Zayn asked, handing Louis a cup of tea.
"He's good. Crazy active. Feel this." Louis pointed to his huge bump. Zayn put his hand over Louis' belly button. He felt Cameron move all around.
"Wow. Active little one." He kissed Louis' forehead. "I don't want to go to work today."
"I know but you have to go. In the past nine months, you've missed way too many days. Just go. I'll be fine," Louis promised.
"But what if you go into labor?"
"I won't. I'm not due for a little while longer."
"Okay fine. You have to call me for anything though."
"I will. Now, go." Louis pointed to the door.
"Alright I'm going. I love you."
"I love you too."
Later that day, Louis couldn't help but notice the little pains he was getting.
They eventually got to the point where he had to stop whatever he was doing to breath through them. Part of Louis was saying 'Call Zayn!" And the other part said 'don't call him. It's just Braxton Hicks'. He just went with not calling Zayn.
20 minutes later, his water broke. He had not choice but to call Zayn. It went right to his voicemail. "Hi this is Zayn. Sorry I missed your call. I'm probably on a crime so leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Thanks!" Beep.
"Hi Zayn. It's Louis. I'm just calling to see if you could come pick me up because the baby's coming. Thanks bye."
He waited for a while till he couldn't stand the contractions anymore. He decided to call an ambulance because he couldn't drive.
It came and picked him up a few minutes later. He was taken to the hospital. In the room, he chose to give birth on the bed. On all fours.
His contractions started getting closer. He kept checking his phone for Zayn's call back. Nothing.
"Okay mister Tomlinson. You're at nine centimeters. Would you like to stay in this position?" Louis nodded. To him, laying down just didn't seem comfortable. "Okay. On your next contraction, push."
Louis felt a contraction and pushed. He pushed again. "There we go. I can see the head." Louis didn't really want to push again because Zayn wasn't there. "C'mon give us another good one."
Louis had no choice but to push again. 2 more pushes later and his head was out. Louis tried to catch his breath. "Okay in your next pushes, you're going to hold your baby. So reach down," the doctor instructed. He reached down and felt his head. "There you go. So you're going to keep your hands on him and when he's out, bring him up to your chest."
He continued to push until one of his shoulders were out. "Good job. Just need the other shoulder." Louis pushed again, which released the second shoulder.
Then, before he could finish, Zayn burst through the door. "I'm here! I'm here!" Louis smiled to see that his boyfriend was there to experience it.
"Zayn!" Louis said.
"I'm here babe. I'm sorry I'm late. Just keep going. You're almost there," Zayn encouraged.
Louis pushed once more. The baby went right into Louis' arms. He brought the crying baby up to his chest. "Hi baby boy."
"He's so amazing. You did fantastic, Lou," Zayn said. The nurse clamped his cord then handed the scissors to Zayn for him to cut it. He cut it gently which made him cry harder.
"Alright. We'll take him and weigh him, swaddle him and give him back," the nurse said. Louis handed him to the nurse. He got cleaned up then laid back in bed. The nurse handed him back to Louis.
"He looks almost identical to you, Zayn. Look." He pointed to the little sleeping boy's face.
"I don't know, he looks an awful lot like you," Zayn argued.
"He might just be the perfect mix."
"He is."
"So, a middle name," Louis brought up.
"How about Amos as his middle name?" Zayn said.
"Prefect. Little Cameron Amos Malik."
Cameron Amos Malik
July 23rd, 2014
7lbs, 14oz
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