Zianourry: Runaway
Request made by LoveTerraBell! Thanks for requesting!!
Knock knock knock.
"I'll get it!" Riley yelled, running down the hall.
Riley was Zianourry's adopted daughter of 12 years. She had always been the centre of attention, that is until Harry had recently found out he was pregnant. It all went down hill from there.
"Are you sure?" 6 month pregnant Harry asked, waddling towards the door.
"Yeah I'm sure. I want to say hi to Gramma," she assured, getting close to the door.
"Okay. Go ahead." She turned the knob and pulled the door open. It was Maura.
"Hi, Gramma!" She chirped, going to hug Maura.
"Hi, darling!" He cheered, giving Riley a hug. She let go when she saw Harry standing there. "Harry!"
She went over to where Harry stood. "Oh my gosh! You look great, Harry! Look at that little one in there!" She ran her hands up and down his bump.
"Thanks, Maura." Riley watched in jealousy as they talked and eventually went over to the couch.
Riley went into the kitchen to grab a drink. She reached up to grab a glass, but it fell to the floor. "Oh great."
She looked under the sink for a broom and dustpan, but couldn't find one. She went into all the bathrooms, still searching.
Throughout the entire time, no one noticed that she needed help.
Riley eventually decided to ask for help. She went over to the five boys and Maura. "Does anyone know where I can find a little broom and dustpan? I can't find one."
"Keep looking, Ri," Niall said, not taking his eyes off Harry.
"I looked. I can't find one!"
"We have one. Just keep looking," Louis said.
"You know what? Why don't you clean up the mess? I tried to clean it up but I don't have the darn supplies." She stomped off to her room.
Later, she heard some talking down the hall. She decided to go down. Down there was all the boys ready to leave. "Where are we going?"
"It's just us boys tonight, Ri. You need to stay and clean the kitchen," Liam said.
"What? Why?"
"Because you made the mess. We put out supplies. Make yourself some dinner. We'll be back in a couple hours."
"No buts. Do it," he scolded, pointing to the kitchen.
"Hmm. The baby's kicking," Harry hummed. Everyone's attention went from Liam and Riley to Harry's stomach.
"We'll be back." Liam closed the door behind all of them.
Riley broke down in tears. "W-what did I do w-wrong?!"
She went into the kitchen, cleaning up the mess. When it was finished, she went to her room, calling her friend.
"Hi, Eliza."
"Hey girl! What's wrong? Are you crying?"
"Yes. My parents no longer love me. I just thought talking to you could help make me feel better."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Do you want to come over?"
"Could I?"
"Of course! Come over now!"
"I can't. My dads are out and I can't be gone when they get back. How about later tonight? I'll find a way to sneak out."
"Okay. Just call me if you need anything."
"Thanks, girl."
"No problem."
"Bye." Riley ended the call, tossing her phone on the bed. She fell back in her bed, letting her eyelids droop lower until she fell into a deep sleep.
Bang bang bang
"Riley!" Came from the other side of her door. She shook awake, going over to her door. She opened it to see Zayn.
"I just came to say goodnight. Goodnight." He walked away, leaving Riley abandoned.
"Yeah. Love you too." She slammed the door, flopping down in the bed again.
She waited until everyone was asleep before sneaking out. She wrote a note and left it on her pillow.
She opened her window, climbing out, the closing it behind her. She walked along the roof of her (gladly) one story house.
She found a trash bin on the side of the house so she climbed down from the roof to the top of it. He jumped from the top of the bin to the ground, hoping no one heard her.
She ran over to her friend's house which was right down the street. Eliza happily let her in.
"So, what's going on?" She asked, putting a bowl of popcorn between them.
"They just seem to not love me anymore. It's all about that baby now. I mean, I understand it's exciting in the beginning and all but I get zero attention now. I had to stay home tonight while my dads went out to dinner to celebrate the baby."
"That's screwed up. You didn't do anything wrong, right?"
"No. I just don't understand!" She cried, putting her head in her hands. Eliza scooted closer, engulfing Riley in a hug. "W-what do I do?"
"You can stay here as long as you'd like. I kinda know what you're going through. My little sister got all the attention when my mum was pregnant with her. It's not fair. I know. But, it'll get better."
"Thanks, Eliza."
"You're welcome, Riley."
The next morning, Niall went to get Riley up for breakfast. What he found was not what he expected.
The room was empty, the window was cracked open, and there was a note on her pillow.
He went over to her bed and read it.
I've decided to run away. I understand that the baby is a lot more interesting than me. It's cool. I've gone to a place where I'll get more attention. I've read that at my age, I do in fact need some. I'll probably be back in a few months when the baby is a few months old.
"Oh my god," Niall muttered to himself. He took the note downstairs to show everyone else. "Harry! Liam! Louis! Zayn!"
"What, Niall? Is everything alright?" Harry asked.
"Riley's gone."
"What?!" Louis asked.
"Where did she go?" Liam asked.
"Our baby girl ran away?" Harry asked.
"We have to find her," Zayn stated.
"Here's a note she wrote." Niall handed Louis the note to read.
"It says she ran away to somewhere she'll get more attention. It doesn't say where though."
"We need to go find her!" Zayn said.
"Where?" Harry asked, hope in his voice.
"I know where she is," Liam said.
Ding dong
Eliza ran to get the door, Riley following close behind. When Eliza opened the door, Riley's face fell.
"C'mon, Riley. We're going home. We need to talk," Liam stated firmly.
"I don't want to."
"Too bad. Come on." She had no choice but to follow. She thanked Eliza before following the boys to the car. When they were inside, they started ranting.
"What were you thinking?!" Louis yelled.
"You can't just run away like that and not tell us where," Niall said.
"Why? It's not like you would care," she huffed, looking out the window.
"Of course we care! We love you, Ri," Harry said.
"Not as much as that baby," she mumbled.
"What was that?" Zayn asked.
"Nothing. Just leave me alone."
"No we want to know. Just tell us what's bothering you, love," Harry said, running a hand down Riley's back.
"All you guys care about is the baby. I haven't gotten to go do anything or see anything or even have a real conversation with any of you in six months! It's not fair!"
"Well, it is just a baby. Babies need attention," Liam said.
"It's not even born yet and it's gotten more attention that me in six minutes that I have gotten in six months!"
"We didn't know you felt like that."
"Because you haven't even taken one minute for me."
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because you don't even look at me! I can't get your attention for one minute!"
"That'll change. I promise. It's not going to be all about the baby anymore, okay?" Harry said.
"Thanks for telling us how you feel."
*~A few months later~*
Ever since the runaway incident, everyone got along just fine.
Harry and Riley were in bed taking a nap when Harry got some serious stomach pains. Then his water broke.
"Riley, wake up, babe."
"Mmm. What?" She asked, sitting up.
"Your baby brother or sister is coming. Please call one of your fathers please."
"Okay." She ran down the hall to her room where her phone was. She called the first boy in her list, Liam.
"Hey Ri. What's up?"
"Dad went into labour. Please come home! Now!"
"Okay we'll be home in ten minutes."
"Bye." Riley took her phone back to Harry's room where he sat, breathing through a contraction.
"It's okay, dad. I'm here." She held one of his hands, rubbing it gently.
"Thanks, love."
10 minutes later, the boys came home, immediately taking Harry to the hospital. They left Riley at home because she couldn't go into the hospital room any ways.
A few hours later, she got a text from Zayn. There was picture attached.
Meet your new baby sister! Elise Rosie Styles. She can't wait to meet you! Gramma will come to pick you up in a little but and bring you here. See you soon! Love you!
Riley replied:
Omg she's so cute! So excited to meet her. Love you too!
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