Zianourry: Nouis
Request made by Priceisrightrusher! Thanks for requesting! Sorry it took so long!
"Louis, do we have any more containers of Nutella?" Niall asked, looking through the refrigerator.
"There should be some in the redrigifadorator. Refrifarfaterator. Fridge," he joked. (Anyone remember this? I wish he would say it again :D).
"C'mon, Lou. I'm being serious. The baby's hungry," he whined.
"So was mine. We might have eaten it all." Niall walked around the corner to see Louis shrugging.
"I can't believe this! It's not all about you, Louis. I have to eat too you know?!"
He came and stood in front of Louis, crossing his arms. "I would feel worse if you didn't eat everything else earlier!"
"You know what?! I'm-" he stopped and grabbed his stomach. Louis face softened.
"What happened?"
"My water's broke."
"Oh no." He helped Niall sit down on the couch. "HARRY! LIAM! ZAYN!"
The three boys came running down the stairs. "What happened?" Harry asked.
"Niall's water broke." The boys eyes widened and they all crowded around Niall who was panting through the contractions.
"Ah, it hurts," he whined.
"We know, babe. We're going to bring you to the hospital," Zayn said.
On the 20 minute car ride, Niall had about 10 contractions. They were getting closer together and made painful. "Please get out soon, baby."
"Soon, love. Let's get inside," Harry said.
Niall was brought into a room to be checked. "Well, it looks like you're at a nine and a half so we'll get set up then start."
"Please hurry. It hurts," he whined.
"It'll be over soon, baby boy," Harry cooed.
"Okay I'm going to need you to spread your legs for me, Niall," the nurse said. Niall spread his legs. "Just start with some small pushes. Save your energy. Push right to your bum."
Niall brought his chin to his chest and pushed. "Eight... nine... ten." Niall laid back on the bed. He sat up again, giving another push. "One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten."
He rested back on the bed, catching his breath.
*~twenty minutes later~*
"... nine... ten!" Niall laid back again, obviously short of breath. "Good job. Give us another!" Niall brought his chin to his chest. "Here, put this on his forehead."
Liam took the cold washcloth and placed in on Niall's hot and sweaty forehead. "You're almost at one shoulder. Keep going."
Niall repeated the process until he couldn't push any longer. "On more." He used the last bit of energy he had to push. "It's a girl!"
"Good job! You did it!" The boys acknowledged.
Niall fell back on the bed, panting deeply. One of the nurses placed a blanket on Niall's chest and spread it out. Another nurse lifted the baby up and set her on the blanket.
He wrapped his arms around her little body carefully. "Hi, beautiful." She coughed before letting out a shrill cry. "Oh my goodness you're so precious."
"Here clean her off with this." The nurse handed him a towel. He wrapped it around her and started wiping her off.
When she was clean, they brought her over to the scale. "She weighs seven pounds three ounces."
"She's a good sized baby," Louis said, rubbing his bump.
"She is. She's so cute though."
"Look! She's opening her eyes!" Liam said, watching as she squirmed on the scale. "They are bright blue!"
"Ooh your eye colour," Harry said.
"I'm so excited to bring her home."
"Us too."
2 weeks later, Louis went into labour, delivering a healthy baby girl within 2 hours.
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