Ziam: Win you back Pt. 2
"What?!" Liam asked. "Are you serious?!"
"Yes I'm serious," Zayn snapped. "Oh god."
"Okay do you have a hospital bag somewhere?"
"Yeah I have a fully packed one. It's under my bed. Down the hall, last door on the right."
"Alright. Just stay here. I'll be right back." Liam took off down the hall to find Zayn's bag. When he got there, he reached under Zayn's bed and pulled out his bag. He looked inside to make sure there was enough of everything before running back out.
"Okay, Zayn. I've got everything. Ready?"
"Here I'll help."
"No I can walk. Just bring the stuff to the car and start it. I'll be out in a minute."
"Okay." Liam went out the door to his car and started it.
Zayn waddled out a minute later, keeping a hand on his back and belly.
When he got in the car, he rested back in his seat while Liam gunned the gas. "Liam, chill out. I don't wanna get pulled over."
"You're right. Sorry." He slowed down a little, but still continued to go quickly. Zayn groaned as he continued to get contractions closer apart that were more painful. "It's okay, Z. We'll be there soon."
When they arrived, Zayn was immediately put in the delivery room, ready to push.
*~1 hour later~*
"C'mon, Zayn. You've got this," he encouraged, placing a cold, wet washcloth on Zayn's hot and sweaty forehead.
"Last push here, Zayn," the nurse said.
Zayn sat up, bringing his chin to his chest while pushing. "Good boy, Z. You're doing it."
"Agh!" He cried before flopping back on the bed.
"It's a girl!" The nurse announced. Liam looked down to the end of the bed to see his new daughter.
"Oh my god, Zayn. She's beautiful," he said. She was lifted onto Zayn's chest, a blanket covering her backside.
"Hello, little one," Zayn cooed, running a finger down her cheek. "Little Addilyn."
"I was just wondering, Zayn..." Liam started. "... If she'll take mine or your last name?"
"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."
"Okay. I was just wondering."
"Start cleaning her off with this," the nurse said, placing another towel on top of her. Zayn wiped her little body off carefully.
When she was clean, Liam cut her umbilical cord. She was taken to be weighed and cared for.
*~6 hours later~*
"She sleeps so peacefully," Liam said, watching Addy sleep in Zayn's arms.
"Doesn't she?" Zayn said, looking at her fondly. "I can't believe we made her."
She made a little purring like noise in her sleep making the two boys fall in love even more.
"So I was wondering if we could talk about her last name?" Liam asked.
"Yeah sure I-" Zayn was cut off.
Liam got down on one knee next to the hospital bed, holding a little box. "Zayn, I don't even really know where to start. You are an amazing person and incredible brave and strong to deliver our daughter. To be honest, I have loved you for a long time. Probably even since we were eighteen. I regretted leaving you the very minute I did. When you left, you can ask any of the boys, I cried for hours. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up in the mornings with you next to me. I want you to make me complete. So, Zayn Javaad Malik, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
Zayn was speechless. The door opened and in walked Harry, Louis, and Niall. "Do it, Zayn. He loves you and you love him."
"Yes. Yes I'll marry you, Liam!" He cried. Liam smiled along with the other boys. He stood up, sliding the ring into Zayn's finger.
Zayn looked up, kissing Liam's lips. "I love you, Liam."
"I love you too, Zayn." The other boys cheered and awed as they shared their passionate moment.
*~1 year later~*
"Liam Payne, do you take Zayn Malik to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And Zayn Malik, do you take Liam Payne to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"You may now kiss." Liam put his hands on Zayn's cheeks, bringing his face closed as he kissed his lips.
Cheers erupted down the rows of people. Liam grabbed Zayn's hand, pulling him down the aisle, Zayn running close behind.
When they got to the reception venue, it was Liam and Zayn's first dance. They danced to Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor.
In the last few seconds of the song, Zayn ran off the dance floor, grabbing Addy from Trisha, and coming back to Liam. "I love our little family."
When the other songs started playing and people got on the floor and started dancing, Zayn began feeling a bit sick.
Liam got really worried. "Babe, are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine. Just need to sit down." He went over to a chair, flopping down in it. Liam rushed off, Zayn not knowing where he was going.
He came back a few minutes later with a cup filled up. "It's Sprite. It'll make your stomach feel better."
"Thanks, babe. I love you."
"I love you too. Call for me if you need anything."
"I will." The boys came over with Addy a few minutes later. "Hi boys. Hi baby girl!"
Harry handed Addy, who had grabby hands, to Zayn. "Hi honey. Are you hungry?"
She nodded into Zayn's chest. "Okay. We'll get you something. Louis, can can you grab the diaper bag for me?"
"Of course." He went over to the bag, bringing it back to Zayn.
"Thanks." He took out a little cracker for her that she stuck it in her mouth, and began to gnaw on it. "There you go. Better?"
She nodded again. He kissed the top of her head. "You seem like a great dad, Zayn."
"Thanks, Niall." He kissed the top of her head again. "I just want her to be happy."
"So we actually wanted to talk to you about something...." Harry said, trailing off.
"Okay. What is it?"
"Do you have any interest coming back?"
"Um.... a little bit. I miss you guys."
"So, will you come back?"
*~1 hour later~*
The toasts had started. Niall and Harry did one as well as one of Liam's sisters and one of Zayn's sisters.
Right before everyone started eating, Zayn interrupted. "I have a couple announcements to make."
Everyone quieted down and looked up at Zayn. "So my first one is that, I'll be joining these four lads again within the next couple months," he said pointing to Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall.
People cheered and clapped. "And my second is that, in about eight months, we will have a new edition to the Payne family."
It took a second for everyone to realise what that meant. Liam stood up, engulfing his husband in his arms. "Are you pregnant?"
"Yeah." Liam tightened his grip.
"I'm so happy." He kissed Zayn. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
*~8 months later~*
"Our baby's almost here, babe," Liam encouraged. Zayn tightened his grip on Liam's hand when a contraction came. "That's it. Push, honey."
"Reach down and grab your baby!" The midwife said.
Zayn let go of Liam's hand and reached down. He pulled the baby up out of the water onto his chest. "Oh my god. We have a son, Liam."
"Look at him," he cooed, looking at his son that let out his first cry.
"Jace Payne."
I had a a lot of fun writing this two part story. However, it took like a week because the wifi kept turning off then we were in the car and a bunch of other stuff.
Keep requesting!
Love you all! xx
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