Ziam: This isn't right
Request made for BuriedInZayn! Thanks for requesting!
"So, Liam James Payne, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Zayn asked, down on one knee. Liam looked around, looking for a way to escape, but there was no way.
Zayn's and Liam's sisters were sitting there, giving Liam a thumbs up, which definitely didn't help.
"S-sure I'll marry you," Liam stuttered. Everyone cheered as Zayn put the ring on Liam's finger. Yes, it was cute, but it didn't feel right to Liam.
Liam thought Zayn was a good boyfriend, but he just wasn't in love with Zayn. However, Zayn was head over heels in love with Liam.
*~At the wedding~*
"So Zayn has chosen to write his own vows and Liam chose to take the vows from the marriage council," Niall said. Liam and Zayn had chosen to have Niall run the ceremony because they were all super close friends. "Zayn, go ahead."
"Okay well, Liam, I am so happy to finally be marrying you. I've been in love with you for a very long time you've always been there for me no matter what. Your smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. When you said yes to marrying me, I couldn't breathe I was so excited. I'm ecstatic to wake up every morning with you next to me. I'm happy to finally be able to call you mine."
Liam just smiled. "That's beautiful, Zayn. Now Liam, repeat after me..."
Liam went through the vows, having a hard time looking at Zayn the whole time. "Zayn Javaad Malik, do you take Liam to be your lawfully wedded husband and become Zayn Payne?" Niall said, chuckling a little bit at the end.
"I do," Zayn said, squeezing Liam's hand.
"And do you, Liam James Payne take Zayn to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"Uh y-yeah I do," Liam stuttered.
"Great. I now pronounce you husbands. You may now kiss." Zayn basically jumped onto Liam, attaching their lips. Liam tried not go make it too big of a kiss, but with Zayn, there was no way.
*~At the reception~*
"Liam, are you okay?" Zayn asked as they danced their first dance.
"Mhm," Liam mumbled, not telling the actual truth.
"Are you sure, you seem distant tonight."
"No I-I'm fine. Just- yeah I'm fine. How are you?" Liam asked, trying not to change the subject.
"I'm worried about you..."
"Stop, Zayn. I promise everything is okay."
"Whatever you say..." Zayn kissed Liam's lips which of course made Liam feel a bit upset.
*~Towards the end of the reception~*
"Hey do you guys know where Liam is?" Zayn asked Louis and Niall.
"I'm not sure..." Niall said, looking around. "I'm sure he's just talking with some people.
"I've looked everywhere," Zayn said. "He was acting weird earlier. I hope he's okay."
"I'm sure he's fine," Louis said.
In fact, Liam and Harry were in a private room having a very important conversation about a situation that Liam felt that only Harry could help.
"Harry, I need your help," Liam said a bit desperately.
"What with? Is everything okay?" Harry asked, putting down his drink.
"No I really need to talk to you." Liam pulled Harry into a room that no one was in or around.
"What's wrong?"
"Zayn. Zayn is what's wrong."
"What happened?"
"I don't love Zayn," Liam openly said.
"Whoa what?!" Liam covered his mouth.
"Shush. No one else can know." Harry took Liam's hand away.
"Why don't you love him?"
"Because. I just don't. I liked him as my boyfriend but I don't know. I'm just not in love with him."
"Well maybe you should just be straight with him," Harry suggested.
"I'm not straight..."
"No I mean be straight forward. Tell him how you feel."
"No I can't. It's our wedding day."
"No shit," Harry mumbled.
"I heard that."
"Sorry. But seriously, tell him."
"Okay I'll try. Thanks, Harry."
"You're welcome, Liam."
*~The next day~*
"Liam," Zayn whispered. "Wake up, love. We have lots to do today."
Liam groaned, knowing that they were going to travel around the part of Mexico they were in, ending in Zayn begging for honeymoon sex.
"C'mon. I want to go around Mexico and then maybe we can... you know... tonight."
Called it Liam thought.
"I'm tired," he mumbled. He really wasn't, he just didn't want to get up.
"We didn't do anything last night. Well, besides getting married, but you know what I mean."
"Okay just wait. I'll take a shower and get ready." Liam sat up. "We're here for a week. We're in no rush."
"Of course. I'll start on breakfast."
*~About 6 months later~*
"Liam, you are so freaking annoying when you do this!" Zayn yelled at Liam who was a tiny bit tipsy.
"I'm not drunk, Zayn! I just hung out with some friends and drank. Is that so wrong?"
"Yes because it's three in morning! I've been waiting for you!"
"I don't care! You could've gone to sleep!"
"Ugh! I'm tired of this! I want a divorce!"
Liam was happy about that one, but of course he didn't show it. Instead, he stood there, staring at Zayn.
"Here, keep this." Zayn pulled off his wedding ring, throwing it at Liam. "And you can sleep on the couch."
Zayn stormed upstairs and Liam rolled his eyes. He went into the closet, pulling out a blanket. He brought it to the couch, laying down and throwing it over him. He fell asleep right after that.
*~The next morning~*
Liam felt fingers running through his hair and words being whispered to him. He fluttered his eyes open to see Zayn sitting there.
"Good morning," Zayn whispered, running his hands through Liam's hair.
"What are you doing? I thought you hated me," Liam said, confused.
"No I don't. You're my husband and we might fight every once in a while but I still love you."
Dang it Liam thought.
"So do you want some breakfast?"
*~Dinner time~*
"Shut up, Liam! You're voice is driving me crazy!" Zayn yelled.
Liam and Zayn had gotten in an argument and Liam wasn't sure how it even started.
"Don't yell," Liam said, quieter.
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Same goes for you."
"You know what, I'm sick of this shit. I really want a divorce for real this time."
Yes! Liam thought. Zayn suddenly turned around, looking at Liam with an angry face. Did I say that out loud? Liam thought
He cleared his throat. "I mean, that's probably the best for both of us."
Zayn turned away and muttered, "bitch."
Liam muttered back, "fucker."
Zayn turned back around. "Get out of my house!"
"I can't do that. It's my house too." Liam crossed his arms.
"Not really because it was mine first."
"Fine. I'll leave. I hate being around you anyways." Liam went out of the house, grabbing the keys to his car.
He quickly drove to the one person's house who would understand.
Knock knock knock
Knock knock knock
Still nothing. Liam tried the door and it opened right up. "Harry?!"
"Harry! Harder!!!" Was all he got back in response. Liam smiled, suddenly realising why Harry didn't answer the door.
"HARRY!" Liam yelled. The house went silent. He heard shuffling from down the hall and then footsteps.
Harry emerged from the darker hallway. "Hi, Liam. How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to to hear it all." Liam smirked and Harry went red. "Anyways, I wanted to talk to you."
"Go ahead." Harry and Liam went to the couch. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong. What I wanted to say was-"
"Liam? Harry? What's going on?" Came a voice from the hall. Liam looked and saw Louis standing in the hall with just his boxers and a t-shirt on. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, babe. We're just having a conversation," Harry answered.
"Oh I'll let you two talk." Louis turned away, going back into the bedroom.
Harry looked back at Liam. "So what's up, mate?"
"Zayn and I are getting a divorce," he said.
Harry's eyes widened. "Really? I'm sorry, Liam."
"Oh don't be. I'm actually quite happy."
"Oh well then do you want to... celebrate?"
"Sure. What should we do?"
"We should go to the pub that Niall works at. He gives us free drinks."
Liam rolled his eyes. "Okay whatever you say, Harry."
+Back at Zayn's+
"Perrie, I need to talk to you."
"I'll be over soon."
*~10 minutes later~*
"Tell me what's wrong, Zayn," Perrie said, sitting across the dinner table with Zayn.
"Liam. Liam is what's wrong. He wants a divorce. I don't really want one but he's such a pain in the ass sometimes."
"Well, do you want to go out drinking tonight. It might help get your mind off things."
"Sure. Where?"
"Niall's pub. Free drinks."
"Mmm. Perfect."
*~Later that night~*
"Yo! Niall!" Harry called, seeing his best mate cleaning glasses.
"Hey!" Niall put his stuff down and threw his towel around his shoulder. "What brings you idiots here?"
"Liam and I need some rounds."
Harry looked to Liam almost like asking "can I tell him?" Liam nodded.
"Liam is getting a divorce."
"Oh my god! I'm sorry, mate."
"Don't be. I've wanted one for a long time now."
"Okay. So what can I get ya?"
"I'll have a rum and coke," Harry said.
"I'll do a gin and tonic," Liam said.
"Coming right up." Niall went to go get the drinks while Harry and Liam talked.
When Niall came back, he handed them the drinks and decided to join the conversation. "So, where's Lou?"
"He's not feeling well so he stayed home," Harry answered.
"Oh." He turned to Liam. "So tell me all about it."
"Uh well, I just... okay so I decided I wasn't in love with Zayn anymore before he proposed, but there was no way I could say no when he asked. And throughout these past six months, things have been pretty awful between us. We fight a lot. Finally we decided it's time to call it."
"Damn. Well, now you're free. What are you gonna do?" Niall asked.
"Get a new place and move on. It's not really a big deal."
"Okay whatever you say."
*~Hours later~*
"Zayn, you're completely wasted," Perrie said, looking at Zayn who wasn't even able to sit correctly.
"I don't give a fuck," he hiccuped. Perrie roller her eyes. "I'm going to go use the loo."
"Be my guest." Zayn got up, tripping to the bathroom.
He was about to grab the handle to open the door, but out walked someone who was taller. They collided shoulders, making Zayn fall backwards.
Before he hit the floor, he felt arms wrap around him and keep him from falling. "Sorry."
"Me too," the other person said. Zayn stood up, fixing his leather jacket. He looked up and saw the face of someone quite familiar. "Zayn..."
"Liam..." There was a few seconds of silence and staring at each other before Zayn felt Liam's lips on his. He kissed back.
He felt their crotches rubbing against each other, making Zayn want Liam. "I-I want you..."
"Me too, baby."
Zayn jumped into Liam's arms, Liam's hands going to Zayn's bum to hold him, keeping their lips attached. He carried Zayn to a taxi who picked them up and drove them home.
In the car, Zayn sat on Liam's lap, then making out with each other.
When they got home, Liam carried Zayn into the house. He carried Zayn up the stairs and into the bedroom.
He laid Zayn down on the bed and climbed on top.
*~The next morning~*
Zayn's eyes fluttered open, looking at the spot next to him. It was empty.
Zayn sat up, looking around. There was nothing but Zayn's clothes laying around the room. "Liam?"
Figures Zayn thought.
He got up, throwing on his clothes, and went downstairs. He saw that Liam didn't leave anything.
He made himself some breakfast before heading up to take a shower. As he was walking across the bedroom, he stepped on something.
He bent down and picked it up. A condom. It was used and broken.
Zayn thought for a minute before realising something. If they used a condom, but it broke, could that mean that Zayn could be pregnant?
Zayn decided to figure out himself. He brushed his teeth and left the house. He went to a drug store, picking up a few pregnancy tests.
He brought them home, taking them as quick as possible.
*~5 minutes later~*
All positive.
All three of them were positive. So Zayn was pregnant.
He knew he didn't want the baby to go anywhere, but Liam must never know.
*~9 months later~*
"Hey, Liam," Harry said, calling for Liam.
"Yeah, Harry?" Liam asked walking in from the kitchen.
"Did you know Zayn was pregnant?"
"He what?!" Liam said, looking at what Harry was looking at on his phone.
"He had a baby at two o'clock this morning." Harry showed Liam a picture of the new baby that Zayn posted on Instagram. "And he has a million baby bump photos on his profile."
Liam looked at Zayn's Instagram profile. "Oh my god. Well, it looks like he found someone else real quick."
"Wait..." Liam began thinking hard. "Nine months ago..."
Harry watched in confusion as Liam scratched his chin. "Oh my god."
"What?" Harry asked.
"I need to talk to Zayn." Liam ran out of the house.
Louis came out of the loo, looking confused. "Where's Liam?"
"He went to go talk to Zayn. Apparently he just had a baby."
"So, now that we're alone..."
"Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
*~Back with Liam~*
Liam walked up to the front reception desk. "Which room is Zayn in?"
"What's his last name?" She asked, looking at her computer.
"Um, either Payne or Malik..."
"Okay it's Malik. He's in room three 'o two. Third floor."
"Thanks so much." Liam went into the elevator, hitting up. He went up to the third floor, going to Zayn's room.
As he walked up to the door, a nurse came out and closed the door behind her. "Hi, I'm Zayn's... friend. Am I allowed to see him?"
"Oh yeah of course. Go ahead." Liam nodded and went inside. He opened the door a little, knocking on it.
"Come in," came a deep voice. Liam walked all the way in and was immediately met with Zayn's big brown eyes staring at him. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to you..." Zayn sighed and stood up. He took the small baby in his arms, placing her carefully in the incubator in the room.
"About what?" Zayn asked, sitting down on the bed next to Liam.
"The baby."
"First, it's a girl, and second, what about her?"
"Um... Is she mine?"
Zayn looked down at his hands and sighed. "Yes. She is."
"C-can I get her?"
"Of course." Liam stood up, going and grabbing the sleeping baby from her incubator. He carefully carried her back to the bed and sat next to Zayn. "So what do we do?"
"I think we should go ahead and get the divorce. I don't want to be fighting in front of her."
"Okay but what about the whole custody thing?"
"You can have primary custody and she'll be able to see me still."
"Are you sure you want that?"
"I just think it's best for her and us."
"I think so too."
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