Ziall: Unfortunately
Request made by ThexFreaks! Tysm for requesting! And requests are back open now! Thanks so much for being patient with me! :)
"So, what'd the doctor say?" Zayn asked as Niall exited the ward.
"I'll tell you when we get home," Niall whispered. He was clearly tired from carrying the twins for 8 1/2 months.
When they got inside, Niall went into the kitchen to get a drink. Zayn follows right behind. "So what did he say?"
"He said that I'm just about a sneeze away from going into labour." Niall groaned. "I just really want them out. It's quite painful."
He went over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass. He went to the sink and filled it up. He took a sip before resting it on top of his bump.
One of the twins kicked super hard, knocking it out of Niall's hand and onto the floor. "Really?!"
"One of them kick it out of your hand?" Zayn smirked.
"Yeah. Will you be the best husband ever and clean it up?" Niall begged.
"Oh you know I think I hear my phone," Zayn lied. He rushed off up to the bedroom and closed the door. Niall stood there, astonished that he wouldn't even say that he didn't want to instead of lying to his face.
He got a towel and kneeled on the floor. He began cleaning up the mess. That's when Zayn walked back in.
"Ha wow it looks like your water just broke and you're cleaning it up," he joked.
"Really, Zayn?!" Niall yelled. "I'm nine months pregnant with your children and you won't even be so nice as to just clean up a little water so I don't have to get on the floor."
"Woah chill out. It was just a joke." Zayn put his hands up in defence.
Niall slowly stood up. "Well, you know what?! It was not funny! It's like you think it's a joke that my water would've broken. Why couldn't you jus help me out?!"
"Because! You're a over controlling bitch. You more always telling me what to do and it's fucking annoying! I'm easy to just walk out that door!"
"Why don't you?! Apparently you don't respect me the way you should! I've been varying your children and you've done nothing!"
"I'm leaving," Zayn muttered.
"Fine," Niall said trough gritted teeth. Zayn stomped out, slamming the door behind him.
Niall put his heads in his hands as his tears started flowing. He plopped down on the couch, one hand covering his face, and one on top of his belly.
He felt a little pain in his stomach, but he ignored it. He thought it was haut because of the stressing event that occurred. That is, until his water broke.
"Zayn," he cried. "Help."
He was interrupted by a contraction. "I guess you little ones aren't waiting then."
He grabbed his shoes, keys, and left. He slowly drove to the hospital, thankful it was only a five minute drive.
He made it inside just as he was hit with a contraction. "Someone get a wheelchair here!" A doctor yelled.
A nurse came up with a wheelchair in which they put Niall in and rushed him to a room. He was put in the bed.
"We're just going to check you real quick, okay?" Niall nodded. "Wow you're already at ten centimetres so I'm going to need you to push."
Niall didn't waste any time before pushing super hard. The baby's head slipped out in no time. "Keep pushing. This is going quicker than we thought it would."
Niall pushed again and out came the baby's shoulders and body. "It's a girl!"
Because of her small size, the nurses took her to clean her and perform health stuff.
"Okay, Niall. The second baby is crowning so push when you feel a contraction, the nurse instructed. Niall pushed as hard as he could. The little baby's head soon slipped out.
"Oh god!" He cried.
"There you go. One more push and it'll be here," she encouraged. Niall pushed again and the baby fell into thee arms. "It's a boy."
He too was taken away from Niall to be helped.
A few hours later, Niall laid in the bed holding the baby girl. The baby boy was really sick so he wasn't able to go back to Niall. He was kept in the NICU (newborn intensive care unit) to be watched over.
Then, a doctor walked in. "I'm sorry to say, mister Horan but your little boy didn't make it. He was suffocated in the womb by the umbilical cord. Again, I'm very sorry."
"No...." He whispered. "So, he's gone?"
"O-okay," he sniffled. As soon as the doctor left, he couldn't hold his tears back anymore. He started sobbing, hugging the little baby girl.
There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Niall looked to see who it was. Zayn. He immediately looked away. "What do you want..."
"To come see my amazing husband who I owe an apology to and my two beautiful children," Zayn said.
"Well, your beautiful child," Niall corrected.
"What happened?" Zayn came and sat next to Niall.
"Only one of them lived. Our little boy didn't survive." Niall's tears soon started flowing again. "He was suffocated by the umbilical cord."
"Oh babe," Zayn cooed. He brought his baby girl and husband into a hug. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that by yourself."
"I'm just happy you're here now."
"Me too. And I promise never to leave you again."
Claire Mackenzie Malik
November 23rd, 2014
12:51 am
5lbs, 14oz
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