Ziall: Fall for me
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"I'm just going to use the loo super quick. I'll be back," Zayn said, standing up from the seat.
"Okay," Niall and Harry said together. Niall, Zayn, and Harry went out to dinner as just a friendly get together. The only thing was that Niall and Zayn were dating, but Niall was secretly falling for Harry and Zayn didn't know.
"So, Harry," Niall said. He put a hand on Harry's thigh. Harry put a hand on top of Niall's.
"Yes, love?" Harry asked, lovingly. "Have you told Zayn yet?"
"I haven't. I just can't seem to do it," Niall said, putting his head on Harry's shoulder.
"You have to tell him. It's not good if you're dating two people."
"I know. I'll try to do it tonight."
Dating two people? What was Harry talking about to Niall?
Zayn listened harder.
"Babe, I just want you to break up with him so we can do it together finally," Harry said.
"I know. I'm trying," Niall said. Zayn listened carefully as there was a kissing noise and a quick moan, making Zayn furious. "Zayn's probably on his way back."
"Okay." There as a shuffling sound and silence. Zayn decided to go back to the seat, pretending like he went to the loo.
"Hey I'm back," he said, sitting down.
Their food came soon after. They all ate and split. Zayn and Niall went together and Harry went back to his house.
*~Later that night~*
"Why are you being so distant, baby?" Niall asked, trying to snuggle against Zayn, but he moved away.
"It doesn't matter. Just watch the movie." Niall rolled his eyes and went back to watching the movie.
A few minutes later, Niall got up to go to the bathroom and left his phone in his spot. Fortunately for Zayn, he knew Niall's passcode, so he decided to see what was going on in his world.
He went to Niall's messages and instantly saw some from Harry. He looked through them, reading them all.
From Harry: Hey baby <3
From Niall: Hey love. How's life?
From Harry: It's good. How's it coming with the break up?
From Niall: I'm trying I just can't say it to him.
From Harry: Do it soon because I want you, baby
From Niall: I want you too ;)
From Harry: Send me pics
From Niall: Anything for you babe
Attached was several very inappropriate pictures of Niall. Zayn couldn't help but gawk at the ridiculousness.
From Harry: Now I really need you👅💦
From Niall: I have to go
From Harry: You're just going to keep me hard by myself??
From Niall: You have pictures 😏 I have to pick up Zayn from work. Talk to you later, lovey
Form Harry: Bye sexy boy.❤️
That's where it ended and Zayn was furious. He shut off Niall's phone, setting it on the bed before Niall came back.
"Hi, baby. What did I miss?" Niall asked, sitting on the couch.
"Nothing," Zayn said.
"Okay good."
*~The next day~*
"Zayn! I'm leaving!" Niall called, grabbing his keys.
"Bye!" Zayn called.
"I'll be back tonight!" Niall closed the door behind him. Zayn made sure he was gone before going to the couch where Niall's laptop sat.
He quickly opened it, surprised by what came up. A slide show of Harry's nudes. "What... The... Fuck..."
He had enough of this nonsense. He wiped tears and decided to make a decision. This was it.
He was tired of the cheating shit. He went upstairs, grabbing a suitcase he grabbed all of his clothes, stuffing them in the bag. He wiped away tears as they streamed down his face.
He grabbed his keys and slid on some shoes. He slammed the door behind him and ran to the car. He threw his bag in the back and drove away as fast as he could.
He had no idea where he was going, but wherever it was, it was far away from Niall.
*~That night~*
"Zayn! I'm home!" Niall called through the house. No answer. "Zayn?"
Still nothing. He looked out the window and realised Zayn's car wasn't there. "Hmm..."
He grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to Zayn.
From Niall: Hey baby. Where are you?💘
He waited forever and didn't receive an answer. He looked around the room and noticed the laptop flipped up. He went over to the laptop and turned it on.
What came up was Harry's nudes that Niall was looking at earlier. That's when he realised that Zayn probably saw the pictures.
He ran a hand through his hair and realised what time it was. He went up to bed, hoping Zayn would come back and that he didn't see the pictures.
This is why you always clear your browser history... He thought.
*~Back with Zayn~*
Zayn ran his hands through his hair, tears streaming down his cheeks, panting heavily.
"Zayn, breath. You need to relax..." His best mate, Liam told him.
"I-I can't!" Zayn cried. "He cheated on me!"
"I know. I don't understand why you're so upset though. I never saw you like this with other boys you dated..." Liam rubbed Zayn's back.
"That's because Niall's different." He sniffed a couple times.
"What do you mean? Why can't you move on just like you have with everyone else you've dated?"
"Because I'm carrying his child..." Zayn said blankly.
"You are what?!" Liam said, surprised.
"Yeah. You heard it." Zayn began crying harder and laid his head in Liam's chest and sobbed. Liam rubbed Zayn's back as he cried.
Eventually, Zayn sat back up, wiping his cheeks. "I found out last week and I've been meaning to tell him, but then he cheated on me. I don't want to be a single father. I- I don't know what to do."
"If I wasn't married to Louis, I would offer, but..."
Zayn chuckled while continuing to wipe tears. "I'll just go find somewhere else to live. I should probably go. It's getting late."
"Well, you don't have anywhere to go, do you?" Liam asked.
"I'll just stay in a hotel."
"No stay here. Louis and I won't mind."
"That's okay, Liam. I don't want to be an intrusion."
"Oh please, Zayn. You're no where near that. Just hang out with us. We have an extra bedroom."
"Yeah but you want to make that a nursery, don't you?"
"Yeah but we still have eight months to do that. C'mon, stay with us."
"Wow, Louis is already a month along?"
"Yeah it's going super quick. Please stay with us!"
"Please?" Liam begged.
"Okay fine."
"Yay! Let's go get you set up!" Liam grabbed Zayn's bag from the car and brought it into the bedroom. "So, everything in the house you can use. We have extra blankets in the closet down the hall and yeah so make yourself at home."
"Thanks so much, Li."
"It's no problem!"
"Liam, are you coming to bed soon? It's like nine," came a voice. Liam and Zayn looked at the door and saw Louis standing there with just boxers on and a blanket wrapped around him.
"Yes, babe. I'm coming. I'm just helping Zayn set up," Liam answered.
"Is everything okay, Zayn?" Louis asked worriedly.
Zayn looked at the floor. Liam cleared his throat. "I'll tell you later. Just go back to bed. I'll be there soon."
"M'kay. Goodnight, Zayn."
"Night, Louis. Sleep well."
Louis went back to his bedroom. "So, you know do whatever you want. We're just across the hall if you need anything."
"Thanks for doing this, Liam."
"It's no problem, Zayn. Goodnight."
"Night, Liam."
Liam went to his bedroom, getting under the duvet with Louis. Louis snuggled up to his side. "What's happened to Z?"
Liam out a hand on Louis' flat belly. "Niall cheated on him."
"Oh man. That's tough."
"Yeah. And he's two months pregnant."
"Zayn's pregnant?" Louis asked, very surprised.
"Damn. I feel so bad for him. I would hate to be cheated on and pregnant."
"That's why we have to make him feel as comfortable as possible here."
"Of course."
*~7 months later~*
Ring ring ring
"Hello?" Zayn asked, answering his phone.
"Hey. How's it going?" Came Liam's voice.
"Hi, Liam. It's going well. I'm all moved in now and the nursery is all set. Now all this house is missing is a baby."
"Are you excited?"
"So excited. How's Louis doing?"
"He's doing good. He's pretty big now and I can tell he's in a lot of pain."
"That's how I feel. Are you guys having a boy or girl?"
"We're having a girl. What about you?"
"A boy."
"Aww I can't wait to meet him."
"Me too. I have to go but I'll talk to you later."
"Sounds good. Call if you go into labour."
"I will."
"Bye, Zayn."
"Bye, Liam." Zayn hung up the phone and put his hands in his big belly. His son kicked wildly inside of him. "Please come soon, Bentley. Daddy wants to meet you."
*~a few days later~*
"Hi, Zayn. How's every thing going?" Liam asked cheerfully as he answered the phone.
"I'm fine. Will you meet me at the hospital in about ten minutes?"
"Are you in labour?!"
"Do you need a ride?"
"No I can drive. Just please meet me there."
"Of course."
"Thanks. Bye." Zayn hung up and waddled to his car as fast as he could before a contraction came.
*~6 hours later~*
"Good push. Keep going, hon," the nurse encouraged as Zayn pushed hard.
"Ugh please get him out of me!" Zayn grunted, pushing really hard.
"Gave me a couple more really good ones like before." Zayn sat up, crying in pain. "That's good. Good job! Here he comes! Keep going!"
"Fuck!" Zayn cried. He opened his eyes as the cries of his baby boy echoed in the room. "Baby boy!"
"He's beautiful..." She placed the newborn on Zayn's chest, him taking the baby into his grasp.
"Oh my goodness. You are beautiful."
(I mean let's face it. A Ziall baby would be really handsome/adorable/beautiful).
"Do you have a name for him?"
"Yes. Bentley Asher Malik."
"That's cute. Do you want to cut his umbilical cord?"
"Please." He was handed the pair of scissors.
"Just cut between these two clamps," she instructed, pointing at the clamps. He carefully cut the cord and gave the scissors to the doctor.
Another nurse came with a blanket and took Bentley from Zayn. "I'm just going to weigh him and everything."
She put him on the scale. "He weighs eight pounds, three ounces."
Zayn smiled. "We're just going to put you in another room and he should be in there shortly."
"Okay thanks." Zayn delivered the placenta and was taken to another room.
He was given the baby bit long afterwards. "Do you need anything, mister Malik?"
"I have some friends waiting right outside. Could you send them in please?"
"Of course."
Liam and Louis walked in (well, Louis waddled), instantly cooing over Bentley. "He's adorable."
"Thanks. He's a good little baby." There was all of a sudden a knock at the door. "Come in."
In walked Niall. Zayn scowled and Liam and Louis good there, awkwardly. "Hi, Zayn."
"We'll let you two be alone." Liam helped Louis out of the room so Niall and Zayn could talk.
"What do you want?" Zayn spat.
"To talk to you."
"I don't want to hear it. You cheated on me and you're not worth giving another try. I have another boy in my life and that's our son."
"Wait... Did you say OUR son?"
Zayn soon realised what he said. "Um, no."
"So he's mine?"
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Niall yelled, making the baby squirm and start whining.
"Lower your voice, Niall," Zayn scolded. Zayn grabbed a bottle next to the bed and stuck the nipple in Bentley's mouth. He instantly started sucking.
"Sorry but why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you hurt me. And I don't want the baby around someone who's cheating on his own dad."
"I'm sorry, Zayn. It was wrong. I dated Harry for a couple weeks and he's totally different than I thought he was. Plus, he's not as strong as you. You went through the hard time where I was being a bastard and-"
"Sorry. But I still love you. Harry was basically forcing me into that relationship. I said I would break up with you, but there's no way I could. I love you so much. You and through the pregnancy without my help and gave birth to him without me. You are amazing."
Zayn stayed silent.
"I know what I did was wrong. But, I realise that. I don't want to let you two out of my life ever. Those past nine months were the worst I've ever had. And that's because you weren't by my side."
Zayn still didn't say anything.
"Anyways, that's all I have to say and I understand if you don't want to be with me."
Niall stood up to leave but was cut off by Zayn. "Wait, Niall. I want to be with you too."
"You do?"
"Yeah. I appreciate your apology."
"Good because I wanted to ask you something."
"What's that?"
Niall got down on one knee. "Will you marry me, Zayn?"
Zayn nodded. "Yes I'll marry you, Niall!"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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