Zarry: Punks and drugs
By the way, this is rather dark so if you don't like punk and death and blood stuff, don't read.
"I'll be back later," Zayn said, grabbing his keys and shrugging on his leather jacket. He stuck a cigarette in his mouth. "Expect me to be late."
Harry took his cigarette out of his mouth. "Okay. See you later."
Zayn went out to his car, checking if he had all of the items he needed. He hopped in, driving to his destination.
He parked his car, going to the trunk. He pulled out his knife and closed the trunk. He went up to the front of the house, knocking on the door.
The door opened to reveal a tall, lean man. "Malik."
Zayn just nodded his head. "Come in." Zayn walked in, looking around the house. He turned back to the man.
"Do you have the stuff I wanted?" Zayn asked.
"Umm. About that..." He seemed worried. Zayn walked closer, putting his hand in his pocket. He found the handle of his knife, clutching onto it.
"You don't have it?" Zayn asked, a bit aggravated. He moved so close, he was basically hovering over the man.
"I-I'm sorry! I tried to get it but there was none left!" He held his hands up to protect himself.
"It's too late for sorry," he muttered. He didn't waste a second shoving the blade of his knife into the man's chest.
He let out a cry in pain and dropped to the floor. Blood began pooling around him.
Zayn got down on his knees, taking his knife again. He touched the blade to the man's forehead, engraving something in it.
It was only a second later that Zayn heard police sirens. He quickly ran out of the house, throwing his jacket and knife in the trunk and driving off.
Eventually the police showed up to investigate the scene. They brought in flashlights.
The first thing they saw in the doorway was a man surrounded by blood.
The only thing left was something engraved in his forehead.
*~Back at Zarry's house~*
"Did he have any?" Harry asked, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"None," Zayn said, putting his jacket on the hook and grabbing a cigarette.
"Fuck," Harry mumbled. "Well, there's another one for the wall."
Zayn took a pice of chalk, going into their secret room. He drew a tally mark on another set of four, making another full set of five.
You see, Zayn was a serial killer. He had a drug problem as well as smoking. He kills someone whenever he doesn't get what he wants.
His boyfriend of three years, Harry, had a serious smoking and drug problem. A true addict. He didn't believe in killing people, but he knew there was no talking Zayn out of it.
"Backup it is then," Harry said.
"Oh come on, Harry. I've already bought so much from him."
"Zayn, I need my stuff. Get it!"
"Fine." Zayn went into the backyard, going out the back door to an alley. "Payne."
"Malik. What do you want?" He asked.
"Harry wants more."
"Okay." Payne dug through his jacket pockets before pulling out a bag of white stuff. "Cocaine."
"Thanks." Zayn handed him a small pile of bills and took the bag. He walked back into his house.
Harry was laying on the couch, passed out. Zayn rolled his eyes and picked Harry up, carrying him to the bedroom. He laid him down in bed and covered him up. "Goodnight, babe."
*~the next night~*
"Who is it tonight, Zayn?" Harry asked.
"Work buddy."
"So not really a buddy then, huh?"
"Nope. He's a cunt." Zayn grabbed his things. "I'll be back later."
"Okay. Bye, Zayn."
Zayn goes and kills the guy and heads back home.
"You know what we haven't done in a while, babe?" Zayn asked, laying closer to his boyfriend.
"And what is that, Z?" Harry asked, going into Zayn's grasp.
"A good sex..." Zayn said.
"So what do you say?"
"Sure why not."
*~a few weeks later~*
"Ugh what am I so sick from?!" Harry said, leaning back from hunching over the toilet.
"It's from all the smoking you're doing, babe. Give it a rest," Zayn said.
"I haven't done it in weeks!" Harry argued.
"Well I don't know what to say. Just take a break. Anyways, I've got business to do. I love you."
Zayn left the house, going to take care of business.
Zayn hung his stuff up on the hook. He looked around not seeing Harry. "Harry?"
"I'm in here, Zayn," Harry said. Zayn went into the bedroom. He saw Harry sitting on the bed, his face in his hands and crying.
"Harry..." He said, sitting next to Harry. "What's wrong?"
"This is what's wrong." Harry grabbed something that was between his legs and handed it to Zayn. Zayn stared at it and his eyes widened.
"Wait... Does this mean..."
"Yes, Zayn. It means I'm pregnant. We're having a baby."
"I'm not getting rid of it. I'm ready to change anyways."
"Well, if you are, then I will too." Zayn said, putting a hand on Harry's flat belly. "I promise to stop smoking, killing and doing drugs."
"Thank you, Z."
*~9 months later~*
Harry woke up slowly, looking at Zayn. "Hi, babe. You're awake."
"Yeah. Did the doctor say anything?"
"She said he's perfectly healthy. No problems at all."
"Can I see him?"
"Of course." Zayn got up, going over to the incubator that held his newborn son. "Hello, little boy."
He picked him up and brought him to Harry who happily took him and cradled him. "Look at you, handsome boy."
"Do we have a name picked out?"
"Of course. Charlie. Little Charlie Malik." Harry let his fingertip run across Charlie's forehead. "I love you, baby boy."
*~1 week later~*
Harry sat on the couch, cradling 1 week old Charlie. Charlie was taking a nap and Harry just watched intently.
All of a sudden, he heard a phone ring. It wasn't his. It was Zayn's. Zayn had accidentally left it when he went to go play poker with some friends.
Harry picked up the phone, not looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"
"Malik?" Came a low voice.
"I'm Malik's boyfriend. Can I tell something to him for you?"
"Sure. Tell him I said I have the stuff." Harry was a bit scared at that comment.
"O-okay." Harry hung up and looked at the list of recent calls. It read Payne. "Payne."
Harry remembered Payne. He was Zayn and Harry's drug dealer from months before Charlie came.
Harry was pissed. Zayn had promised he wouldn't smoke, do drugs, or kill anyone. Now, here he is, getting drugs and for all Harry knows, probably killing someone at his poker game.
About an hour later, Charlie had fallen asleep and was completely out like a light. Harry sat on the couch still holding Charlie and thinking about Zayn. That's when he walked in.
Harry looked up, noticed blood on Zayn's hands, scowled, and looked back down at the baby. "Hello to you too, Harry."
"Zayn, why are you still getting drugs?" He asked, looking back up.
"Harry what are you-"
"Hold on a second." Harry brought Charlie to the bedroom, laying him down in the Pack n' Play in his room. He quickly kissed his forehead before walking out to talk to Zayn. "I asked why you're still buying drugs."
"I'm not buying drugs," Zayn said, shaking his head.
"You're lying. That quite upsets me."
"Why does it upset you? I'm not buying drugs. And I'm not lying."
"You are lying! You promised you wouldn't buy drugs, smoke, or kill anyone!"
"I'm not lying to you! I made a promise and I'm keeping it!"
"You're clearly not! While you're away, I get a call from Payne saying he has 'the stuff' and then you come home with blood on your hands and you smell like cigarettes!"
"I didn't. And why does it bother you so much if I did? I mean, you used to do it and it didn't bother either of us."
"Well that was before Charlie came along. Now we have a baby, Zayn. A child that we will have the rest of our lives. He's going to look up to you, Zayn and if he sees you're doing this stupid shit, he's going to want to as well. You can't go around killing people like you used to."
"I didn't kill anyone!"
"Yes you did! You have blood on your hands!"
"Will you let me explain?!"
"Sure whatever. It's just excuses anyways."
Zayn huffed. "Okay so what happened was, we were at the game and one of the guys won. It pissed off another dude and he shot him. I tried to save him. That's why I have blood on my hands."
"That's bullshit, Zayn."
"It's not. I have video of it. I always video our poker games." Zayn pulled out an old video camera and put it on the video. "Just watch."
Harry rolled his eyes but agreed to watch as the series of events happened. "Oh my god."
"Yeah. He's dead. I tried so hard to save him but it was too late."
"Okay so that explains the blood but what about the call from this Payne guy?"
"I sent him out earlier to get me some baby stuff."
"Okay now that's the biggest bunch of fucking bullshit I've ever heard in my life. He's a goddamn drug dealer, Zayn!"
"Sorry. But what kind of excuse is that?"
"It's not an excuse. I'm supposed to meet him to get everything tomorrow. Do you want to come to see if he's okay?"
"I don't want Charlie around that."
"Har, he's fine. He was caught by the cops a few weeks ago and he was cleaned. He's safe now. I promise."
"Okay I'll trust you but if anything happens, it's all your fault."
"I'll take responsibly for that."
*~in the car~*
Zayn drove while Harry sat in the back, playing with Charlie, who was in his car seat.
"We're here," Zayn said, turning the car off. Harry hopped out and Zayn got the baby out of his car seat.
"Here I'll take him," Harry said when Charlie became fussy. He continued to whine a bit. "It's almost time to eat. You're just hungry."
"Oh there he is." Zayn pointed to a man who stood next to a car full of colourful objects. They walked over. "Payne, this is Harry, my boyfriend. Harry this is Payne."
"Hi," Payne said. "I usually go by Payne but you can call me Liam if you'd like."
"Okay. Nice to meet you."
"Here's all the things you wanted." Liam pointed to the bags of baby stuff. "I got a play mat, a little jumping toy, some onesies, a bouncy chair, and a bunch of other noise-making things."
"Wow, Liam. Thanks so much. I don't know how we can thank you enough."
"Oh don't bother. It was very fun shopping for all this stuff."
Liam and Zayn took trips carrying things from Liam's car to Harry and Zayn's. "I hope you guys enjoy."
"We will. Thanks again, Liam."
"No problem." Liam got to hold Charlie briefly before he got really fussy. "Bye guys!"
"Bye, Liam."
*~Back at home~*
"Babe, why don't you and Charlie go to sleep and I'll unload all the baby stuff. You're probably tired."
"Yeah but I can help."
"No go to sleep, babe. It'll only take me a few minutes. And then I'll be in bed to cuddle my two favourite boys."
"Okay fine."
*~20 minutes later~*
Zayn hopped in bed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and son. "Goodnight, boys."
"Goodnight, Z."
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