Nouis: More than we expected
Request made by sfkay02! Tysm for requesting! Also now that I'm all caught up on requests, I'll now continue to accept more requests! Thx guys! #wemissZayn 😭
"Are you going to be okay here by yourself?" Niall asked Louis who was sitting on the bathroom floor.
"Yes I'll be fine. Are you going to be okay at work? Because you're clearly sick, too," Louis commented.
"Yes I'm fine. Just call me if you need anything. I'll be home in a jiffy if something goes wrong."
"Okay. See you tonight."
Niall has an idea of why he was sick but there was no exaltation for Louis. On his way to work, he stopped by a drug store and picked up 3 pregnancy tests.
When he got to work, he took them in the private employee restroom. He worked at Nando's.
He waited the five minutes before the timers went off. They all read positive. Niall was overjoyed because Louis and him had had previous discussions about having a baby.
As soon as he was let off work, he went straight home, tests in hand, ready to tell Louis. He burst through the door and found Louis staring into space on the couch.
"Louis! I'm so excited to tell you something!" He ran over to where Louis was sitting. He gave him the tests.
Louis looked at them and looked like he was about to cry. "Louis, a-are you alright? Aren't you happy?"
"Y-yeah I'm happy, but I also have some news." He pulled out four little sticks from behind his back. "I'm pregnant, too."
"Wow how did that happen? I thought only one of us could carry."
"Me too but I guess we're getting more than one baby then."
Niall ended up being about 3 days in front of Louis but it didn't make that much of a difference. They went to the same ultrasound for their 20 week sonogram.
Niall was up first. He got up on the table and pulled his shirt over his belly. The nurse put the wand on his belly and moved it around. "So it looks like there's one, two, three babies in there. Congrats mister Horan."
"Three? As in triplets?" Niall asked, astounded.
"Yep! Do you want genders?"
"Alright so, there's two girls and one boy."
"O-okay thanks." He wiped the gel off his belly and got off the table. Louis repeated the process.
"Okay so here I see two babies. Congratulations. Two girls."
They signed out and began their drive back home. "So, five babies."
"That's crazy. How will we manage?" Louis asked.
"We'll just have to take it day by day I guess."
"Yeah you're right."
20 weeks later, Louis was pretty big but Niall was HUGE. Poor thing need help off the couch, bed and sometimes even just walking around.
Niall laid in bed, trying to get at least a minute of shut eye. As soon as he began dozing off, he felt a pin in his stomach and a large gush of water leave his body.
"LOUIS!" He yelled through the house.
He heard quick footsteps run down the hall. He knew that was not Louis. In came Harry. "Hi Niall. Louis' asleep on the couch so I'll bring you to the hospital."
When they got into the living room, Niall's painful screams woke Louis up. "Wow Ni. Are you alright?"
"No I'm not alright! The babies are coming!" He yelled.
"Okay I'm coming." Louis surprisingly got off the couch by himself and waddled over to Niall. "Let's go."
They piled into the van. Because they were having 5 kids, they traded their little car for a van.
Harry drove while Niall sat behind the passenger seat with Louis comforting next to him. "Harry! Please go faster!"
"I'm trying, Niall." Niall continued to breathe through all of his contractions which were getting closer together.
When they finally arrived, Harry helped Niall out of the car and hurried him inside, Louis waddling behind them.
Niall was brought into a room immediately. A nurse checked his dilation who said he was ready at nine.
He was put in position to push. "I'm going to count to three, you're going to push. When I get to ten, you stop. Okay?"
"On three. One, two, three! Push!" Niall pushed as hard as he could, letting out a cry in pain. When the nurse got to 10, he took a breath. He repeated the process, which got out the baby's head in close to 35 seconds.
He repeated the same process several times, which gave the baby right to the nurse. "It's a girl!" She handed Niall the bloody, crying baby girl.
"Harper Ava Horan-Tomlinson," Niall said.
"You did fantastic, Ni," Louis said. "She's so precious."
"She hasn't even opened her eyes and I think she's going to have your eye- oh god," Niall groaned.
"What? A contraction?" Niall nodded. Louis quickly cut Harper's cord before she was taken to get cleaned up and swaddled.
A nurse came over to help with the next baby's birth. "Some thing as last time. Push, I'll count to ten, and you take a breath."
Niall nodded before pushing for the ten seconds the nurse was counting. "Ugh! Please just get her out!"
"Her heads almost out. Just keep going, Ni," Louis encouraged. "There you go."
Her little head popped out two seconds later. Niall took many breaths before pushing again. Her shoulders and body came out in one push. "Another girl!"
The nurse handed her to Niall. "Layla Alice Horan-Tomlinson."
"She's so small," Louis said.
"I know. Maybe I'll get a few minutes rest before- oh god- never mind," he moaned.
The nurses took Layla away to be with her sister while their little brother was being born. "So this'll take a little longer because he's breech."
"Okay just please get him out!" Niall screamed. "This hurts so bad!"
"I know. You've got this," Louis encouraged.
"Ah! I can't do this anymore!" He yelled.
"Yes you can! C'mon Niall!"
"Ugh! Shut up, Louis!"
Louis immediately shut his mouth. Niall began the pushing process again. It took forever, but he finally managed to get the baby's legs out.
"OW OW OW! GET HIM OUT!" He screamed. He pushed again, which got the baby to a point where the nurses could pull him out as far as the shoulders. He had to push the head out himself.
He gave one last big push, which let out the baby's head and lots of blood. "It's a boy!" Niall didn't even get to hold his little boy because he was too small.
Niall rested back on the bed, trying to catch his very uneven breath. "Greyson Bentley Horan-Tomlinson."
"You did fantastic, babe. It's all over. You're done. Nothing else to worry about."
"Yeah except for when you go into labour."
"But that won't be for a while. They're all snug in there."
"Whatever you say, Lou."
3 days later, Niall laid in bed, holding Harper and Greyson while Louis held Layla.
All of a sudden, a nurse came in with a clipboard. But, she wasn't there for Niall. She was there for Louis.
"So Louis, based on the info we have about your twins now, we must do a c-section today," she informed.
"Why? Why can't I actually have them?" Louis argued.
"Because the babies are just too small. It can damage their necks or other parts of their small bodies if they are born in that specific manner."
"Um alright."
"So I'm taking you to a room, we'll give you the numbing meds, and we will begin."
He gave Layla to Niall, they shared a kiss, and he left. He was given the numbing shot and he soon couldn't feel anything below his his rib cage.
He was blocked from the sight of the procedure. "Okay you're going to fe a slight pinch then a release, okay Louis?"
"Okay." He felt a pinch with a out of pressure, then a release. The doctor ha up a tiny little baby.
"It's a girl!" Louis smiled at the sight of his newborn daughter. She was taken away to be cleaned. Louis soon felt he same pinch, pressure, then release before another baby was held up." "Another girl!"
"Do you have names for them?" The doctor asked as he was being brought back to his room where the twins ready were.
"Yeah. Maddy and Sam."
"I love those names. Congrats mister Tomlinson."
"Thank you."
When the seven of them were released form the hospital, the twins and triplets finally got to meet and Louis and Niall got to see each other after 4 days.
Harper Ava Horan-Tomlinson
March 1st, 2015
3:45 pm
Layla Alice Horan-Tomlinson
March 1st, 2015
3:53 pm
Greyson Bentley Horan-Tomlinson
March 1st, 2015
4:01 pm
5lbs, 3oz
Madison Audrey Horan-Tomlinson
March 4th, 2015
10:37 am
5lbs, 6oz
Samantha Jasmine Horan-Tomlinson
March 4th, 2015
10:40 am
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