Nouis: I wasn't there
"Lou.... Louis.... LouBear.... BooBear...." Niall whispered, poking at Louis' cheek, other hand on top of his large bump. He was having terrible cravings so he was basically forced to wake him up.
He all of a sudden slapped the side of Louis' face so he would wake up. "Louis Tomlinson!"
Louis shot up and rubbed his eyes. "What was that for?" He looked to Niall who still has a hand on his stomach. "Are you alright? Is the baby coming? Do we need to go to the hospital?"
"Calm down. The baby's not coming right now but it does however want a pickle and we don't have any," Niall explained. He pouted. "Can you go get some? Please?"
"What time is it?" Louis asked. Niall looked at his phone which read 7:13am. "I guess I can go get something..."
"Yay! I love you I love you I love you!" He wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and kissed his endlessly. "Thank you thank you thank you!"
"Alright alright. I'll go." Louis swung out of bed and walked over to his dresser. He threw on a striped shirt with red sweat pants. He turned around to see Niall staring at him. "Ni, you okay?"
"Yeah it's just... you're able to look so much better than me. I'm a fucking whale and I hate you because you look so much better," Niall pouted.
"You're lucky I love you otherwise that comment would've hurt. Also, you're not a whale. You're pregnant with our little miracle. You're beautiful." Louis sat next to Niall on the bed and kissed him. "I love you."
"I love you too," Niall said, caving in. The two shared a kiss and Louis left.
Lou wandered the aisles of the store, searching for things they ran out of because of Niall's constant cravings. It also has to do with the fact that Niall is just Niall. Always eating.
He payed for the pickles, Nutella, potato chips, etc. he grabbed the bags and brought them to the car. He turned the ignition.
As he was driving, he looked at his phone to see if he missed any calls from Niall. Nothing. He shrugged and continued driving.
He opened the garage, pulled in, and shut the garage. He grabbed the grocery bag he had. He turned the knob. "Niall! I'm home!"
He waited for an answer back but all he received was a scream. It sounded like pain. He dropped the bags and ran upstairs to his bedroom.
Before he was able to turn the knob, he heard a baby's cries. He swung the door open to reveal Niall who was cradling a bloody baby in his arms. Blood all over the the bed. Niall was panting hard.
"Niall," Louis said, absolutely shocked. Niall turned to Louis. His face had so many emotions, it was hard to tell which one he was actually feeling.
"I'm so sorry Lou. I was about to call you but she just just came so quickly," Niall rushed. Louis walked over to the bed where Niall and their baby were.
"When did you go into labor?" Louis asked, staring at the crying baby.
"Well, the whole story is.. Right after you left, I felt a cramp which I guess was actually a contraction. A minute later, my water broke. I was about to call you but my phone was dead and she was already crowning. So, I got up on the bed and yeah," Niall explained. "Please don't be mad."
"Niall.. I could never be mad at you for delivering her by yourself. Even though I wasn't here, I'm sure you did fantastic. You're so brave to go through that by yourself. I love you." He came and sat next to Niall and the baby. "She's precious."
Niall smiled fondly at Louis, then the baby. "She wasn't that hard but, it still hurt."
"You are amazing." Louis kissed Niall. The baby made a squealing noise. They broke apart and looked at her. "Let's get you two cleaned up."
Louis found some towels as well as scissors. He cut the little girl's cord. He took her away from Niall to clean her up while Niall took a shower.
He came out of the shower to see Louis cradling the swaddled baby. He was whispering things to her and bouncing her a little. Niall smiled.
Louis eventually saw Niall standing there. He pointed to Niall. "That's daddy number one. I'm daddy number two. Number one is more important. Without him, you wouldn't be here."
Niall chuckled. He walked over to them. Louis handed her to Niall. She squirmed around before crying. "I guess someone's hungry."
Louis made a bottle for her super quick. Niall fed and burped her. She fell right to sleep afterwards. "Coming into the world is hard huh baby?" Louis joked.
Niall yawned as well as the baby. "We need to think of a name," Niall said.
"I like the name Rachel," Louis started.
"I like Camilla," Niall said.
"How about Rachel Camilla Tomlinson?" Louis suggested.
"I love it." Niall looks down at the fast asleep baby. "Hi baby Rachel." Niall yawned again.
"What do you say we all take a nap?" Louis suggested. Niall nodded an followed Lou up the stairs. They climbed into the bed in the guest bedroom because they needed to clean their sheets and mattress.
They fell asleep with Louis and Niall on either side of Rachel so she wouldn't fall off the bed. Louis stayed awake and just watched his boyfriend and baby sleep. He loved his new family....
Rachel Camilla Tomlinson
January 10th, 2015
9:01 am
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