Nouis: A Drunken Mistake
Request made by BlueEyesBelle! Tysm for requesting!
Louis didn't even open his eyes. He cuddled into the boy next to him. He reached up and kissed his chin. What he felt was not what he was used to. Stubble.
At first he thought it was because Niall was finally getting some stubble. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was not what he expected.
Liam. His eyes widened as he realised what happened the night before. He screamed. Liam sat up quickly and his eyes shot open.
He looked around, confused. "Louis? Why are you naked? In my bed? Why am I naked? Next to y-" he realised what happened the night before as well. "No."
"Yes, Liam. We got so drunk last night, that we did it," Louis sassed. He ran his hands through his hair. "Oh my god. Niall's going to kill me!"
"Maybe he won't if we just explain the truth," Liam said.
"I doubt that. Oh wait. Did we use protection?" Louis looked to Liam who was shaking his head. "Oh no. What if I'm pregnant?!"
"You probably aren't but I'll run out and get you a few tests, alright?"
"Okay. Do you mind if I stay here?"
"Not at all."
"Bye, Liam."
"Bye, Louis." Liam left and Louis just paced back and forth, thinking about if he was pregnant with Liam's baby.
When Liam came back, Louis immediately took the tests.
5 minutes later, the timers went off. Louis looked at the tests. All saying positive. He felt tears threatening to spill.
Liam came in a second after. "What does it say?"
"Positive. I can't believe I was drunk enough to not realise what the hell was going on and let you get me pregnant," he cried.
"Maybe this won't be so bad. We can tell Niall and maybe he won't go to hard on you. I don't want you getting in trouble."
"Yeah. For now, I'll just be with my mum. I can stay with her until the baby's born and work from there."
"Whatever you want, Lou."
9 months later, Louis sat declined on the couch, rubbing his belly, and watching tv. Just then, Niall came bursting through the door, Liam following close behind.
"Louis Tomlinson! Is it true?" He demanded.
"Wow what?" Louis asked.
"Are you really pregnant with Liam's baby?!" He yelled.
"Niall, calm down. You're probably scaring the baby. And yes it's true," he confessed.
"What didn't you tell me?!" He yelled again.
"Niall! Stop yelling at him. If you're going to yell at anyone, yell at me. It was my fault," Liam intervened.
"You fuck off, Liam," Niall spat.
"No I will not fuck off," he argued. They threw arguments back and forth as Louis just watched.
He felt a pain in his stomach before water came out of him. He grabbed his stomach, realising what was going on. He wanted to get to the hospital but, he couldn't exactly interrupt Niall and Liam's fighting.
He went to the kitchen and searched all the drawers for some scissors. As soon as he found them, he went to the downstairs bathroom.
He grabbed 3 towels, the scissors, and filled up the bathtub. He turned the water off when it was full. He climbed in. The hot water instantly soothed his aching stomach.
He sat in the tub and laboured for about 15 minutes before having the urge to push. He got into a good position and began pushing.
He pushed for 10 seconds before taking a few breaths. He pushed for another 10 seconds, releasing the baby's head. Louis reached down and held his little head.
He pushed his hardest, which let out the baby's shoulders. He gave one more small push which let Louis catch him. He brought his son up to his chest and held him close.
He grabbed the scissors that were beside the tub and cut his cord. The baby cried louder as he was detached from his father.
"There we go. Good baby." He took a hand towel and wiped the baby's face off. "Angus Seth Tomlinson."
He carefully got out of the tub with Gus in his arms. He took a towel and wrapped the baby in it. The two of them went into Louis' bedroom where he set Gus down on his bed.
He let out a loud cry, then was silent. His eyes were wide open, looking around at everything. Louis wrapped a towel around his bottom half then grabbed Angus.
They went out to the living room, where Liam and Niall still were arguing. Louis had to break them up.
"Guys," he said loud enough for them to hear, but not to bother Gus.
Liam and Niall sensed and liked at Louis and the newborn baby on his arms. Liam went to them with Niall right behind. He touched the Gus' cheek.
"He has your eyes, Lou," Liam commented.
"Yeah and I'm sure he has everything else of your, Liam," Niall snapped.
"Alright. I'm not taking this fighting. How about we all move into a house together. That way the baby can be with his dads and Niall who will treat him like a son," Louis said. Niall and Liam looked to each other and had a conversation with shrugging.
Finally they turned back. "Of course. We'll do what's best for everyone. We promise to get along."
"Thanks. And so, I want you to meet Angus Seth Tomlinson," Louis announced.
"That's a perfect name. And now, we're a perfect family."
Angus Seth Tomlinson
September 4th, 2014
8:36 am
7lbs, 13oz
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